35| Storm

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Everything was going perfectly. Namjoon and Jinie being the cutest couple and acting like our parents. Jimin and Yoongi started a dance class with Hobie(took a lot of convincing to get Yoongi to agree). Jungkook and I have been closer than ever, just having our one-year anniversary last month.

Jungkook had taken me out to dinner at a fancy restaurant that I had whined and pouted a lot about. Not liking him spending so much money on me. The food was top-notch though. Definitely got what we--well what he paid for. 

After the romantic dinner, Jungkook took us on this 2-hour drive out to the middle of nowhere. We sang and talked for the first hour but with the soothing car, fading sun, and Jungkook's comforting voice, I had fallen asleep for the second hour. 

Jungkook had woken me up, revealing to a small meadow in the middle of nowhere. There were no lights or houses nearby. He had dragged me deeper into the meadow and set down a soft blanky. That night we looked at all the starts.

It was crazy to see all the stars and planets. It was so breathtaking and eye-opening: we're so small. I'm nothing compared to what's out there. None of us are. We're all just a small particle of dust compared to the world beyond. 

That night was something I could never forget. That night Jungkookie and I made love under the stars. 


"Hey Baby," Jungkook calls out, startling our hyungs.

It's currently Friday and we're all having a movie night. Jungkook got out of the office early and Jin closed the restaurant early as well.  And the others made sure to be home on time.

"Yeah?" I shout back.

I'm in the kitchen getting the third batch of popcorn. It was halfway through the movie--Which so happened to be Tangled when Kook and I ran out of popcorn. He wanted to be the one to get the popcorn but I felt it was only fair that I did because my seat throughout the night had been his lap.

With the popcorn bowl in one hand and a can of pop in the other, I was ready to leave the kitchen.  But the microwave was still open. That was so conveniently built above our stove. With getting a sudden wave of stubbornness I turned and extended my leg. Kicking the microwave shut with my foot. (this has literally happened to me)

A string of giggles slips my lips as I enter the living room again. Proud of myself for the small event in the kitchen, (I'm only 5 foot and I mastered this. The microwave is above my stove and I have to go on my tiptoes sometimes if I don't want to crane my head.)

"What was that slam?" Jin asked, concern laced in his voice.

"oh, that?" I asked, a small smile placed on my lips, "I just kicked the microwave shut," I stated matter a factly.

The others only laughed before turning back to the movie, which is when Rapunzel is calming the horse Maximas. Convincing him not to turn Flynn into the castle guards. Since it was her birthday. I've always liked that part. 

I quickly make my way into Jungkook's lap. Feeling warm and safe when he wraps his arms around me, pulling my back against his chest.

"What'd you call me for?" I whispered, tilting my head back to rest it on his broad shoulder and allowing my lips to lightly press against his neck.

His grip tightens around me. I let a small whimper escape my lips. Making sure it was just loud enough for him to hear. When I got a reaction I couldn't help but smile like a child who just got a new toy.

"You better behave yourself, Sweetheart," Jungkook growled lowly, a teasing smirk on his lips.

God how much I love that smirk. And those lips. And the man that they belong to.

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