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No ones POV

Alastor had been really friendly recently towards Angel Dust who didnt mind the sudden change. Although Alastor had become more flirtatious and touchy whenever they were alone, it honestly kinda scared Angel as he was not used to this behaviour from Alastor. Today was no exception, Angel was the one at the front desk as he greeted everyone and gave them the keys to their rooms. He could feel someone watching him from a distance and he knew far to well by now who it was. But he tried his best to ignore the feeling and press on with his job until the entire lobby fell into silence. Nobody was there, well except for Angel and Alastor. Angel looked at his phone seeing if he had new messages or something, but then a hand lifted up his chin and before he knew it, he was in a kiss with Alastor. Angel startled by this pulled back while sporting a huge pink blush on his cheeks "a-al are ya oke?" he asked worried as the deer demon's smile grew even more "why ofcours dear. can i not give affection to the demon i love?" he said. 

Angel POV 

'love? did i fuckin' hear this right?' i thought to myself "y-you love me?" i asked as i saw a red blush form on his cheeks "why yess dear, very much so". I stared at him, mouth agape. Alastor...THE radio demon...loves me. A smile appeared on my face "i...i love ya to alastor" i said with a shy voice but suddenly the doors open as he quickly sat down on the coutch. Charlie and Vaggie walked in as Vaggie was here to take over my shift since hers was starting now. "good luck vaggie" i said as i walked up the stairs to give Fat Nuggets, my most precious pet his food. Before i could reach for my door, i was pinned against the wall with my upper arms above my head. It was Alastor again as he kissed me again but more hungerly and needy then passionate, but i didnt care i gently wrapped my lower arms around his waist. His free hand went through my boob fluff and i enyoied how gentle he was with me even though i could feel all of his neediness seeping into the kiss. I just felt in heaven until realization dawned upon me...this is Alastor we are doing this with...we cant...he cant. My lower arms move to his chest as i gently push him away from me and i could feel his hands retreating "sorry al" is all i could say between pants. His smile was still there but his eyes turned to worry "d...did i do it wrong?" he asked as i stared at him 'so cute' i thought to myself "nah, ya did fine. but i dont think yer ready for the big boy play~" i teased as he seemed to blush a darker tone of red. I placed a kiss onto his forehead "maybey some other time alright, babe~" i said sweetly as i walked over to my door, opening it and waving bey at him as he stood there like an adorable lost puppy. 

Alastor POV

I watched as he left while thoughts raced through my mind 'did i do it wrong? was i to hasty?...i do not have time to wait...but i can not just barge in there' i sighed as my thoughts would not leave me alone. Once i was in my own room was when the more perverted thoughts came. I could still feel Angel's boob fluff onto my hand as it was soft and he smelled like bubblegum. I take of my tail coat before letting myself fall onto my bed with a loving sigh. I snapped out of my thoughts rather quickly remembering why i was doing all of this in the first place. 'you can not go soft now old chap, you need to see this through to the end to get the reward!' i thought to myself. But still these new feelings inside of me stayed and i could not reconize what those feelings were. "interesting" i wisphered with a wide smile before drifting off the sleep.

~ 2 week later time skip~

No ones POV

Angel was deeply in love with Alastor as they were in a secret relationship or so that is what Alastor calls it. Angel was so happy to have someone to love him for himself and not for what he used to be. Though Husk was acting up lately as if he wanted to say something to Angel but then just chugged some alcohol in his system to stop himself from doing so. Angel noticed them secretly meeting down at the lobby for a long period of time for odd reasons and he couldnt help but be curious as to what they would talk about during the hours down there. 

Angel POV

I fed Fat Nuggets before leaving my room to go to the lobby and i had to hurry to since i heard them leaving their rooms already. I hidden myself onto the coutch as it was covered in complete darkness. I saw Alastor coming down first and soon followed Husk. They looked around to see if the coast was clear before they started to talk. Husk groaned and stared up at Alastor "i cant believe it, you son of a bitch. ya actually did it! ya made angel fall for ya and kept it up fer two weeks!" he exclaimed while laughing coldly. "yess indeed i did" Alastor replied as Husk gave him a box filled with excotic tea bags in it. I looked at the box as sudden realization dawned upon me but i tried to shake it off, not wanting to believe it until  "here ya go. though i gotta ask" Husk sais as Alastor raises an eyebrow in curiousity "what is it husker, my friend?". "do ya really love angel?" He asks as a smile came onto my face believing there was a spek of hope there. "HA, no. the lad is way beneath me. i can not stand the way he touches me! just outrageous!" Alastor exclaims getting litteral shivers down his spine "why the whore is delusional if he thinks i love him. honestly he should know his place by now and yet he is so easely fooled. i have standards you know" he sais as i felt my heart beeing shattered into a million pieces right then and there. I flicked on the light startling both demons as i glared hatefully towards one demon in particular. His smile never fades but it did become smaller while he started to sweat. "w-why angel, dar-" "dont ya darlin' me ya sorry sack of strawberries!" i get up from the coutch and walk over to the stairs "oh and so we are clear, forget everythin' that happend those past few weeks, got it! nothin' happend and that's that!!" i walked up the stairs filled with anger, sadness and pain. Pain that came from my shattered heart.

Alastor POV 

The light suddenly switched on revealing Angel on sitting on the lobby coutch while glaring at me with such hatred in his eyes. I was internally panicking, trying to come up with things to say to save this but none were good enough "w-why angel, dar-" i got cut off by him as he stood up "dont ya darlin' me ya sorry sack of strawberries!" he shouted as he walks over to the stairs and before he went up he said "oh and so we are clear, forget everythin' that happend those past few weeks, got it! nothin' happend and that's that!!". I felt a sudden painful tinge in my chest when he said that last bit. Husk looks at me and akwardly retreats to his bar, leaving me standing there watching the spot Angel last stood before i finally  snapped out of it and went to my own room. I place the box on my nightstand before laying down onto my bed, not caring to undress myself first. 'who needs him...i am alastor the radio demon! i dont need something as trivial as love' i thought to myself. I tried to fall asleep but my own thoughts kept pestering me as i remember Angel gently running his hands through my hair making me relax and forget the thoughts, or comfort me whenever i had a bad dream. I kept laying differently to find my sleep but it never came. The spot next to me on my bed felt so empty, i started to miss his smile, the sound of his laughter, his sweet and caring voice, his thoughtfullnes and his soft furr. I needed him back...and i needed him right now. Even so he wont forgive me...i did something unforgivable...

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