Radio asmr

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No ones POV

Angel hadnt slept in a long while as he had heard from vaggie that asmr could help with that problem. He had nothing to lose anyway, so he searched helltube for some good asmr, but he found most of them were not to his liking as he sighed and layed his phone away "al is probably playing some good music" Angel thought out loud as he turned the radio on "goodevening everyone" Alastor whispered as his voice sounded deeper and huskier when he did "this evening i will try something completely different. it is called asmr and i hope all of you lovely listeners will stay tuned as i will perform this every evening" he kept on whispering. Angel chuckled softly as he kept listening to the radio while Alastor was making taping noises, brushing noises, etc... Angel didnt know when he fell asleep but he woke up really early as this was not his ussual time to get up. Angel was suprised at how well he slept and how energized he felt as this made him happy. He gotten up and dressed as he walks out towards the lobby, greeting everyone with his overly happy smile. Everyone noticed as Vaggie walks up to Angel "you seem very happy" "yeah, yer asmr idea really worked as a charm" "oh? who did you listen to?" Angel blushes softly "swear ya wont tell anyone?" Vaggie sighs and makes a cross on her chest "good, i listened to al" Vaggie started to giggle "alastor doesnt do asmr" "yeah he does, he did it yesterday and he said he would do it more" Vaggie was suprised at how serious Angel was "you are serious huh?" "yup" Angel replied before eatinga sandwich. Angel kept listening to Alastor's asmr as they really helped him sleep better and not to mention that he has a big fat crush on him. But Angel found out lately that there were some other demons who did the same, that became jealouse of Alastor's sudden increase of popularity. So Angel took it upon himself to write anonymous positive letters towards Alastor and shoving them udnerneath Alastor's door as they seemed to actually cheer up Alastor. However what Angel didnt know was that Alastor became increasingly infatuated the unknown writer and really wanted to meet the person. Alastor knew that the person lives inside the hotel and when they would deliver the letter, so he decided to stay up more and wait infront of his door until someone came. But he failed misserably as he fell asleep every time and when he woke up was when he noticed himself covered with a blanket and a letter next to him. Alastor was thinking of another plan again as Angel was writting some stuff down that Charlie was saying and he walks by them noticing Angel's handwritting. He stops and back's up to analyze Angel's handwritting more with the handwritting of the letters he so clearly remembers. Alastor places he hands onto Angel's shoulders, starteling Angel "angel dear...can i have a word with you?" he asks as Angel sighs and nods.

Alastor POV

I just had to know if it was him or not and the suspence was killing me as we walked into the kitchen. I turned around and showed him the letters i secretly kept in my pockets. "did you write these?" i asked as he started to sweat, but made no fuss about it "yeah i did" the very notion of me feeling something towards him turned into disgust as i torn those letters in half before throwing them away "please refrain from writting them towards me" "u-understood" Angel said as he looks away sadly. "angel, dear do not fr-" before i could even finish my sentence he left the kitchen in a hurry as i stood there confused. I walked out a few minutes later as i could not spot Angel anymore and just shrugged it off. I continiued doing my day time work before i did my evening asmr work and in the mornings i would check out my door. 'no letter, good he understood' i thought to myself as i got ready for today with a big smile. I came downstairs greeting everyon as Angel had a free day today and he decided to lounge about on the coutch. I rolled my eyes and did my job as as hours later i came back seeing Angel asleep on the coutch, with those what he calls earbuds in and holding his magical device. I peeked onto his device seeing the title 'Alejandro asmr - whispers of sweet nothings' and i felt a weird feeling inside of me. I looked at Angel who was constantly smiling lovingly in his sleep, this feeling grew bigger and worse as i could not understand what this feeling was. So i backed away and left to go to my room 'i can not get distracted by this' i thought to myself as i kept walking. I prepared everything for this evening, but i could not help but glance over to the door expecting another letter 'why am i even thinking about such? i do not want any letters of that whore!' i thought pridefully and started of my evening again like i have been doing all evenings. I have been doing this until i could not take it anymore, i stopped Angel in the hallway by grabbing his arm. "what do ya want al?" he asks clearly confused and so was i, why did i grab his arm? Why am i so annoyed that he listens to another demons whispering? why do i feel this way? "angel, why is it that you stopped listening to my asmr?" i asked as he looked suprised "personal reasons al, nothing ta worry about" he pulls his arm back as he refuses to meet my gaze. "oh, well i hope you will listen this evening" i said with a small smile "who knows" he sais before he walks off again 'i will make you listen my dear'. 

Angel POV

Alastor has been acting really weird around me lately and it has been bothering me the entire time. Like first he discovers i wrote those letters and he felt disgusted by it and now he wants me to fuckin' listen to his asmr? what the fuck is wrong with this guy! I get to my room and feed Fat Nuggets who was happy to see me as i chuckle and pet him gently. I change clothing as i yawn and lay down on my bed, i place my phone on my nightstand listening to Alejandro's asmr again until my radio suddenly turns on "what the fuck?" i said confused and paused Alejandro's video. "hello there dear listeners, it is me again your dear alastor. today i will be trying something completely new"  Alastors husky deep, whispering voice came through as i pushed to snooze button, but it turned back on again. I raise and eyebrow and tried several times now, but it was no use "fine..." i grunted as i layed down. "now dears, close your eyes and imagen me beeing there. caressing your cheek and running my fingers through your hair~" he whisper purred as i started to doze of slowly "then holding you oh so lovingly with one arm as i wispher sweet nothings into your ears" he continiued as i just fell asleep with dreams about him. The next morning i woke up and blushing heavely as i sat up quickly "i seriously need to stop listening to his asmr" i said softly as i gotten up and stretched out. I got dressed and left my room as i headed towards the lobby with a smile "mornin'" i greeted. I walk to the kitchen as i made myself a sandwich "so did you listen?" a familiar voice sais as i turn around seeing Alastor sipping his tea. "no" i lied as i took a bite from my sandwich "are you sure my dear?" he asks while raising his eyebrow. I remembered my dream as i started to blush "p-pretty much" and started to head towards the door. Alastor blocks the door and looks up at me "it is pretty rude to lie to me angel, dear" "s-so what if i listened, my radio was acting up is all" i said as my blush darkend while his smile widend. He was about to grab my hands but i pull away feeling a little akward "i-i should feed fat nuggets now" i said as i slide past him and out the kitchen. I practicly ran to my room and slammed the door shut, starteling Fat Nuggets "s-sorry sweetheart...daddy is not feeling all to great" i say with a smile as one of my hands was on my chest. My heart was pounding in my chest as i felt confused as to why this was suddenly happening. 

No ones POV 

It took a while but Angel had calmed down and was able to work again like everyone else was until it was late in the evening where he wanted nothing more but to sleep. Again his radio was acting up again as Angel sighes and just listens to it. Soon Angel fell asleep, but this time Alastor was beeing a devious little deer demon as he had pre-recorded his asmr session so he could sneak into Angel's room. Once inside he went to search around for some letters Angel might've written in advance and he did. He found a small box that said 'letters never to send' Alastor's smile widend as he started to read it...but these were more on a personal level as they had Angel's many confessions in them that were adressed towards him. Alastor was blushing and he knew he needed to stop, but did he? Nope, he just continiue to read them until he finally understood what he himself felt for Angel. Though he made one mistake, he was sitting on the edge of Angel's bed. He suddenly was pulled down by Angel who was still asleep. Now he was trapped in Angel's arms  as he was panicking slightly "a-angel please let me go" Alastor whispered out "mmmnooo" Angel whined in his sleep as he held Alastor even closer against him. Alastor chuckles softly as he just cuddles up to Angel "you are beautiful angel" he whisper as Angel smiled shylly in his sleep and Alastor loved his pure reactions. So he kept it up until he fell asleep on Angel's fluff. The next morning arised as Angel was earlier awake then Alastor, he was pretty much suprised to see Alastor in his arms. "alastor, wake up~" Angel whisper purred as Alastor snuggles into Angel even more and reacting with a sleepy purr. Angel chuckles and tried again "wake up alastor~" Alastor's ears twitch before he woke up slowly. Alastor only now realizing that Angel was awake started to sweat nervously "goodmorning angel, dear" Angel sat up seeing all of his letters sprawled out on his floor "alastor..." "y-yess angel dear?" alastor tried to sneak away but Angel pulled him back in "what exactly where ya doing in my room?" "n-nothing" Alastor gulps "oh really now?". Angel places a kiss ontop of Alastor's forehead "wanna tell me now" "i do not know what your talking about" Angel placed another kiss and another and another as Alastor kept lying. Eventually Angel became more adventurouse with his kisses "a-angel! ANGEL! ah~".

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