Lucifer's prank

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No ones POV

So here he was, Alastor turned into a cat and now residing in Angel's room. How he ended up in this state? Well lets take a look back shall we.

~early in that particular morning~

Alastor POV

I was already early awake and doing my chores until someone knocked onto the door. I went to open the door to see no one there, i look to the ground seeing a box with a tag on it 'for Alastor'. I picked up said box and brought it with me to my room as i was curious to see what was in it. I cut the tape with my sharp nail before opening it to see what was inside. I grab what seems to be a purple gem "curious" i say as i see a note as well and grab the note. I read the note out loud "i am small and cute, but i can be feral and sharp what am i?" suddenly a bright purple flash comes out of the stone as i was blinded for a couple of minutes. When i open my eyes i see everything became alot larger...or was it me that shrunk? I walk around my room finding my body sized mirror only to see that i am turned into a cat. "LUCIFEEEEEER!!!!!" i shout out in anger. Aparantly my shouting had alerted someone as they came inside my room. It was Angel, he looks down at me "since when does al have a pet cat?" "what? i do not have a pet you idiot" "how cute" he kneels down "are ya hungry little fella?" "...angel it is me alastor" he picks me up and brings me to the kitchen "normally pets are not allowed in 'ere but maybey you want some milk?". This was getting ridiculous as i watch him grab a bowl and pours a bit of milk in it. I eye the milk as i instinctively start to drink from it 'why did i do that?' i thought to myself. "dont'cha worry kitty, yer master will return...once we know where he is..." he sais as he gently picks me up again "but in ta meantime i will take care of ya" he exclaims. He brought me to his room and placed me down on the floor. 

~end that particulare morning~

Ever since then Angel has been taking care of me and also has been helping Vaggie and Charlie more since i am a cat now. I also figured out that he cannot understand a single word is say, his pet pig is jealouse because i hog al of his master's attention. Angel has been working effortlesly as he also took care of me and his pig. He walks in with darkend circles underneath his eyes 'that is no look for you' i thought to myself. I greet him as he smiles and pets me "i will make ya food after a little nap" he sais as he lays onto the bed. I jumped onto his bed to lay beside him, he smiles and pets me more. I never would have thought in a million years i would love his gentle pets and how he brushes my furr. "ya know kitty, i sure wish al would come back. i kinda miss his handsome ass" he chuckles as i roll my eyes "but seriously i do hope he is oke and that he comes back? i sure as hell miss him" he continiues as he slowly falls asleep. I was very much suprised when he said that" 'oh angel~' i thought to myself as i wiggled myself between his arms "i love ya al..." he suddenly sleep talks as it made me blush. 'has he always felt this way about me? was i that blind to see this?' i thought to myself as i gently place my paw on his cheeks. 'god i miss my hands' i thought to myself once again. 

~Time skip brought to you by angel who is trying to break the fourth wall~

No ones POV

Alastor was allowed to roam free inside the hotel while Angel worked his ass of again. Alastor might be powerless right now, but he could still pull of little pranks on others as this was his entertainment. This went on for days and it didnt seem like the magic of the stone was going to let up anytime soon. Angel worked day and night to get things perfectly right so that once Alastor was back he could take over again. Charlie and the others thought he was missing as they searched for him, well mostly Charlie as the others stayed in the hotel. One day however Lucifer came to visit as he expected Alastor to be turned back to normal by now but he found Alastor pulling a cat prank on a geust.

Alastor POV 

"well well well, if it isnt little alastor" Lucifer chuckled as i sighed in annoyance "go away lucifer" "aaww is that anyway to treat a friend?" "...a friend would have lifted this darn spell!!" i hissed as he kept chuckeling "i'm sorry alastor, i didnt expect the spell to be this strong" "then undo it already" "i cant and i wont".  Lucifer grabs Alastor by his neck furr as he had an evil grin on his face. Lucifer thoses me towards a group of male demons who growled and turned around to look at me. "hey guys look, it's a wittle kitty cat" they all chuckle as i back up hissing towards them until they kick me aside. I tried to scratch them and cause some damage but to no avail as they kept punching and kicking me with occassionally pulling my tail. I layed down tired and breathing heavely as i braced my self for impact but it never came. When i opend my eyes again i saw those demons quivering in their shoe's but why? "ya better explain what yer doing to this poor little cat!!!" Angel growled out as he loomed menacingly over the demons. They gulp as they run away "ya better run, ya little horseshits!!!!" he shouts after them. He gently picks me up "ya poor thing, i'm sorry i wasnt there with ya. but dont'cha worry, i will nurse ya back ta health" he sais with a smile as i weakly look up at him ' did so much for me already and your so tired. yet you keep tiring yourself out for my own sake' i thought to myself. "mister dust" Lucifer calls out as Angel turns around "lucifer?" "yess yess, now why did you disrupt my fun?" Angel's eye twitched as he grabs Lucifer by his jacket and pulls his face closer "ya better leave this cat alone or i will tell ya daughter watcha did last time" Lucifer gasps "you wouldnt dare" "oh really? if ya wanna bett on that, then why dont i tell yer wife what ya did to her pet snake" Angel growled out as Lucifer started sweating "now now, no need to get agressive. i got the point" he said, raising his hands in defeat. Angel let's him go as he walks away from him and i could not help but give Lucifer a smug cat smile. Angel lays me down on his bed "oh you poor thing, look'it what they did to ya" he gets his medkit and starts to take care of me. 'i could get used to this' i thought while purring softly as he brushes my furr afterwards. I suddenly feel off *poof* i had changed back to my normal self but our faces were very close now. We both blush but Angel backed away in suprise "a-a-alastor???!!!". I smile nervousely as i waved at him "hello there, dear" "how? when? why?" he asks as i grab his hands and pull him into my embrace. I layed down with him as he squeacks in suprise "hush now angel, you are very tired and need to sleep~" his entire face was lit up in a pink blush as i chuckle. I keep holding him close to me, seeing how his eyes were closing slowly, indicating that he was drifting off to sleep. "you are my guardian angel~" i wispher as i place a kiss on his forehead.  

i told ya that i would adjust it XD. 

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