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This one was inspired by @OneOfAKind_126 and their new chapter floof. Sorry buddy but i got to inspired by this XD. I also learned some interesting facts about ear scratching with dogs >3> .

No ones POV

Everyone was in the bar surrounding a table as Husk was collecting betts from all the geusts and he was earning big cash to. Who were they betting on? On Angel or Alastor as for why? Well Angel challenged Alastor to a 10 round card game with winner takes all. What was their prize to win? For Alastor it would be 5 entire months of Angel not flirting with him or bothering him with his sexually innuendo's or tendancies as for Angel? Well it took alot of debatting and they settled in a 5 minutes of him touching Alastor's fluffy ears and because they were at a tie, Alastor threw in his fluffy tail as well. The rules? Very simple whoever wins the last round wins their prize, but was is not allowed? No use of dirty tricks, hence why Angel's extra pair of arms were tied to his back, no use of magic, for Alastor it was difficult to lock those away but he managed to stick to these rules. Vaggie and Charlie were the referies of this game as they were at the last round, who would win it al! Alastor and Angel were sweating bullets whime keeping a poker face on, Nifty who had the cleanest hands of all, was the one to deal the cards. She had to learn quickly though from Husk who would probably be manipulated by Alastor to rig the game to his favor, hence why he's collecting the betts, not that he complained though. Alastor and Angel were looking intensly at eachothers eyes until "show" Alastor sais with confidence as he lays down his cards, his were a straight flush and Angel was about to lay down his cards to reveal a royal flush, but Alastor in a quick panick moment changed to cards and Charlie saw that and blew her whistle "FAUL!!! angel wins by default!!!". Angel chuckles as Alastor groans in defeat, how could he have lost against Angel of all people.

~3 Hours late time skips~

Alastor POV

I ofcours was in my room with Angel as he was as giddy like a child on christmas day. I still could not believe that i lost against him and cheated on the last round, i sighed and sat down at my luxerious coutch as he sat next to me. Ofcours i created some space between us as i had to establish some rules. I had to slap away some of his hands already "angel be patient!" i said sternly as he crosses all sets of his arms and looks at me "before you commence of the touching of my ears" "and tail" he adds as i sigh "and tail...i will have to set up some rules first" "oke lay them on me" he responds "no funny bussiness or i kick you out, no weird touches either and most of all...never tell a soul that i actually let you do this" "check, check and i wont tell a soul" he sais as he still waits "...you can commence" i groaned out in annoyance. It startled me at first, his foreign soft but gentle touches on my ears and tail as i kept thinking 'it is only for 5 minutes, 5 minutes alastor you can do this'. It did suprise me how careful he was with handeling my ears and tail. I felt him touch right behind my ear as i swallowed down the urge to purr at this and i diverted my gaze towards the clock seeing how much time had passed...only 2 minutes. He gently rubbed the base of my tail as i had to dig my nails into the coutch to stiffle any sound from escaping me. I hardly could take any more of his gentle and yet soft touches as i raise my hand to place it opon his shoulder. 'that is odd, his shoulder feels very soft and fluffy' i tought to myself as i squeezed in what i thought was his shoulder. I could feel Angel retract his hands as i could finally look in his direction, only to see my hand in his fluff. I could feel my face heating up while his hands were up in surrender before one of his hands gently grabs my sleeve and pulls it up into the air, resulting in my hand beeing lifted up into the air. He guides my sleeve towards me and drops it as i could see his entire face covered in a hot pink blush "i think we're done 'ere" he sais and quickly gotten up. "a-angel! angel wait it was not what it looked like" "dont wanna hear it al! bey!!" he quickly left my room as i stared at my hand, still feeling that soft fluffy feeling while i made squeezing motion "i should probably not do that..." i said softly as my mind was plaguing me with thoughts i never had before and they were all about Angel. I shook my head and slapped myself "it was an accident! get a grip on yourself!" i said out loud as i looked infront of me to see my own shadow making fun of me "...hardy har har" i said sarcastly as he even goes as far to let the other hadows join him and shapeshift into Angel. My own blush deepens as i stood up and chased them throughout my room "stop this tomfoolery right now!" it was suffice to say that i did not succeed in making them stop in their endeavors to torture me.

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