Sickness (version 2)

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Oke listen up here...just kidding XD. Anyway in this story Angel Dust never became a porn star because well just like the previous one he is sick and his body is a little frail when it comes to the weather, but other then that he's perfectly fine, but on a minor note that he could die from his sickness. Also in this story he still lives with his dad Henroin and older brother Arackniss. I know this will sound weird but in this story they dont treat Angel badly since they know about his condition. Though Henroin has enough money to buy Angel his medication that supresses the sickness well enough for him to live longer. Though Angel is not famous in hell by name that is, he's famous for beeing the most beautiful sibling Henroin hides or so that's what the other demons who deal in the mafia say. Anyway i hope you will enyoi.

Ragno = italian for spider

Kamakiri = japanese for praying mantis

No ones POV

Charlie had quite about enough of the mafia fights between Ragno familly and the Kamakiri familly. But before she went to do something rash, she would do a little research on the two familly's as she discovered that the side of the pentagram they were located at was Henroin's turf, well to be more exact he gave it to one of his sons wich she couldnt find out wich one. Charlie sighs in frustration as she goes to Alastor for some help on this matter since you know he's an overlord and all. At first he was reluctant but Charlie can be pretty persistant so he caved in eventually. Alastor somehow arranged a meeting with the head of the Ragno familly called Henroin. Ofcours this was more then Charlie ever expected to come from Alastor, but if this was going to happen then she would do her best at this meeting, along with dragging Alastor and Vaggie with her for support and safety. So that's where they were today, inside of Henroins big safety house. They sat at the dinning table as Henroin was behaving rather well suprisingly, but then again, he knew better then to do something against Lucifer's daughter. "i have to admit, this is rather suprising that the princess of hell wanted to see me" Henroin sais while staring at Charlie suspiciously, Charlie clears her throat before she spoke "the reason i am here is because your war with the kamakiri familly has reached infront of our doorstep and since i know that is one of your son's turfs, i would like to know how i can help to stop it". Henroin starts to chuckle softly as Charlie raises an eyebrow "no offence princess but if ya meddled in our war then ya would tarnish yer own reputation...not that ya already did that, but still" "i understand but that is why i would like it if you let alastor help you out instead". Charlie turns her head to the right side only to see that Alastor was gone, she then turned her head to the left side to look at Vaggie "where is he?" Charlie whisper asks as Vaggie whisper replied "sorry i tried to stop him but he just wandered off". But it seems that Henroin hardly noticed that the red demon lad was gone as he was to busy thinking about the offer.

~Meanwhile with Alastor~

Alastor POV

We were only there for a few minutes and i already grown bored of their conversation as i started to wander around the house. I stop right infront of large glass windows that were placed to form a very spacious square, Inside was garden like terrace with a very beautiful and large cherry tree in the middle of it. The tree itself gave off a natural glow of it's own as i basolutely had to see it up close. So i started walk as i was trying to find the entrance to terrace as my eyes fell opon a beautiful spider demon sitting on one of the stone benches, who i could hear was humming a lullaby, their singing voice sounded so gentle and yet gorgeous at the same time. I finally found the entrance as they had left the door open to the terrace and so i silently entered the garden like terrace as only now i noticed them having a white furr that shine so wonderfully in the tree's natural light, they were also wearing a pastel sweater dress as i kept approaching them silently. 'strange i cannot remember them telling me they had 2 daughters in the familly' i thought to myself as i came to a halt behind them while i waited respectfully for them to finish their lullaby. "you have a lovely singing voice my dear" they were startled by me, but in a mild way as they slowly stood up and turned around. I had to look up at them as they were taller then me and to my suprise this demon was male 'ah...i see...' i thought to myself as a soft blush still formed onto my cheeks. The demon had mitch matched eyes but both had this hot pink color in them along with hot pink dots underneath them. They stared at me in suprise before their expression changed into a kind smile "i didnt know my dad had visitors over" i returned the kind smile "we were a last minute appointment, sort to speak" "i see, well ya shouldnt wander around like that. my dad doesnt like that shit" he sais as he boops the tip off my nois softly before he slowly but graciously walks past me and i turn around confused at the action he did before i tailed behind him. I thouch the tip of my nose as my blush darkens before i shake my head and clear my throat "so are you this infamous, most beautiful sibling i heard so much about?" he chuckles "they exaggerate so much somethimes that it makes me seem like i'm some sortta...eum nimf or angel or something" he sais as i stare up at him 'well anybody would think that way if they saw you for the first time' i thought to myself "but you are one of henroins sons are you not?" "that i'm" he replies. I find myself reaching out to one of his hands as i stop myself while an even bigger blush was forming onto my cheeks 'what am i doing?' i thought to myself as i quickly retreat my hand. "we're here" he sais as i look up at him "where?" he chuckles "where ya wondered off from silly" he knocks onto the door before he opens the door and walks through it "pops i found a wanderer" he sais as i sigh softly in annoyance that i was back in this room again and walk through the door as well. "ALASTOR!!!" Charlie shouts in dissapointment as i should have known she would be, but even so it felt like it did not affect me as much as it normally does when he stands so close to me. "well i'm glad ya found him boy, but also good timing because yer gonna stay at the princess's hotel until it's safe again" he states "but dad!" "no but's son, ya should go and get yer things packed because yer leaving today!" "fine..." he sighed in defeat. Charlie clears her throat "while you alastor will help henroin end this war" i was suprised to hear this as this was not part of the plan. Charlie was pulled aside and i groaned in annoyance "dont look so glum, i bet'cha will end it rather quickly" the demon sais in a motivational tone as it somehow lifts up my mood "i never asked for your name have i?" "not that i can remember" i straighten myself "my name is alastor and what might yours be? dear" "ta name's angel" "it is a pleasure to meet you angel" i reach out to him as he gently takes my hand and shakes it "likewise alastor" 'so soft' i thought to myself as i could feel how soft his hands were.

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