Radio control

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No ones POV

Angel had been flirting with Alastor alot and it has been working on Alastor's nerves so much that he eventually used his magic to take control over Angel. At first he let Angel behave and do much more work then he normally would be doing. It gave Alastor alot of peace and quiet...that is until Husk and Nifty find out. Oh they werent against it, they were for it as they suggested a 'make fun of Angel' evening. So now they were at the bar as they waited for everybody to leave before they got started with it. "alright who wants to go first?" Alastor asks as Nifty raises her hand "me! me!" "oke dear, you can start" Nifty clears her throat "i find it annoying that you constantly ask me if we could do eachothers hair or make up, do you honestly think i want to hang around you? dont even get me started on your clothing advice". Angel was not in control of his body, but that didnt mean he couldnt hear what they were saying or could see what was going on. Alastor snaps his fingers as he made Angel do ridiculouse poses while also making Angel say "oh look at me! i'm angel dust and i know everything about fashion! because i used to be a pornstar!". Husk, Nifty and Alastor were laughing but Angel felt sad as it was Husk's turn now. "i really fucking hate how you're constantly flirting with me and complaining about how difficult your previous job was. not to mention how much you bother me with small talk" Husk then sits down as Alastor yet again snaps his fingers as he made Angel do funny but dramatic poses "oh woe is me! i sucked dick's for a living and it was so afwul, boohoo! i talk so much i dont know whenever to shut up. i flirt because i think i can get others to fall for me even though i'm stupid as shit!". Angel's trust in them was shattered and he was sobbing inside his mind as the last one to go was Alastor. Angel had a crush on Alastor...but that crush would soon be shattered as well. "i particulary hate it when you flirt with me, your sexual inuendo's and your sexual behaviour. i do not like your pressence near me at all as it feels very disgusting and dirty" Alastor snaps his fingers again as he made Angel make idiotic stances "look at me, i am angel dust and i dont get how far out of my league alastor is. i'm a stupid brainless slut who doesnt know his limits on how far my sexual behaviour goes out. oh oh oh am i such an idiotic demon". The 3 at the table were laughing hard as Alastor decides to let Angel be free off his control and they honestly expected Angel to be in a fuss about this but when he didnt react to them, well it kinda worried them. Angel just left in silence, not even batting an eye to them, not even giving them any sort of reaction. "that was fucking weird" "maybey it is an after effect off my magic" Alastor sais as they shrug it off and went to their rooms. Oh were they wrong, Angel was a completely closed book around them as he only comunicated with them if it was for working purposes and just treated them like working colleague's. Angel stopped coming to the bar and whenever he felt the urge to drink, he would go to the bar's in the city. Whenever Nifty was around, he would just not talk to her or even look at her as he would just pass her by. He left Alastor alone and even managed to get different shifts then him, so he could avoid him more. Eventually Husk and Nifty would miss having contact with him, they would never admit it though but they did. Husk saw Angel and calls out to him "angel!" Angel stops and looks at him with this nuetral expression, Husk clears his throat "w-would you want a drink? it's on the house" he tries to pursuade Angel but Angel shook his head and continiued to walk away. This shocked Husk as Angel had never declined free drinks. When Angel was doing his rounds in the hallways he would come across Nifty who stood infront of him "a-angel! hi!" "please stand aside nifty" Angel replies in a monotone tone as Nifty was sweating nervousely "h-have you seen any new clothing styles?" she tried to start small talk with him, but he gently pushes her to the side as he continiue's his rounds. Nifty blinks as she stares at Angel while holding her plumeau tighter. Nifty and Husk were sitting at one of the tables near the bar as they were talking about Angel's behaviour towards them as Alastor suddenly butts in "why hello there! what are you two talking about?" they stare at him before they clear their throats "we uh...we kinda miss interacting with angel" Husk sais as Nifty nods "i do not can interact with him whenever you want" "that's the problem. we tried but he clearly doesnt want to" Nifty sais. They see Angel walking towards the kitchen as Alastor raises an eyebrow and clears his throat "oh angel!" Angel stops and looks into their direction without a word. "do you mind keeping us company?" "yess i do mind" Alastor was taken back by his reply as he was struggeling to find the words to reply him. Angel just contniue's to walk after it became dead silent, Alastor straightens himself and follows Angel into the kitchen. 

Alastor POV

"angel?" he was making some tea for himself as he looks at me "what?" he asks in a monotone voice as i flinch a little at his tone "why will you not join us for a conversation?" "no thank you" "but you always loved doing that with us" "well i changed and please will the three of ya stop bothering me after work hours" he replied. I suddenly felt a tinge of guilt inside of me "is this because i took control over your body? because if so i am terribly sorry" "yer not sorry, none of ya are sorry" "excuse me?" "look al, i dont know what yer deal is. but dont pretend to be sorry" he sais before he takes his cup and sits on one of the stools there. "please angel, husk and nifty miss you" "no they dont" "yess they do" "then maybey all of ya should've thought about that before ya did that little stunt" "you mean that venting bit?" "yep" "it was all fun and games" "cut the bullshit al, i'm not that stupid" he stands back up and heads towards the door "where are you going?" "to my room to get some peace and quiet". "Angel please stay here, w-we can talk about this" "no we cant now stop acting like ya care" "angel...ANGEL!!!" i shout out in anger as i heard a crash and when i looked up at him, he stood still. "no nonononononononono" i turn him around as in my fit of anger let my magic flow out only to take control over him again. Husk and Nifty storm in to see this as they freak out now "what the fuck did you do?!" "it was an accident oke!" "but this is exactly the kind of shit that made him hate us!" "i know!!!". Nifty cleans up the cup that Angel drops along with the spilled tea as i sigh "i will fix this no problem" i snap my fingers, but nothing happens, so i try again, again nothing happens. We hear Charlie and Vaggie as i start to sweat nervousely "keep them distracted!" i grab one of Angel's hands and teleport to his room as i make him sit down on his bed. I place my hand ontop of his forehead and forcefully remove my magic as...his once full of life hot pink eyes, turned to dirty lifeless pink eyes. I raise an eyebrow and place my forehead ontop of his as i was inside his mind now. I saw what a broken mess it was. Memories shattered and spread across the darkness, i carefully started to walk in search of Angel as i found him...layed down on his side. He seemed to be cracked and flacking off fastly "angel!" i run up to him as kneel down "angel listen to me! try to keep yourself togheter!" "i...dont want to" "what?!" "i'm fine with this" "nononono, angel dear just keep yourself" i say as i held one of his hands but it breaks of and turns to dust "angel please!" "i'm oke with this..." "angel you can not be serious!!! if this version of you dissapaears then it will take me years to assemble you togheter again!" "ya dont need to assemble me...i want to dissapear" he sais as only his upper body remained "angel please!! i am sorry! i do not wish for you to leave us! to leave me!" suddenly tears run down my cheek "i want you to stay and have fun with us you used to" "heh...wouldnt that be a nice thought" he sais as he smiles at me before he completely breaks and turns into dust "angel...ANGEL!!! nononononono" i try my best to keep all if his dust togheter while i use my magic to get the old Angel back togheter. i then started to collect all of the memory shards before i stumbles upon a special one. It showed Angel ranting to his pet pig about how much he loves me but how he was afraid to tell me. I kept this memory to heart before i finished up inside of his mind. I open my eyes and smile to see the hot pink color returned to him before i shook him gently, but he did not wake up. "angel?" i shook him more as i was starting to get worried "why are you not waking up? i fixed your mind and why?". After a while i gave up and took control over his body again just to see his smile again "...your smile is so pretty...yet it does not feel the same..." i hold him tightly and snuggles into his fluff "...please be unbroken still need to confess to me!".

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