The mysterious night demon

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Oke so this idea came to me just now listening to Karen Souza's song 'night demon'. Really great to hear but i heard it a few times and only now did my brain function and came up with this story XD. So enyoi~

No ones POV

Every single night there would be a demon out in the garden humming a lullaby one night or a song the other while they dance as if they are at a solo ball. These rumours have been spreading around the hotel as it peeked a few demons interest and those demons were none other then Charlie, Vaggie, Mimzy and Alastor. So the trio had a bett on finding out who this mysterious demon was and their price an entire week off from their duties inside the hotel, so their bett began and time was ticking. 

~Night 1 of their bett~

Charlie POV

I had found a good spot between in the lavender bushes, wich was near the bench in the center of the garden. I waited and waited until i heard some old time music playing and someone singing along with it. The sound of high heels came closer as i kept my peepers out to see a silhoutte of someone with white demon orbs fly around the place, lighting up the way for this mysterious person. But the music just made me more drowsy as i yawned and the way this demon danced made it all the worse for me. 'i shouldnt have worked so hard today...' i thought to myself as a yawn escaped from me again. I tried my best to stay awake 'c'mon charlie you can do' and then i was out like a light.

~first morning of their bett~

I woke up seeing i was in my own bedroom 'what???? but i was outside yesterday! i'm sure of it...right?' i thought to myself and got up only to see my shoe's next to my bed that had mud on it 'this means it is someone we know about!! oh no...but i fell asleep...' i sighed and got ready for today. Once i was downstairs everyone who was part of the bett gathered around me "so did you see who it was?" Vaggie asks as i sighed "no...i fell asleep...". Everyone sighed except for Alastor "dear do you remember anything before you succumbed to your sleep?" he asks "well i do remember old time music and white demon orbs" "white ones? are you sure?" Mimzy asks as i nodded "those are absurdly expensive...whoever got those must be rich of their asses!" she exclaimed "not to mention that they know where dear Charlie's room is" Alastor deduced. "the old time music that you heard, can you remember what kind?" " kinda sounded like waltz music?" "hhmm...i have no clue who that could be that we know of" Alastor said. We all sighed as Vaggie tried to cheer me up "dont worry charlie, if i win this bett...i will still help you out" she said. I nodded and went to work instantly all the while a happy Angel was already sitting behind the reception desk "hi toots~" he purred out happelly. "hi angel..." i said tiredly "what's ta matter?" "oh nothing...we are just doing a stupid bett and it got me tired" "oh do explain" he asked nicely for once while he patted his lap. He helps me up onto his lap as i explain everything to him "seems to me that all of ya are gonna sleepless nights" he chuckles. Lately Angel has been more calm and nice to everyone, ofcours he would still flirt and cuss ocassionally but nonetheless friendly and caring. It struck me as odd but i thought it was my therapy finally kicking in. 

~Time skip to night 2 of their Bett~

Vaggie POV

I hidden myself in a tree as i had a perfect view of everything and it didnt take long or the mysterious demon came. Though i could only see his demon light orbs floating around lighting the way. This time the demon was huming a lullaby while dancing as i only could see that they had white hair faded softly to pastel pink at the tips and they were wearing a ball gown. Suddenly i heard a cracking sound as i look at the branch i was on and it cracked even more. I slowly moved to the next branch but i wasnt on time as i hit my head on the other branch before falling down. I expected to hit the ground but that was not the case, my sight was blurry as i looked up at the demon trying to see who it was but then i passed out. 

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