A shadowy interest?

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SH!Alastor = Alastor's shadow.

No ones POV

Alastor didnt like Angel very much because of his past profession, Angel however didnt mind that Alastor left him alone as he gotten the message pretty loud and clear when he confessed his feelings for him. Though SH!Alastor was very interested in Angel and he could not understand why his master would not see the appeal. Angel was smart, caring, loveable, strong and would probably spoil Alastor to bits if given the chance. SH!Alastor would always eye Angel from afar or whenever he could or touch Angel's shadow in a loving way wich the reall Angel could feel and it made his heart beat everytime. Angel himself did not know this nor did he understand why he felt like this on random occassions. Today in the late evening's Angel sat on the lobby coutch as Alastor was manning the reception desk. Charlie told Alastor that he needed to learn that not every demon was beneath him and he had to start with Angel. Angel ofcours sat near a light source as for once in his life he started to read a book, recomended by Vaggie. It wasnt any old stuffy book as Angel would call it, but a romance novel and he tottally digged it. Alastor didnt want to make small talk as he still found Angel beneath him, SH!Alastor however came out to play. SH!Alastor creeped up behind the coutch wanting to touch Angel for reall, but even he knew that if he did that his master would be alarmed. Angel had this loving smile on his face as it made him all the more apealing to SH!Alastor. However his master chuckled as he saw Angel reading a book "finally putting some knowledge into that empty head of yours?" he mocked as Angel sighed and closed the book. SH!Alastor looked at the titel of the book 'nightly romance' and this intrigued him. Angel stood up "goodnight alastor" he just responded as he was already accustomed to Alastor's harsh behaviour towards him. Alastor raises an eyebrow at him "but charlie said you had to stay here until my shift has ended" "well tell her that ya didnt think before ya flapped yer mouth" Angel responded as Alastor grumbles underneath his breath. Alastor snaps his fingers as SH!Alastor become more allive as he looked at his master, Alastor pointed towards Angel as SH!Alastor had a hard time containing his gidiness. SH!Alastor swiftly went over to Angel and twirled him around until he was seated again on the coutch. "as i was saying, until the end of my shift" Alastor sais as Angel groans "fine.." SH!Alastor sat next to Angel watching him as Angel akwardly opens his bookto continiue where he left of. SH!Alastor was also trying to read what was in the book, out of curiousity. Angel notices this and looked at Alastor as he was just tapping the counter beeing completely bored. Angel then sits up and shifts closer to SH!Alastor to let him read along, this was much in SH!Alastor delight as he was now closer then he ever yearned of beeing. Eventually Angel became really tired and almost dropped his book only for SH!Alastor to catch it and speed read through it. Angel's head was ontop of his shoulder as it was a lovely, yet also a weird scene. Charlie came up to them as she was there to tell Alastor his shift was over only to stop in her tracks and stare at SH!Alastor and Angel on the coutch. Charlie clears her throat as she looks at Alastor "i know i told you to socialize with Angel, but dont let your shadow do that in your stead" Alastor raises and eyebrow "why, whatever do you mean charlie dear?" Charlie points to the coutch as Alastor looked visibly sick to his stumach. Alastor snaps his finger as his shadow dissapeared and went back to where it was supposed to be. Angel fell down softly onto the coutch, but was startled awake anyway. "wha? where? how?...oh hiya charls" Angel said in a drowsy voice. "i see that you fell asleep" "alastor wouldnt let me go to my room..." was all that came out as Charlie's gaze went back to Alastor who by now was sweating a ton al the while he kept his smile. "you said yourself that he had to stay until my shift ended" "no i did not, i said that he had to stay unless he felt tired" "ah...my mistake, dear". Charlie sighed and helped Angel up as she had to help him back to his room. Alastor felt as if he was treated like a little child because of the way Charlie lectured him.

~small time skip~

Angel POV

I was sound asleep until i felt someone touch my cheeks very lovingly as i sowly opend my eyes, only for the person to retract their hands.I rub my eyes tiredly as i suddenly saw a black figure standing there, correction it was Al's shadow "how the fuck?" i said confused as he seemed startled. "h-hey no wait" i instinctively grab his wrist "dont'cha run now~" i purred as he seemed to relax now. He eagerly started to lovingly touch my cheeks again as these touches felt so familiar for some reason. I saw him eyeing my fluff as i chuckled "yer allowed" he just faceplants himself into my fluff as it made me chuckle more "yer quite ta cutie~" i purred again as i held him gently. 'if only alastor was more like him' I thought to myself as he suddenly sat up and held me tightly, i swear i saw shadowy hearts bounce of this guy. "yer a loveable shastor" he looks at me confused "it's a combination of shadow and alastor" he lets me go and looks around as he grabs my phone. He seems to type something on it and shows it to me "shady?" i look up at him as he nods furiously, making me chuckle "ya know ya can use my phone if ya wanna talk to me". He kinda looked insecure when i said that 'hhmm...maybey if i' i thought to myself as i plant a kiss on his cheek. His eyes became literal hearts as they switched to neon pink "yer so cute" he then typed again as i looked at it "you are beatiful" i read aloud as it made me blush. Hours flew by as we talked and suddenly he said he had to go. I smiles and blow a kiss towards him as he pretended to catch it. 'falling in love with a shadow...not bad at all' i thought to myself as i sighed lovingly. I looked at the time only to see it was morning again "shit...". 

No ones POV

And so these nights kept happening and during the day SH!Alastor would keep touching him lovingly making Angel fall more for SH!Alastor. Charlie and the others started to notice Angel's sudden happy behaviour even with Alastor's negative talk towards him, it was as if he was in a world of his own. Alastor however, kept having these weird dreams of Angel, only these were not dreams. Alastor would see what SH!Alastor saw during his nightly visits to Angel's room and what they would do in there. Most of the time very innocent, but lovely times of cuddeling and talking, other times it would get steamy. But they were both happy and in love, until Alastor suddenly realized how much more detailed his shadow was becoming, indicating that he was getting stronger somehow. So Charlie called her dad over to do a check up on SH!Alastor. 

~Small time skip~

"hhmm, incredible" Lucifer sais as he was checking SH!Alastor for anything that would seem out of the ordinary. "and you tell me that you have not changed a single thing for this to occur" Lucifer then asks as Alastor replies "i certainly have not". SH!Alastor kept staring at Angel as nobody would even know since his pupils are slightly lighter then the color of his sciera. Angel noticed though as he looks back at him before blowing a kiss at him, wich no one saw. SH!Alastor's neon blue eyes turned neon pink and it suprised everyone. Lucifer's shadow came out and tapped his shin making lucifer divert his eyes downwards to see his own shadow pointing towards Angel. Lucifer put two and two togheter as he stood up "i am going to take a short break...you know to think" he leaves the group but on his way to the kitchen, he grabbed Angel by the arm and dragged him along "hey! what the fuck?". Lucifer closes the door behind him as he pushes Angel against the wall, holding his upper hands above his head "you know, you're playing a dangerous game" he growled making Angel shiver slightly "w-what?" he was confused but Lucifer needed to confirm his own theory as he used his free hand to grab Angel's neck and started to choke him. SH!Alastor sensed his lover beeing in danger as he did what he has never done before, he poofed away from Alastor's side and appeared into the kitchen. SH!Alastor uses brute strenght to shove Lucifer away from Angel as Angel fell down gasping for air. SH!Alastor catches him and held him tightly while rubbing circles on Angel's back to soothe him. Lucifer chuckles and sits up "i knew it! you two are in a relationship!" he exclaimed while laughing. "but this wont last, unles one of you is willing to give up their existance to be with the other" Lucifer said as they both looked at eachother "but how? he's alastor's shadow" "like i said one of you has to give up their existance for the other, only that way will you two be togheter". Without even thinking Angel looks at Lucifer "then i will give up mine" he said as SH!Alastor tried to protest, but Angel smiles at him "ya know ya cant give up yers, ya belong with al after al" he said. Lucifer snaps his fingers as Angel was enveloped in his own shadow while SH!Alastor looked in horror. Angel was now a shadow made out of magic, just like SH!Alastor. SH!Alastor was sad but when Angel opend his eyes, SH!Alastor couldnt help but find him even cuter then before. Hot Pink eyes stared at him alone with a hot pink some, even Angel's small hot pink eyes/dlots were there. Angel chuckled and only they could hear eachother "welcome my love~" SH!Alastor purred as Angel smiled more "i'm home my sweetheart~" he purred back as they could live their lives happilly togheter forever.

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