Not even for me (version 2)

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No ones POV

Angel Dust and Alastor have been dating eachother for 2 months now as everything went fine the first month. But the second month went a little rougher for Angel as he would get attacked by random demons who want to bring Alastor down to his knee's and they think they can achieve this though Angel. Whenever Angel sees Alastor in the distance he would wave at him and ask him for assistance but Alastor would refuse each time thinking these were fights Angel caused himself. Angel never told Alastor the truth as he just kept it for himself and even stopped asking him for assistance. Yet Alastor was getting pretty annoyed that Angel came back to the hotel with injuries or very tired and covered in blood, normally he would love seeing Angel killing demons. But now he was annoyed by this and went to confront Angel about this matter.

Alastor POV

"angel!" i called out before he could even leave the hotel grounds again "yess al?" he sais while turning around. "we need to talk" "talk about?" i took in a deep breath before i spoke again "you need to stop causing problems and getting hurt in the process" Angel stares at me in disbelief before he balls up all of his hands before calmly speaking "i get in these fights because of ya" i was very suprised when he had said that but also confused "what do you mean angel?" "these demons attack me thinking they can get to ya through me!" he raises his voice a little as i blink "well tell them they are idiots beause i will never bow down" "not even if my life was on the line" "not even then" " ya wont even scare them a little for me?" "absolutely not! i will not be prancing around showing off my powers just to make an unimportant statement" 'what nonsense is running through his mind to ask me these stupid questions' i thought to myself. I see tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he then wipes them away with his upper arms "ya know what al i have a perfect solution for that problem then" "oh? do tell me" "i'm breaking up with ya" "..." it took me a few seconds to let it sink in as i was shocked "a-angel you cannot be serious right?" "i'm and i wont change my mind" he then walks off towards the stairs as i just could not understand why he would do such a drastic measure. I run after him wanting him to reconsider so badly, i just gotten to know him more and he just wants to leave me over this? "angel...angel please do not do this...i love you so much" "ya dont love me al...i dont mean anything to you, my life aint worth shit to you" 'oh and my ego' i thought to myself as i kept walking right behind him "p-please angel i did not mean it like this". It was safe to say that no matter how hard i pleaded or tried to explain, he would not let me get close to him ever again.

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