Cybernetic love (version 3)

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So in this story and yess sorry it's again with human Angel, Alastor is an android that was made to resemble a living beeing then actually beeing a simple machine. His master was sick and tired of him and threw in garbage while damaging him as well. But ofcours Angel finds him and Angel fixes Androids for a living in this story. Enyoi! 

Martin = Angel

Martin POV

I was walking back home in the middle of the night as it was raining "fuckin' val, who does he think he his" i mumbled in anger as he yet again broke one of his androids and made me fix his mess. My foot slips as i fall in a pile of trashbags, i groan "...wait it didnt even hurt..." i lift myself up as i see a persons face infront of me "holy shit!!!!" i stumbled onto my feet and back up. "wait a sec...this isnt a livin''s an android and i fine looking one as well" i said as i noticed the ears and horns on the androids head. I look around to see if anyone lost it or would come back for it, but seeing that he was left behind here made me think they didnt want him anymore "who would throw away a perfectly fine lookin' android" i mumble and decided to pick it up "woah and he even feels the same weight a normal human beein' would weigh. cool!" i exclaimed while taking my newest find back home with me. I finally was inside my house as i place him down on a table before i grabbed some towels to dry him off "ta poor thin' had a master with horrible taste buds. the hair and all is fine...but why let him wear a purple tuxedo...this really will not do" i said as i yawn afterwards. I finish drying of the android but left a few heaters around him so the inside would dry as well before i went straight to bed 'i'll do the rest tomorrow' was my last thought before i fell asleep.

~The next morning~

No ones POV

Martin had woken up early as he had a free day today, but decided to work on the Android he took with him. He took the android with him to his scanner as he lays the android down on the table "let's see what we're dealin' with" he sais and lets the scanner do it's thing before he looks up at the screen sipping his coffee before spitting it back out due to the results "HOLY SHIT!!!! oh my lord goodness..." he looks at the android and then back at the image on the projector. he places his cup down and walks around the table the android was on "oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh! i havent seen one of these since i began my job!" he exclaims, sounding like a child who just gotten the perfect christmas gift. Everything inside of the android was perfectly replicated to look and function like a normal human body does. Martin strip the android of his clothes only now seeing that the android has a dick...and it was not a small one either in Martin's book. he shook his head to rid of the dirty thoughts that started to form in his head. Martin runs his hands along the androids body trying to find something to open up the android. No such luck "how the fuck am i supposed to fix him" he thought out loud as he noticed a switch on the side of his neck that was out of place. "this...does not belong there" it seemed that the switch was placed there by an amature, so Martin worked on removing it and once he did, he could see a chunk of the skin removed and wires that were cut. He sighs and started fixing it 'wtf did they do to you? they just cut these threads as if they were killing a reall life person' he thought to himself. Once done he noticed that the android's skin was repairing itself and his ears were twitching 'oh shit...' he thought to himself again. The androids eyes flew wide open "NO WAIT!!!" the android shouts out in his radio voice while reaching out to nothing as they sat up. Martin was suprised at this as he never seen an android do this before. The android blinks and looks around before he gotten of the table and straightens himself wich Martin didnt take into count that the android was taller then he was. The androids gaze suddenly fixes on Martin who waved akwardly at him "h-hi", the androids eyes narrowed at him "and who might you be?" "i'm martin" "where am i?" "yer in my house" "why is it so chilly in here" "weeeellll..." Martin blushes softly and pulls and body sized mirror infront of the android. The android's face flushed with a deep bordeaux color as Martin peeks from behind the mirror "fascinating, he can blush" he whispered as the android looks at him "!" he sais in anger as Martin squeacks softly "i-i was about to make new ones for ya" "what happend to my old ones?" " mean those ugly old rags that absolutely didnt fit you? i threw them away" "WHAT?!" "dont'cha worry...i'll make some for ya right now" Martin sais as he starts to walk. The android follows him and tries to cover himself up, feeling uncomfortable beeing naked all the while making Martin think how interesting his reactions were. Martin opens a closet and grabs a spare blanket and hands it over to the android "here, this should keep ya warm until i'm done with yer new clothes" "...i do not have much of a choice do i?" "nope" Martin chuckles and sat down behind a sowing machine. "well if this will take a you mind if i ask you a couple of questions?" "ofcours not, go right ahead" the android sits down on a chair, clearly beeing annoyed at this situation. "first things first, what is your name" "my name's martin, what's yer name?" "alastor...i would say it is a pleasure to meet you. but that woud be lying" "right..." "secondly, where is my master?" "master?" " "surely you know my master" "nope, sorry i found ya" "found me? where?" "...between the trash". The androids eyes widen in shock before Martin throws a pair of boxers at his face "put that on...atleest that part wont be naked anymore" Alastor pulls the boxers of his face and pulls it on "so you are telling me that you found me between the trash? were you looking for a cheap way to have an android?" Martin stops what he was doing and looks at Alastor "please, i have standards alright! it was raining and the sidewalk became slippery. i slipped, fell ontop of ya and brought ya here to fix ya. that's it" "so what? you were going to keep me afterwards?" Martin stayed quiet as if he was thinking about something "i take it as a yess. so third question, what do you do for a living?" "i fix androids" "oh, i see...". Martin finished up with Alastor's new clothing and gives it to him "ya can put this on" he sais before he left the room.

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