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Angel POV

It's been 2 whole fuckin' months since Valentino had kidnapped me and forced me to work for him again. Well to bad so sad, i will not work for his ass again and i've beaten up some of his clients who even tried to get it on with me. But ofcours i was heavely guarded and Valentino said he would bring me a gift...i fuckin' dont want any of his shitty gifts. What i still didnt get was why nobody came to save me, it actually made me sad as i sat on my bed staring out the window. The doors suddenly open as Valentino steps in with the biggest and happiest smile i have ever seen "angelcakes!!!" he exclaims and hugs me tightly, for a moment there i thought he 'd lost his mind "i brought you a gift~" he purrs as he stands aside "you can come in now". I raise an eyebrow in suspicion only for my face to drop in suprise "ALASTOR!!!" "why hello there roommate!" he sais in a happy tone. 'somethin's of...' i thought to myself as i diverted my gaze to Valentino "what did ya do to him?" "oh nothing much! i just made sure he will be a nice behaving boy that will cheer you right up!" he sais as he walks out the door "h-how?" i ask dumbfounded "there isnt a wave i cant control angelcakes~" he sang amused by my utterly dumbfounded expression. He closes the door as i was left alone with Alastor "so ya remember how ya got in this position?" i ask nervousely "why what an odd question to ask" he sais as he cocks his head to the side curiously looking at me. '...i dont know if i should find this creepy or that i should be happy...' i thought to myself "well?" "oh yess, my apologies dear angel! i do not remember what happend before i mett you" 'mett me? but he already knows me?' i thought to myself as i walk up to him and gently touch his face. 'HE DIDNT EVEN FLINCH!!!!' i screamed in my mind. 

No ones POV

Angel Smiled as he sat down on the side of the bed and inviting Alastor to sit next to him. He knew it was wrong but he still took advantage of the moment while thinking in the back of a plan in the back of his mind. They talked and spend time togheter as Angel was starting to lighten up again, this was the first time he ever got to spend time with Alastor. It wasnt how he imagend it to be but he still loved every second of it. During sleep time, Angel kept his distance, knowing that Alastor was asexual. He respected his boundaries as to not potentially anger the deer demon. This went on for days and it even suprised Angel that Valentino hadnt asked any sex favors from him. Angel gotten a little attached to Alastor as he would snuggle up to him during the nights, hug him during the days and whisper sweet nothings towards Alastor. However, Alastor was not capable or reciprocating those feelings as if he was only programed to keep Angel happy. Angel had noticed and reality fell harshly opon him as he knew Alastor would love him back...nor look in his general direction. Angel then decided that he needed to find the answer to get Alastor free from whatever he is controlled by. "hey al?" "mhm?" "i'm going to go to val's office alright?" "let me come with you" no! i-i mean no, ya need to watch over my room alright? i dont want any weirdo's in here trying to steal my stuff" Angel sais and he runs his fingers through Alastor's hair. Alastor's ears drooped down, but his smile never wavering "aaww dont be like that al, i will come back as fast as i can alright?" Alastor nods as Angel leaves the room. He knows he isnt supposed to leave his room but right now was his only chance to go to Valentino's office while he was on break. He gotten inside and searched carefully for some clue's, he found a schedule that said 'angel and alastor's heat program' Angel groaned as he knew something was up, but not that. Then he saw some blue paper as he gently slides it out of the stack, it was a blueprint to a familiar looking bowtie. Suddenly it clicked, it looked like Alastor's bowtie! He was reading the instructions quickly as it had to be taken off manually 'pff easy peasy' Angel thought to himself as he quickly placed the blueprint back down and made his way back to his room. He opens the door and Alastor perks up while he stands up and hugs Angel tightly, he kinda reminded Angel of a puppy who just missed his owner. But he knew far to well that Alastor would be more like a wolf that would kill you whenever he felt like it. "missed me?" he asks while petting Alastor's head "yess i did angel, dear". Alastor backs away so Angel could close the door "i'm glad ya did" Angel said cheerily before his upper hands reach for Alastor's bowtie until Alastor stops him by grabbing his wrists. "what are you doing dear?" "i was going to fix your bowtie?" "no need for that darling~" Alastor cooed but Angel was determined and quickly grabbed Alastor's bowtie with his lower pair of hands. *CRACK* Alastor broke Angel's wrists as Angel screams out in pain and immediatly lets go of the bowtie. Angel began to cry while Alastor didnt understand why he did that "a-angel, i am terribly sorry" he sais as he kneels down trying to help Angel, but Angel just flinches and trembles while holding his wrists. Alastor didnt understand, he was programed to make Angel happy, not to hurt him. Alastor's bowtie started to malfunction as Angel looks up at him seeing Alastor struggeling. Angel slowly gotten up on his feet and tried to get over to him until the bowtie started to glow red. He saw Alastor change into his more demonic form "angel~" he purred out menacing as Angel took that as a sign to run.

Angel POV 

'FUCK, SHIT, WHY ME' i thought to myself as i ran for my life. Ofcours i had to advantage of knowing this building as the back of all my hands, but Alastor still gave chase "ANGEL~" he growled out lovingly, but i a psycho way. "s-stay away from me!!!" "no can do angel~" he purred out menacingly again. I jump down from the stairs as i hurt my leg, but i still managed to keep running. I passed Valentino who was suprised to see me and then spit out his coffee when Alastor chased by him. I was outside the building and in sheer panick i run into an alleyway...but this one was a dead end. "angel~" he purred out again as i turn around, standing eye to eye with his radio dials and enlarged antlers "a-al?" i trembled as he slowly walks over to me. "why so scared angel? do you not love me anymore? i did not mean to break your wrists" he chuckled menacingly. I saw that his bowtie was still flashing red, so i made another stupid decisio. I stood still, smiled and opend my arms as he had a wicked wide smile on his face when he saw that. He ran up to me and held me tightly, his hold became all the more tighter as i could hardly breathe. I could feel him breaking some ribs, while his claws digged into my back and made bloody claw marks on my back. "y-yer a...sweetheart al..." i cup his cheek lovingly as he looks up at me. I didnt care anymore how he looked as i still loved him. My ofcours two wrists were broken so i was using my left lower hand to cup his cheek, while my lowe right hand grabs his bowtie and rip it off his neck. Right then he snaps my back like a twig, i gasp before my entire body goes slack. 'goodbey al...' were my last thoughts before i breath out my last breath. 

Alastor POV

I blinked a few times, confused as to where i was. Until i noticed i was holding something...or rather someone as i look up to see Angel's signature fluff "angel?" i said out loud but there was no responce. My hands felt wett as i retract one of them, only to see them covered in blood as in shock i let Angel go and he just falls down lifeless. My eyes widen as i kneel down and held Angel close to me "a-angel? angel please!" black tears started to stream down my face "angel!!!" i kept calling out Angel's name, hoping for a responce while i was rocking softly " not go yet...i am sorry...i do not know what i did...angel????...angel i am lost...please..." i pleaded as suddenly Charlie and Vaggie had found me. 

~Time skip~

I just watched as Angel's room was transformed into a hospital like room. I normally enyoi killing...but this...this was not funny!...this was not entertaining!!! I stared at my hands still seeing Angel's blood on it, even though i washed my hands 5 times already. The doctors reassured us that he would wake up again, but it would take a long time before the time comes. His beloved pet pig was in Cherri's care while i never wavered from Angel's side. 'should i not be happy to be at peace? why do i feel like i am missing the last puzzle piece to my heart' i thought to myself while holding onto Angel's hand. 'please come back to me have to' were my last thoughts. 


~2 years later~

No ones POV

Angel was awake, but he couldnt walk yet as his legs were still healing. Alastor still took care of Angel and at random times he would start to cry as Angel would soothe him with a lullaby. Angel didnt speak much yet as his voice was not used to speaking yet. Angel sat on a bench in the park enyoing the flowers around him, Alastor didnt stray to far away from him as suddenly "hello angelcakes~" Valentino purred out as Angel started trembeling, Alastor didnt see any of this as he was to busy picking flowers for Angel. Valentino gets closer to Angel as Angel kept trembeling in fear "it is rude to keep quiet angelcakes, but then again...beeing asleep for two years does alot to your body" finally Angel opens his mouth as he squeaks out "alastor". Alastor's ears perked up hearing Angel calling out to him as he turned around seeing Valentino hovering over a scared Angel. Alastor growls and teleports right behind Angel "get away from him!!!" Alastor growled out, starteling Valentino as he backs away. Alastor went even farther by changing his appearance again, to scare Valentino off and it worked. Alastor was very protective of Angel nowadays and Angel didnt mind as they got to spend time togheter for reall this time. Alastor sits next to Angel still holding a bunch of flowers "did he harm you?" Angel shakes his head with a smile good, i do not want him anywhere near you" Alastor huffed making Angel chuckle. Alastor started to intertwine the stems of the flowers as he made a crown for Angel before placing it gently onto his head "it looks beautiful on you, darling~" he purred making Angel blush in responce. Alastor smiled lovlingly as he gently places his hand over Angel's smaller hand "promise me you will not leave me" he sais while staring into Angel's hot pink eyes. Angel keeps blushing but nods and gently places a kiss onto Alastor's lips, making the deer demon melt infront of him and when he pulled back was when he saw a love struck smile on Alastor's face and he found it cute to see every singel moment.

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