Not even for me?

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So in this story Alastor has a familly, but a very rich and feared familly. Alastor and Angel have been dating for 2 months. Until a question gets asked and ruins it all. lets see shall wel x3.

No ones POV

Angel was cleaning the tables and humming a song until "angel, love?" Alastor calls out as Angel stops cleaning as he walks over to alastor at the kitchen area. "hey babe, what's up?" "well i have been pondering on something" "and that's what exactly?" "would you ever fight for me if your familly did not approve of me?" Angel smiles at him "well molly already likes ya, my dad and brother dint give two shits about me. but even they somehow didnt approve of ya, i would fight for ya" Angel said reassuringly as he does a fighting pose. Alastor chuckles as he watches Angel punch the air before hugs Alastor lovingly "same question for ya" Angel lets go of him as Alastor turns around and starts to think. Until he chuckles and turns around "what utter nonsense angel, i would not fight them for you. my familly has high standards and they would not approve of you at all. you know because of your background and everything". "not even for me?" Alastor chuckles even more "ofcours not!". Angel went quiet, he could not believe what was coming out of Alastor's mouth, he acted like what they had was not important. Angel balled his fist and turned around "i'm gonna continiue my work" he sais before leaving Alastor in the kitchen who was confused at the sudden change in Angel's behaviour. Alastor stood up and left the kitchen to go after Angel "angel, love? what is wrong?" Angel sighs and stops abruptly, but does not turn around "i'm sorry al...but we are done" Alastor was shocked as he comes closer to Angel "love? what do you mean?" "i'm breaking up with ya al" Angel continiue's to walk over to tables that still needed cleaning. "w-wait, what? why? love please! tell me! is it me? i will change if needed" he pleaded but Angel turns around as he was fighting back tears "dont call me love ever again alastor, we are done! i dont need to give ya reason, figure it out yerself!!" Angel raised his voice before he runs to the lobby and up the stairs.  'i did fuckin' everything for him!! i quit my job at pornstudios, i stopped doing drugs, i stopped drinking and even stopped cussing infront of him!!!...still he holds onto my past like it's still happening' Angel thought to himself while running to his room.

Alastor POV

'i do not get it...what did i do wrong?' i thought to myself while feeling as if a hole started to form inside my chest. Black tears started to stream down my face as i watch Angel run away from me. I teleported up to my bedroom as i needed to clear my mind. I layed down on my bed, not caring if my coat gets ruined. 'why did he do that? does he not love me anymore? did i do something wrong? why? why? why?' my thoughts ran wild as i kept crying and held my held trying to make sense of this. My smile was wavering as i felt the hole inside my chest grow more. Eventually i fell asleep like this, wishing Angel was here to comfort me.

~Big time skip~

No ones POV

It has been 5 weeks since the two of them broke up. Charlie had talked to Alastor about it, but he never told her what triggered this as he himself was not sure of it himself. Angel has been acting like he did before he started to date Alastor as this was his coping mechanism to get over Alastor. Alastor however was not doing so well, he hardly took care of himself, he had a smile yess but his eyes were sad, he hardly slept as you could tell by the bags underneath his eyes. Whenever someone would try to talk to him, he would reply in a monotone way, wich child everyone to the bone. Today however he took care of himself as his familly came by to visit and he needed to look the part since his familly has high expectations of him. Angel was waitressing today and everyone forgot, well except for Husk who was at the bar watching Angel deliver the orders that geusts have asked. The doors open up revealing Alastor's parents and ofcours his nephew, the nephew he didnt get along with because of his...lewd tendacies. "hello mother, father...vulgarius" Alastor sais in a happy tune as his parents and nephew greeted him back. Alastor showed them around as he kept his happy act up wich pleased his mother and father. until they came to the dinning area for geusts as Angel was walking around in a pink french maid outfit.  "and who might that be?" his mother asks as Alastor starts to sweat nervously "that is angel dust" "the former porn star?!" Vulgarius suddenly spoke with peeked interest ofcours "yess..." "my he does not really look the part does he?" his father sais as if he was expecting something completely different. "he is also part of the rehabilitation program" Alastor explains "oh, well that does make sense now" his mother chimmed in. They kept talking as Alastor was not paying any attention to them, he was staring at Angel who was working hard to get all the orders done. "alastor dear are you listening?" he snapped out of his daze as his ears perk up "sorry mother, i was lost in my thoughts" he sais. "well your father and i are very parched and wanted to see how the food is here" "oh! that is great news, let us get a table" Alastor guides them to a free table. 

Angel POV

I see Alastor walking in with 3 more people, but they all have deer traits like Alastor does. 'must be his familly' i thought to myself as i walk over to their table "hello, can i have yer order?" i ask nicely as they tell me their order one by one while i write it down. I noticed the guy accross from Alastor was staring at me in a lewd way as it made me uncomfortable "c-coming right up" i said before leaving the table. I give husk the ordering ticket as he looks at the table only for his eyes to go wide open "holy shit!!!! his parents are here?!!!" "wait, those are his parents?" "yeah, dumbass they are. what i wonder is why the fuck his nephew is with them. they know he cant stand him" "well maybey we will see later oke? but now chop chop i need those fuckin' orders" i said as his words did make me think. I walk around bringing orders before returning to their table "i'm very sorry for letting ya wait, but here are yer orders" i place them down neatly "finally" his mother exclaims dramaticly 'it's only been like 15 minutes, bitch' i thought to myself while smilling "sorry again, call me if you need anything else" i say as i was about to leave *smack* i felt someone smacking my ass as i became flustered. I turn around seeing his nephew wiggeling his eyebrows at me while Alastor's parents were chuckeling amused at this. "i'm sorry but can you refrain from touching me? i would hate to call security for harasment" i say politely but i really wanted to hit him in the face. "what is wrong whore? are you not used to other men touching you" 'that's it' i glare at him "aaww is the wittle boi trying to play the big boi" i grab his cheek and shake it a little, you know like grandma's do somethimes. I could hear  Alastor stiffle a chuckle while his nephew looked like he was embarrassed as he slaps my hand away. I chuckle and flick his forehead "dont try to act like a big boi when yer not ready for that, virging boi!" i say as some geusts were chuckeling, Alastor's parents however didnt look to happy. But i didnt give a fuck since he started it anyway. 

~Few hours time skip~

I was done cleaning the tables and headed to the lobby wanting to go to my room only to be pinned against the wall by Alastor's nephew. 'oh great this guy again' i thought to myself annoyed "what do ya want?" "i am going to ravage you until you want nothing more then my dick up that slutty ass of yours!" he exclaims as he starts to kiss my neck, while he was doing so, i could see Alastor's parents sitting there watching us. I growl and push him away with my lower arms while my upper arms whipe away the extra salliva "eeewww...gross. i'm not a fuckin' pacifier" i said clearly disgusted by this. He smirks and tries to tackle me as i stand aside while he collides with the wall. I chuckle softly and watch him sit up with a bloody nose 'oh crap' i thought to myself as i kneel down to gently wipe away the blood "are ya oke? do ya need an icepack." i ask worriedly but he only pins me to the floor with a lustfull smile "my, my, worried about me are we? so cute" he growls out as he starts to tear up my outfit while i tried to escape "let me fuckin' go! i dont want this!! let go!!!" i started to shout as tears started to form. Suddenly he gets pulled away from me harshly "i believe you are harrassing our employee vulgarius!" it was Alastor and he was not happy about this. I cover myself up as much as i can while his parents say "alastor dear, just let him have some fun" "after all it is what this whore deserved after embarasassing him infront of everyone". Can you believe this shit? They treat him like he is some sort of royalty!!! Alastor lets go of him and helps me up "are you oke angel?" he asks in concern "c-could be better" i responded as i was trembeling softly. Alastor takes of his jacket and wraps it around me "thanks al" i say lovingly as he smiles happelly at me. "what are you doing? do not give your jacket to such a vile creature" his mother sais as Alastor turns around "i do not care mother! all of you have been terrible geusts since the moment you came here!" Alastor responds as i could tell he was getting angrier. "babe, relax it's oke" i tried to reasure him "no it is not! it is no wonder grandfather left me his fortune instead of you or the rest of the familly!" "how dare you speak to us like that, you ungratefull child!!" "you will step away from that creature and come back home with us" "no i will not!!!".  'uh oh' i thought to myself as i saw his antlers growing bigger while his eyes glowed red "i love beeing here and helping around...but most of all, i love angel!!! if you can not see how precious he is then...then i want you to leave and never come back!!!" he shouts out as they gasp and pull up their noses. "you always were a disgrace to our familly" his mother sais as i growl "he's a perfect gentlemen, cant say ta same of ya greedy bitch asses!!!!" i shout as they grumble and leave. Alastor turns around and holds my lower hands "i understand what i did wrong angel" he smiles warmly as i chuckle and pull him into a kiss. "ya finally figured it out huh smart ass" "yess indeedy sexy ass" "i love ya al" "i love you to angel". 

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