Break up fight

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No ones POV

Angel and Alastor were fighting outside the hotel, oh no not arguing, but physicly fighting eachother. Ofcours because they loved eachother, they kept it rather tame. Meaning, a few kicks here and there and a few punches here and there. Why? Well because of Mimzy ofcours,what happend? Let's take a look back shall we. 

~Flashback to a week ago~

Angel and Alastor had been togheter for an entire month now as they happily showed anyone who doubted them. Things were fine between them as they took it steady, that is until Mimzy came into the picture. Angel didnt think anything of when he mett her the first time as he gladly mett anyone who was a friend of Alastor's. Though Alastor never told Angel that they used to have a thing back when they were allive as he thought it was not important to mention this. Mimzy still felt something for Alastor as she made tiny, but futile advances towards Alastor. Alastor had only one particular demon in mind and that was Angel Dust. Angel noticed Mimzy's advances as they became more clearer to anyone, anyone...except for Alastor who was blind as a bat when it came to such things. Angel did talk with her in a calm manner about this but she told Alastor that he had been rude, cussing at her and shouting. Angel defended himself in a calm manner, telling Alastor the truth and because there was no evidence of such, he gave Angel the benefit of the doubt. Mimzy kept using these tactics to make Alastor doubt Angel more, even though he loved him deeply. But then Mimzy made an elaborate plan to frame Angel for something he was supposed to quit. Alastor had convinced Angel to give Mimzy another chance as he was in the kitchen cooking up some spaghetti for Alastor who was waiting outside at a table. Angel gave the plate to Mimzy as she brought it to Alastor, no one knew that Mimzy had covered some drugs onto the spaghetti as it looked like parmesan cheese and she even unnoticably slipped a bag of drugs into Angel's cooking apron. She just had to wait and see everything play out. After eating Alastor became high of his ass reall quick as Angel walks in to see the funny sight infront of him, wich was a high Alastor. Mimzy suddenly shouts that Angel had drugged Alastor and that the proof was in one of the pockets in his cooking apron. Angel ofcours said it wasnt true, but Vaggie pulled out the bag and Angel just tried to tell her that it wasnt his. But nobody believed him as he was send to his room until further notice. Today Alastor confronted Angel who kept denying it saying Mimzy framed him, Alastor would not have it and kept on pushing as Angel went outside the hotel with Alastor behind him. "why are you blaming mimzy for this? mimzy is not a drug addict like you are angel!" "i've been clean for 3 months al! let it go and i'm telling ya it was mimzy!!" Angel raised his voice "and what would she gain from doing this?!" Alastor also raised his voice "YOU, YA FUCKIN' DUMBASS!!!". Alastor was the first one to throw a punch as Angel followed suit. 

~End flashback~

"angel this is getting us nowhere! just admit it already and everything will be fine!" "i aint admitting shit that i didnt do! things will be fine until that BITCH tells the truth!!!". That last one hit a nerve with Alastor as he had summoned a tentacle to throw Angel against the wall. Angel fell onto the ground and coughed up blood while Alastor just realized what he had done "a-angel i'm so sorry!". Angel stood back onto his legs shakely and wipes the blood from his lips "...i geuss i know where yer loyalties lay now" Angel said without looking at Alastor who's ears drooped down fearing the worst "a-angel i-" "save it!...i'm breaking up with ya al...have fun" Angel wraps his lower arms around his waist while going back inside. Charlie and Vaggie were waiting inside the lobby as they had heard everything, but never expected Angel to get hurt by Alastor this way. They wanted to help Angel but he slaps away their hands "...goin' back to val..." he sais before going upstairs "a-angel wait, you cant go back there!" Charlie exclaims "it's better then staying here with a bunch of fuckin' fakers" he sais as he enters his bedroom and grabs his suit case. "what do you mean?" Vaggie asks as Angel was filling up his suitcase "reall friends would've given me the benefit of the doubt and checked out their camera's!" Angel raised his voice as he felt heartbroken, hurt, sad and angry all at the same time. By now Angel had filled up 2 very large suitcases as he picks up his pet pig Fat Nuggets and left his soon to be former bedroom. "angel wait, angel please wait, i will check the camera's oke? just dont leave!" Charlie sais as both girls run to the security room. Angel take out his phone and calls val "hi val...yeah i...i'm comin' back to work for ya again...just...just can ya come ta pick me up? really? thanks val" he hangs up before he walks over to the elevator and waits for it to come up. The doors open, revealing Mimzy inside "oh dear are you leaving for a while?" she asks sickly sweet "no, forever" he sais coldly as Mimzy smile began to falter "f-forever? what about alastor?" "he choose for ya, so be fuckin' happy. now move" he sais as he goes inside the elevator. He wants to push the lobby button, but was stopped by Mimzy who was sweating a little bit "dear, arent you a bit overreacting?" "ta only person here overreacting is standing infront of me" "look dear, it's just a friendly competition and yess i won, but you can stick around and watch me love alastor like a true woman does". Angel pushes her out of the elevator as he finally could go down to the lobby. The doors open revealing Alastor on the coutch with his head in his hands, but he had heard the ding of the elevator as he looks up with perked up ears. Angel walks out of the elevator as he walks to the frontdoor "angel? angel where are you going?" Alastor stood up and follows behind him "back to val" he replied coldly. Alastor thought he was joking, but when the front doors opend to reveal Valentino standing there to pick up Angel, was when he believed it. "a-angel...angel you cant...angel! angel no!! ANGEL!!!" Alastor wanted to grab Angel and pull him back inside, but Husk held Alastor back "al, now is not the time for this". Valentino took one look at Angel's heartbroken face as he puts an arm around him in a comforting way before they walk of to the car and leave. "husk let me go! HUSK LET GO OF ME!!!! ANGEL!!!! ANGEL I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!!!! ANGEL...please..." that last part came out sad and broken as Alastor stopped struggeling. Husk lets go of Alastor who fell onto his knee's in defeat as black tears streamed down his face. 

Angel POV

 "a-angel...angel you cant...angel! angel no!! ANGEL!!!" i heard Alastor calling out to me as i looked up at Valentino with tears streaming down my face, he puts and arm around me as he sais "didnt i warn ya about this, angelcakes. but not to worry, daddy is here and he will take care of you" he sais in a comforting was as we walk towards his car. "husk let me go! HUSK LET GO OF ME!!!! ANGEL!!!! ANGEL I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!!!! ANGEL...please..." he kept shouting, but the last part sounded broken. It pained me to hear him like this as i wanted to turn around and hug him, but he chose Mimzy over me. I hope that he'll be happy once again with me out of the picture. I get into the car and try to focus on something else but my heart wouldnt allow it as i kept thinkng about him the entire car ride.

Alastor POV

I was in my room now, curled up on my bed as i kept crying. "i should not have used my magic on his, i should have given him a chance, why did i not use my magic to keep him here, useless....i am fault" i mumbled out as static covered my room by now. I yearned for Angel's comforting embrace and sweet words but he was not here anymore. "why did i not stop him? why did husk interfear? why did i even let him interfear?" i kept mumbeling to myself. "alastor please stop crying" i could hear his voice inside my mind "but you left me" i answered "since when do ya let me do stupid things?" "but mimzy said?" "ya really going to believe what that girl tells ya over yer own lover?" "n-no" "then why did ya?" "i do not know". I could feel his fingers going through my hair as i calmed down and fell asleep, still with tears staining my face 'angel...come back to me'.

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