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No ones POV 

It had been a stressful morning for everyone inside the hotel as Sir Pentious and Alastor have been arguing about the same thing for hours now. Everyone tried to make them stop or atleest come between them, well everyone except for Husk and Angel who just loved watching Alastor get all riled up for basicly nothing. What was the argument about? Well...

~A few hours prior~

Angel who had been bored, thought it would be hilarious to ask Charlie "hey charlie" "yess angel" she replied while turning around "do ya know what came first? the chicken or the egg?" Charlie thought long and hard about it but could not find the answer "let me ask al" she sais while walking over to Alastor who was having a friendly chat with Sir Pentious. "oh my fuckin' god, she's serious gonna ask him?" Husk laughed as Angel laughed along "this should be fuckin' good" Angel then said. "hey al?" Alastor diverted his gaze towards Charlie "yess my dear?" "do you know what came first? the chicken or the egg?" she asked as Alastor replies "the chicken ofcours" "i beg to differ" Sir Pentious sais before sipping his tea, Alastor raises an eyebrow "oh?" "the egg came firssst obviousssly" he then replied. "are you that much of an idiot? the chicken came first!" "and i sssay the egg came firssst!!" and they kept going while Angel and Husk where laughing their asses off at the hilarious scene that was unfolding. 

~back to now~

"HOW CAN THE EGG BE FIRST WHEN CLEARLY THE CHICKEN IS YOU IMBECILE!!!!" Alastor shouted as Sir Pentious shouts back "HOW CAN THE CHICKEN BE THERE WITHOUT THE EGG? SSSO OBVIOUSSSLY THE EGG ISSS YOU INCOMPETENT NINKENPOOP!!!!". Angel notices an old women slowly passing by then, but he reconized this women as he jumped of from his chair trying to reach the women before anything happend to her. But it was to late, Alastor accidentally shoved her aside as he shouts "WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!!!!" he growled. Angel stepped infront of Alastor facing the woman while beads of nervouse sweat roll down his face "m-madam malediction! h-he didnt mean it...ya know...rilled up men beeing rilled up men" he chuckles nervously "DONT INTER-" Angel placed a hand on his mouth to shut him up. Madam Malediction stood up with her purple eyes now glowing bright "madam malediction?" Angel tried to get her attention but she made a few signs with her hands and said a few words "madam" but no matter how he tried, he just couldnt stop her until a purple flash happend, blinding everyone. When Angel carefully opend his eyes before looking around for her but she was gone. He sighed in relief as he turned around wanting to lecture Alastor about his behaviour only he was gone now to, or was he? He felt a pair of small hands touching his boots as he looked down only to see a 3 year old Alastor. Ofcours his clothes were to big now and he could no longer hold his staff. But he was just the most adorable little deer demon ever! But not only was Alastor affected by this, Sir Pentious was a child now as well. Everyone ran over to them "oh no!" Charlie sais in a worried tone. "well i aint fuckin' babysitting" Husk already threw in. Charlie picks up little Sir Pentious as Vaggie grabbed his clothing "i will take care of him but someone has to watch over al". Nobody wanted to until Angel sighed and picked up little Alastor and his clothing along with his staff "i will...this was my fault to start with anyway". Charlie had a big smile on her face indicating that Angel was doing something good in her book. 

Angel POV 

I took little Alastor up the stairs but there was a problem room is a mess and definatly not child friendly. I groaned softly as i look at Alastor who was messing with my boob fluff "is it fun?" Alastor looks up at him with his big red eyes and cute little smile "yess!" he replied. Angel chuckled "weeeelll if ya be a good boy and close yer eyes for me i promise to give you a cookie" Angel sais thinking he would be difficult to handle but he wasnt, he closed his eyes like a good boy. Angel placed him on his bed and placed the staff next to his bed before he quickly hidden everything non-child friendly in his room, he grabbed a bag of chocolate chipped cookies and took one out for Alastor "alright ya can open them now". Alastor opens his eyes seeing how pink the room was "why is your room pink daddy?" Angel stares at him in disbelief but quickly smiled giving him the cookie "well, a true man isnt afraid to love feminine colors" i chuckled and pet his head. He made soft purring noises while eating his cookie wich made him even cuter. There was one problem though...he only had that big red shirt to wear so i look at Alastor's staff and grab it "ya can do magic right?" the staff was hesitant but then replied in a radio voice "yess indeedy" "great...look i know ya dont trust me and that's fair but can ya atleest make sure he has something to wear" "oh that i can do! just tap me on his clothes and everything will fit". It weirded me out that the staff's voice resembles Alastor's voice, but i shrugged it off and gently tapped Alastor's clothing with the staff wich began to glow red. The clothes wrapped themselves around Alastor as he paid no mind to it only focussing on the cookie in his hands. The clothes fit him perfectly as i pulled out my phone and took a few pictures as they would be perfect momento's to this day. Alastor finishes the cookie and looks up at me "i'm thirsty daddy" i sighed getting back up again and going into my mini fridge to give Alastor a soda. I soon learned that was a mistake of mine as Alastor began to jump onto the bed, run around my room and climb up my closet while Fat Nuggets hid underneath my bed. I tried capturing him but he was to fast and to sugar rushed "alastor! alastor no...get down from there!!!".  This went on until he fell onto my bed and fell asleep instantly, me and Fat nugget sigh in relief as i layed down next to him.

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