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SH!Alastor = Alastor's shadow

No ones POV

Angel had been helping everyone out here and there since it became bussier inside the hotel as he didnt expect to be praised, he just did it because he wanted to ease their burden. But the others stress influenced them in a negative way as they would lash out towards him for the tiniest mistake or even for beeing himself in general and he just cropped it all up inside thinking it would wash over but it didnt. They just kept at it and Angel had enough, he felt unwanted and yess even depressed. He was in his room now pondering what to do on how to cope with all of this outlash towards him until he remembered what he bought on the market once as a joke. He searches for it until he finds the little bottle with sparkly dust inside. The sticker sais 'invisible dust' as there were also instructions with them. He remembers that he bought it from some voodoo guy that told him if he ever felt the need to non exist anymore, that he should use this. Angel reads the instructions wich just says:


Dear user, follow these instructions if you:

A: wish to dissepear for one day. then please sprinkle these over yourself and clothing, but do not forget to take a shower after the day is done. Same goes for a week and month.

B: you wish to dissepear out of existance. Then please feel free to use the entire bottle and let the extra sprinkles sink into your skin and clothing before taking a bath. Do not worry, the water wont wash away yours invisebillity. You will stay invisible for a while and should dissepear from existance in three days. 

Warning: i am responcable for intake of this product. also for those who want to use it for B if someone still remembers you or has emotionally latched themselves onto you, then you will not dissapear from existance, you will merely stay invisible.

~End isntructions~

Angel ofcours wanted to use the B option as he felt that nobody cared for him, his pet piglet was at Molly's so he would in good hands. Angel stood up and went to the bathroom as he dowsed it opon his entire body and clothing. 

~Meanwhile with Alastor~

Alastor POV

Vaggie and i were in another shouting argument until "STOP!!! just stop it!" Charlie shouts out as everyone stops fighting "we shouldnt take our frustrations out on eachother...maybey we need to take a break once in a while..." she sais as everyone agrees. "speak of, where is angel?" i asked as Charlie was about to say something but her eyes flashed blue for a moment as was everyone elses "who were you asking again?" she asks as i blink 'this can not be a good omen' i thought to myself. "i was asking about angel?" "who is that?" she asks as i sighed 'ofcours...' i thought to myself "neverming darling, i must be delusionally tired from all this hard work. i will take my leave now" i say with my ussual smile while heading up stairs and up to Angel's room as i slam open the door "ANGEL YOU...better...?" i stopped talking as i saw that his room was completely different. His room looks just like any of the other rooms as i slowly walk inside with my ears twitching "angel? angel, dear? you know it is rude not to reply" i say and yet no responce. 'am i really losing my mind? or is it this some sort of magic at play here?' i thought to myself before i left to go to my own room.

Angel POV

"phew he left" i sighed in relief as i thought he might hear me, but aparantly he cant. I chuckle and walk around as it became darker outside and everyone was already gone to their rooms. i sigh as they left a huge mess laying around and i decided to clean it up. "so you are invisible huh?" suddenly someone sais as i turn around seeing Alastor's shadow "w-what are you doing here?" "pff i always roam around the hotel during the evening and night times. more important question is...why do you smell of voodoo magic?" SH!Alastor sais before he walks up to me "d-dont know what yer talking about" i said nervousely. SH!Alastor sure was alot bolder then his master was as he holds me tightly and places his face into my neck smelling me. "w-what are ya doing now?" "do not worry, i am merely smelling your furr" he sais with a cheeky grin on his face "w-well can ya stop? i'm trying to fade away alright?" i blurted out as he lifts his face from my neck and stares up at me with his neon blue eyes "you what now?". I cover up my mouth with my hands as i try to squirm out of his hold "do not get shy on me now~ , please will you not repeat yourself for me?~" he purred out as i started to blush softly 'damn, why does he sound like al?' i thought to myself as i got free again. "later bitch!" i run away as fast as i can as i finally lost him when day started to break through. I sighed in relief as i could finally relax a little.

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