Closet trap

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Warning i do not know if there will be NSFW yet or like self harm and stuff. But not to worry, if such a thing occurs in this story i will simply put this lovely thing * at the beginning and end of it so you wont have to read it if you do not like it. Anyway lets proceed shall we~

No ones POV

Charlie and Vaggie had enough of Angel and Alastor's constant bickering, cursing and shouting. Why couldnt they get along? Arent they both adults? It came to a point were the girls had formed a plan to get them closer togheter. Charlie took Alastor and Vaggie took Angel as both parties convinced them to help them out with a drunk geust who's stuck in the utility closet. Little did Angel and Alastor know that they were set up into a trap. Once infront of the open closet and meeting eye to eye they turn around "what's the big idea" Angel exclaimed "yess i do wish what all of this means as well" Alastor agreed, but they were pushed into the closet. They stumble backwards against a wall as Charlie and Vaggie close and lock the door on them. Angel beeing in the front of Alastor banged onto the door and even tried to pick locket it. But there was one small problem, they dont have much space to move around. So picking the lock was not an option and it annoyed Angel more then it did Alastor.

Alastor POV

I can not believe those two trapped me in would have been funny if it was only Angel but now i am stuck with him. "so any ideas on how to get out al?" he sais as i look up at him seeing him looking back at me with his hot pink eye "no dear, i do not have any ideas to escape" i replied as he looked forwards again "well this sucks...i was supposed ta be at a shoot".  "a photoshoot?" "yeah, valentino practicly begged me to do it" he said in an annoying tone "i do not get why you let that man control you so much" "he's my boss, what else am i supposed ta do?" "touché" i reply. Angel moves ever so slightly as i sigh in annoyance, but i can not blame him. Practicly leaning against another individual is rather uncomfortable as i myself can very much understand that feeling. 

~Time skip brought to you by Fat Nuggets who loves ya~


4 hours have passed as Angel kept moving wich would not be a problem if his ass was not pressed against my groin. I place my hands on his hips preventing him from moving more "a-angel please will you stop moving" "oh i'm sorry al" he sais as he stops his actions. I panted softly as i already was experiencing heat, but Angel does not know that. A lustful grin started to form as i moved myself to straighten up "sorry if this feels uncomfortable angel, but i need to stand straight a little" i say as i lean against him, pressing him against the door more "well alright, i just hope the girls wont forget about us" he sais as i slowly began to grind against his ass. "a-al?" Angel sais in a flustered tone and it absolutely sounded cute as i trace my hands travel around his body. "a-al! ah~" i bit down into his neck as i earned a small moan from him. I couldnt handle it anymore "angel~" i lustfully growled out as i opend up his jacket so i could reach his boob fluff better. Angel kept moaning softly "al, y-yer asexual, y-ya cant do this" he sais, but i did not listen as i needed this so badly. I kept grinding against his as earning more moans from him until i retreat my hands.

Angel POV

Alastor retreated his hands thinking he changed his mind but that was not the case. He pulled down my shorts to reveal my ass as i felt his hot throbbing dick beeing shoved inside of me. I moaned out as he started to move "ah...oh alastor~" i wrap my lower hands around my own dick so i could jerk off while Alastor picked up speed. I kept moaning as Alastor was moaning and growling in a lustfull way. I heard footsteps coming to the door as i panicked only a little bit as they suddenl spoke "we will let you out now" Charlie said "w-we have a problem" i whispered as he replied softly "please angel...i am getting closer" he pleaded as i held the doorknob with my upper right "oh really?" i said joyfully as i could hear them unlocking the door. She tried to open it but i held it shut "it's stuck" Charlie exclaimed as i practicly had to put a hand infront of my mouth to muffle my moans "really? m-maybey ya should call a repair guy" i said all the while containing my moans as Alastor picked up speed and reall fast to. "well oke..." she sais sadly as i could hear her leave. Once everything was silent again was when i moaned out again "s-shit that was kinky" i said feeling myself getting close to my climax "ah~ al i'm going to c-" i didnt even finish my sentence as i came all over the door. Alastor held me tightly before i could feel him filling up my ass with his seed. 


~time skip brought to you by an angry valentino~

No ones POV

Alastor and Angel were already out of the closet and acted like nothing happend, but even so Alastor would stare at Angel somethimes with a wide smile as the other didnt even realize that he was. Suddenly Valentino barges in as he grabs Angel's arm very agressively "where the fuck were you?!" he shouted as Angel trembles a little "l-look al i can explain" *wack* Valentino had slapped Angel and Alastor saw it all happening. But he would not let Valentino have it his way as he walked up to them "i do believe you are causing a scene" he said as Valentino looks at Alastor "i do whatever the fuck i want with my property!!" Valentino shouted out as Alastor growled softly. "then consider him not working for you anymore" he said as he took both Valentino and Angel by suprise. "you cant do that" Valentino protested but Alastor ignored him and grabbed Angel's lower pair of hands "does it hurt my dear?" he asks as Angel blushes softly "j-just a little bit" he replied shylly. Alastor's smile widend as he leads Angel away from Valentino "how about we take care of that?" Angel nods as he follows Alastor. "hey! dont ignore me!!" Valentino growled out, Alastor snaps his fingers and Valentino was magically kicked out of the hotel. "al...i'm sorry if this bothered you" Alastor looks up at Angel with a kind smile "it does not bother me at all angel, dear. now let me take care of your cheek" he replied as they both were in the kitchen now. Angel allowed Alastor to take care of his cheek as it still stinged alot. They both look into eachothers eyes before they kissed. "promise me you wont stray to far from my side angel, love?" Angel had a very hot pink blush on his cheeks now "i-i promise al". They now were closer then ever thanks to Charlie and Vaggie's trap, but they never would have geussed how close they had gotten. 

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