Traveling through time (version 2)

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In this version the world they end up in is like WAAAAAAAAAAAY before hell, heaven and humans existed. So in this story the world existed mainly out of cervitaurs that dont have natural predators so instead have different species where most of them live in peace and some dont. I also came up with the idea of a species that has like both sexes so they could easier reproduce but also a very highly wanted species for all other cervitaur clans.

No ones POV

Oh Lucifer had done it this time, he was visiting the hotel as a way to spend time with his daughter. Though he couldnt stand the constant bickering of two demons in particular as he had warned them he wouldnt tollerate it again if they did it near him again and well they didnt do it near him again. He just heard them in one of the hallways as they tried to keep their shouting to a minimum but Lucifer who was at the lobby, could hear them with his great hearing and teleported towards them. He was pissed off and when he's pissed off he hardly has any control over his magic, meaning that he send Alastor and Angel far back in time without realising it. Lilith ran up to him and blinks in confusion "where are alastor and angel, dear?" Lucifer blinks and turns around with an innocent smile on his face as Lilith face palms in annoyance. "not again sweetie, bring them back now" Lilith demands as Lucifer twirls his staff around in a fancy way before he taps it onto floor...but nothing happend "that's odd" Lucifer tries again and again and again, but still nothing happend. Lucifer began to sweat as he looks into his apple to see where he send them "well shit..." he sais as Lilith was looking over his shoulder "...YOU SEND THEM THERE?!!!" "I'M SORRY OKE!!! THEY WERE WORKING ON MY NERVES!!!". They kept arguing towards eachother until Charlie cleared her throat behind them "what happend?" she asks as they look at eachother first before they look at Charlie with a sickly sweet/innocent smile on their faces 'oh boi...' Charlie thought to herself.

~Meanwhile way back in time with Alastor~

Alastor POV

I opend my eyes and groaned out as i felt a little sick. The first thing i did was take in my surroundings as i noticed i was in a forest now 'this...does not feel like hell' i thought to myself and i was right. I was no longer in hell but where am i? I stood up and walked around as i passed by a huge crystal that revealed my reflection, i stop and back up again only to see that i had changed into a half deer, half humanoid beeing. I was inwardly panicking before i calmly feel around my body as i wasnt wearing any clothing, i had chest fluff just like Angel only mine felt like it represented me as an alpha male wich made it all the more weird. I felt up my antlers as i kinda did like them and i dont even have to use my powers to keep these babies. Then it dawned upon me, my i still have them. I tried using my powers but nothing happend "oh you have to be kidding me" i say out loud. I sigh and started walking in hopes to find someone who could help me out with this predicament. I suddenly come across two doe's who stare up at me "why hello ladies" i say kindly as they giggle and circle around me as i immediatly felt uncomfortable "oh my look at this one, he's a really tall one" "yess yess and by the look of his antlers he is one of our kind, only his color seems to be a little on the literall side". They then proceed to stand infront of me and look up at me "are you lost?" "i...yess i am" "wonderful!" they exclaimed and immediatly grabbed my hands to pull me along with them "it is very rare that we see loner stag's" "unless you are not a loner stag, what if he lost his herd due to the weather we had last time" they kept talking as i pull my hands back and cleared my throat "well i lost my herd indeed due to the weather" i lied as i followed them in hopes they would lead me to their herd "aaww you poor thing!" "dont worry, we are red deer species to!" "well it makes me happy to see that i am no longer all alone" i said in a dramaticly sappy tone. Eventually they brought me to their herd as they seemed to have homes of their own as well, there was this very old stag as he stares up at me and then at the girls "i see you two brought a new member with you" he sais as they nod happilly "we found him wandering around" "yeah yeah and he lost his herd, so can he stay here?". The old stag stands up as he inspects me by tapping my legs, tapping my back and looking how i stand "hhhmm, a young one indeed. he still needs to learn alot of things, but he will do just fine. make sure he has his own little shelter girls". They scream in excitement as i smile nervousely. 

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