Assassin (version 1)

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I cant find who actually wrote the assissin AU, but it inspired me to write a one-shot of this. Alastor and Angel are both Assassin's, Angel and Alastor have come across one another a few times for sertain kills. Ofcours they did everything not to be reconized so Alastor would wear a tight jacket and tight pants while covering up his mouth while having a ponytail. Angel however wears a hoodie like jacket and only wears a mask to cover the dots underneath his eyes and some spandex pants. In their day lives Alastor is still an all powerfull overlord demon and Angel instead of living inside the hotel he lives in an apartment and works as an entertainer in a bar, on stage that is, singing and dancing, but never going to the sex department. So it's safe to say that these silly beans have developed a crush on eachother even though they dont know how they look like in their day to day life. This might get a little gory at the end so be aware of that. Anyway up to the story!

Pink Dust = Angel Dust

Static = Alastor

No ones POV

Angel was jumping from rooftop to rooftop cursing at himself for taking Stolas's offer. You see Stolas had been sending his goons to capture Angel and he was getting sick and tired of this, so he found out where Stolas lived and decided to confront Stolas about this. Stolas wanted Angel to be his and he could give Angel anything he desired, but Angel refused and told Stolas to leave him alone. But Stolas was a cunning son of a bitch and told Angel he had a better offer. Angel listened as his offer was bringing him a special cane and if he succesfully brought it to him, he would leave him alone. But if he failed, he would be Stolas's belonging for all eternity. Ofcours Angelbeeing confident and stupid accepted the offer thinking this was easy peasy, until he gotten the information the next day and that brings us now to Angel sitting on a rooftop across the hotel that was run by Charlie Mange. 

Angel POV

'why'd it have to be that radio demon's cane' i thought to myself while sneaking closer to the building and climbing up the wall. I ofcours did my homework and discovered where his room is...the only problem is that this fucker has protected it from the outside with his magic. So i snuck inside the building and walked up to his room as i started to pick the lock of his door, knowing full well that he was somewhere else right now. 'oke angel, remember, ya got only 5 minutes before this guy senses something's off' i reminded myself as i heard the all familiar 'click' sound of the door, i slowly push open the door and immediatly locate the cane. I take in a deep breath before slowly releasing it and dashing into the room, grabbing the cane and exitting the room as quickly as possible. I run down the hall towards the window i came into before i succesfully get some distance between me and the hotel. I lean against a chimney feel all shakey while holding this cane tightly in my hands "i-i did it...i have his to bring it to stolas" "stolas?" the cane suddenly spoke wich startled me. " can talk?" i started to jump from rooftop to rooftop again "why yess indeedy, now about this stolas" "look...nothing personal but he told me that i had to bring ya to him in turn he would leave me alone" "what happens when you fail?" "i think yer beeing to talkative here" i replied knowing this was a way of gathering information for his master. "PINK DUST!" a familiar voice shouts out to me as i stop and turn around with a smile, expecting a happy glance towards me. Instead i only see anger in his eyes "static?" "pink dust give me the cane and i wont have to hurt you" "...hurt me?" this shocked me as he never before had harmed me whenever we mett. "i cant...i need to fullfill my mission" "your mission is not important, give me the cane!" he suddenly raises his voice wich causes me to take a step away from him. He actually growled at me as i started to run away from him and in the direction of Stolas's house. Static just interfere's by attacking me as i try to avoid his attacks and not once did i attack him as i cared to much about him to actually harm him. I dont know what attack hit me but in a blink of an eye i was thrown harshly against a wall wich made me lose grip of the cane before i fell all the way down onto the harsh pavement. I tried to get back up, but the hit against the wall and the fall broke a few ribs and a leg as an additional wound causes me to lose blood. My vision was slowly becoming blurry, but the only thing i could make out were Stolas's men who suddenly appeared infront off me, everything went black after that. 

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