We're not supposed to be

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In this story Angel is an incubus and he found human Alastor as his victem. Not going to reveal to much so uh enyoi o3o .

No ones POV

The first Month of Angel appearing into Alastor's house and Alastor already was doing everything he could to get rid of him, even tempting Angel into leaving him for other men. But ofcours it was very much pointless from the start and then he just tried to act cold towards him for another two months, but afterwards he started to warm up to him and even got to know him better. In an ironic way Angel actually forgot why he was at Alastor's house to begin with as he used to float around and annoy the shit out of him, but now he actively interacts with him like a lover would do. He made Alastor's food, cleaned his house and yess even scold him whenever Alastor killed another woman. Angel fell in love with Alastor and vice versa wich didnt bother either of them at all, until Angel's demon sense came back to him like a ton of bricks. 

Angel POV

'oh god! oh no! i fell for him...t-that's not suppose to happen!...out of all the humans i had...why did i get attached to this one' i thought to myself while making breakfast for Alastor. I smile softly as i was making his favorate food wich was jambalaya, i fill his plate up and place a glass of orange juice infront of it. I then make up the rest of the table as i look at my work with pride. 'oh god...i basicly became his house wife' i thought to myself until i hear footsteps coming my way as i turn around with a wide smile "mornin' sweetie~"  "goodmorning love~" he replies as we give eachother a peck on the lips wich makes me crave for more, but i know him well enough that he doesnt want to go further. "this taste as good as always my dear" he sais in a honest way as he quickly finishes eating his breakfast before he quickly got back up and readied himself for work. "see you later love~" he purrs out before he leaves the house "see ya..." i clean up the table and do the dishes 'this is wrong...i need to cut ties...' i thought to myself as i but the left over jambalaya into the fridge before i write a goodbey letter. I took half a day to erase all of my magic and evidence i was here and i look up at the time "oh no he's comin' home!". I quickly leave his house as i float above his house as i watch him enter his house and in several minutes i see him into his garden and looking around. "angel! angel where are you?! angel please!" he sounded so desperate and heartbroken, but humans quickly adapt so i turned inviseble and whisper "goodbey my love". I fly away in search of my next victem.

Alastor POV

I came back home expecting Angel to be there and ofcours the smell of food, but the house felt so empty and silent. I walk into the kitchen only to see a piece of paper on the table, i pick up the letter and read it.

~Start letter~

Dear Alastor,

I know i've been with ya, almost a year now and i was supposed to make ya fall for me. In a sense of irony i fell for ya and genuinly loved ya so much. But we're not supposed to be and i'm very sorry to leave ya like this, but i know that if i stayed and tried to break up with ya...that i wouldnt be able to. So hereby i say goodbey my only true love.

~End letter~

I felt m chest tightening up "i-is this a joke?" i look everywhere in my house "angel? angel is this a joke? angel please answer me!" i enter my garden as i look around "angel! angel where are you?! angel please!". I heard a faint "goodbey my love" as tears stream down my face before i fell onto my knees. I clench my fist and hit the ground "i refuse to let you go! i will find you again and i will make you mine!" i cried out.

~ Time Skip ~

No one POV

It's been 4 years since Angel left Alastor as Alastor kept searching for him for 2 years until he killed more and more women as a way off him venting out. But today he gotten his hands onto an old summoning book as he found a specific summoning spell for incubus's. He starts to draw multiple pentagrams around his living room as he tried summoning Angel a few times only to get other incubus demons and he killed them instantly, until he finally summoned Angel. This was the first time Angel was summoned so he felt kinda woozy and weak. Alastor smiles widely and drops the book as he catches Angel who had trouble to keep himself afloat. "angel, i finally have you back" Alastor sais in a longing way "al?...how did i get back here?..." Angel asks in confusion "sssh, it is alright my love. you are back safe and sound" he sais before he helps Angel to his bed. He helps Angel lay down on his bed before he crawls ontop of him "i will make you mine now, my dear. this way you will not leave me again" Angel started to blush as he wanted to sit up again only for Alastor to kiss him and push him back down gently. Lets just say after this day, Alastor had a lot of explaining to do about the dead bodies, the summoning pentagrams and how he knew how to claim an incubus. But other then that, they lived happilly togheter again.

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