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No ones POV

Today was not a good day for Charlie, her parents came to the hotel today as she gave them a tour of the hotel, to show them all the new improvements she had done to it. Her parents complimented her on this as Lucifer told her, she had a nack for hotel bussiness and he was not afraid to tell her to quit redeeming demons and work in hotel sector. Charlie was ofcours scared of her own father as she told him that she would not give up on her dream of redeeming demons. This did not sit well with Lucifer, not only was his daughter defying him, but also making him the laughing stock of hell. He then shouts at Charlie and called her names along with calling her a dissapointment, Lilith stopped him as Charlie had this heartbroken look on her face before she ran away from him and back to the lobby. She sat in the corner of the couch crying silently as Angel just came back from hanging out with Cherri as he notices Charlie curled up in the corner of the couch. "hey charls! how is my fave princess of hell doin'?" he asks as he heard soft sniffles coming from her "that bad huh?" "mhm" she replied softly as Angel sits down "how about ya tell dear Angel what's wrong?" she stayed silent but he saw Lilith and Lucifer walking in out the elevator and towards the dinning room as he looks at Charlie "yer parents?" "my parents..." "aaww sweetheart, i dont kno what he said to ya. but yer doing great in my eyes and that's all that matters" he tried to comfort her with words but it didnt work so he had to use plan B. "look, i dont usually do this for free but this is a special case" he sais as he uncurls Charlie and holds her close to his fluff "angel what are y-...omg!" she snuggles into his fluff "this is so soft" Angel chuckles and holds her there "i know toots". 

~Time skip~

Charlie walks to the bar as she still had this suprised look on her face as Vaggie ask "what's the matter?" she looks at Vaggie "angel's fluff is so soft" she whispered as Vaggie raises an eyebrow "what?". Charlie takes a deep breath and then sais "angel's fluff is so soft" " do you know that?" "well you see, i was having a bad day with my parents and angel came to comfort me...and he allowed me to actually touch his fluff for free!" " it really that soft?" "yeah! you should try it!" "you do realize we are talking about angel here" "yeah, but it's so soft!". Charlie just kept rambling on and on about how soft Angel's fluff was.

~The next day~

Vaggie sat on the couch pretending to be sad as Angel saw this and practicly did the same thing he did with Charlie. Vaggie became speechless as to how soft Angel's fluff was, she couldnt describe how soft it was. Charlie was sitting at the bar with Alastor and Husk as Vaggie walks up to them with the same suprised expression "omg you were right" "right!!!" "girls what are you talking about?" "angel's fluff" Alastor chokes onto his drink "pardon?" "angel's fluff is soft...nothing can compare to how soft his fluff is!" "and he let's you two touch it for free?" Husk asks "well...i had to pretend to be sad to touch it...but i bett if you asked he would allow it!" "tch...i'm not like you two fuckers. i have my own standards.

~The next Day~

Husk had actually asked Angel if he was allowed to touch his fluff and Angel eagerly allowed it. Even Husk was suprised at how soft Angel's fluff was "holy shit! this is soft" "i know babe" Angel said proudly as Husk suddenly started to fondle Angel's fluff, making him blush "i think ya had enough for now" Angel pulls away before he left the akward situation. Now Husk joined the conversation about Angel's fluff and how soft it was, only making Alastor even more curious about it. But Alastor wouldnt tell them, oh no he had a reputation to uphold ofcours. 

Alastor POV

I excused myself as i went straight to the lobby to find Angel standing their with his device in his hands. 'now how do i get to touch it without him noticing this' i thought to myself before i tripped over a loose tile in the floor "watch out!" Angel shouts out. My face landed right into his fluff as he caught me "honestly, we should tell charlie to fix that" he sais as i zoned out there 'this is very soft' i thought to myself as i nuzzled deeper into his fluff. "alastor?" i suddenly hear his confused, my face explodes into a red blush as i pull away "i-i-i-i-i did not mean was soft...I MEAN IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!...s-so do not ev-" i got cut off by Angel kissing me gently onto my lips as i felt my dead heart beat softly before it began to get louder. He pulls away and ruffles my hair "yer so cute alastor~" he sais sweetly before he walks off. I was very confused as i tried to make sense of what happend right here, only for Angel's words to repeat into my head. 

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