Meet 2P Alastor

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So this adorable blueberry pimp has been all over twitter and instagram. So an idea formed and i cant ignore adorableness...i'm so weak D: . Anyways, in this story 2P Alastor accidentally gets stuck in the hazbin hotel world we all know way to well. I hope you guys enyoi.

 Al = 2P!Alastor

Alastor = Alastor 

No ones POV

It was a normal day at the hotel, wich in Angel's eyes was boring as fuck. Charlie was showing off an artifact her father gave to her and well it looked alot like a painted egg. "it just looks like an egg" Angel sais as Charlie puffs up her cheeks "yeah has great magical powers!" "oh yeah like what?" "w-well i dont know" "...ya dont know?" Angel started to laugh. "stop pestering the poor child with her egg angel" Alastor sais with a soft chuckle "it's not an egg, here i'll show you" he gives the egg a small kiss and it starts to switch colors "see!" "oh yess dear, beautifull colors" "i-it's not about the colors, dad said that this contained large amount of magic!" "yess but what exactly does it do?" Alastor asks as Charlie carefully places it down on table "well my dad said that you can summon powerful demons or powerful weapons with it...atleest that's what he sais". Vaggie walks into the bar where everyone else was as she widens her eyes "charlie! turn it off!" "what why?" "just turn it off!!" "alright alright, sheesh" just when she was about to turn it off, the egg started to glow blue and everyone stared at it. "maybey you should turn it off now dear" Alastor sais "what? no leave it, i wanna fuckin' see what happens" Angel sais but it was to late already, the egg crackled up and explodes into a very bright blue color. When everything settled down and the smoke cleared they looked to see another Alastor, this one was entirely blue though as Husk starts to laugh along along with Vaggie. "what in blazes is this?" Alastor asks unamused as Charlie slowly aproaches this weird looking Alastor "i dont know but he seems scared" she sits down at the edge of the table with a smile. "w-where am i?" 2P!Alastor asks as he looks around first before his eyes land on Charlie "w-who are you?!" he shifts away from Charlie "dont be scared, my name is charlie and you're inside my hotel" Charlie extends her hand but 2P!Alastor covers himself in fear and closes his eyes as Charlie akwardly stands back up on her feet while Alastor had a glint of disgust in his eyes "pathetic, it makes me sick to my stumach just to look at him". Angel however found him cute and also felt very bad for this blue version of Alastor.

Angel POV

'ta poor guy. he's so scared that he's even crying' i thought to myself before i walked up to him and sat down at the edge of the table. "omg, this is going to be fucking hilarious" Husk sais with laughter as Vaggie was still laughing along at the hilarious sight of this other Alastor. I glare at the both of them before i sighed before i gently place a hand on his head and started to gently pet his head "there, there, dont be afraid. we wont hurt ya" i said soothingly as he opens one of his eyes and looks at me, i smiled softly at him as he seems to lower his arms and sit normally "w-who are you?" "ta name's angel, angel dust" i said with a wider smile. "so what's yer name?" "a-alastor" Husk and Vaggie fall over laughing even harder as our Alastor looks very annoyed "d-did i do something wrong?" he starts to cry again "psh no ya didnt, they are just beeing idiots" i retract my hand as he suddenly clings onto my jacket. "so uh, ya mind if i called ya al? deer boi?" "i-i do not mind" 'he's fuckin' adorable!' i thought to myself. Charlie smiles at me, meaning i was probably doing a good thing in her books. I helped Al get off the table as he sticks close to me, but hides behind me when everyone comes closer to him. "dont'cha worry al, they're just curious about ya" i reasured him as he comes out of hiding while the others suddenly bombarded him with questions. The only one who wasnt interested was Alastor himself as i sat down on a chair and watched from a distance. After a while Charlie suddenly sais "well if he stays here, then he should get a room of his own" and Al instantly tugs onto my sleeve as i looked at him "yeah?" he motions for me to lower down. I chuckle and lower myself as he whispers "c-can i stay in your room?" a soft blush appears onto my face "w-well i only have a one persons room so-" i got cut off by Charlie who listend in and sais "dont worry, i'll give you two the two person kingsized bedroom!" "wait what?". She pulls me aside as i see Al panicking a little bit before i diverted my gaze towards Charlie "what the fuck are ya doing?" i whispered "he seems to like you alot, so i will give you that room so he'll feel at ease" "what about my stuff?" "oh dont worry, we will help you" "fine...". I didnt like the idea of sharing a room with him since he looks alot like our Alastor, but then again he doesnt act like him. I smile and walk back over to him "so...ready to see yer room?" "d-do you not need to move your things?" "yess but uh...ya can atleest stay there and wait for me to be done" he takes my lower pair of hands "a-a true gentlemen will not allow it! i-i will help you move your things" he said with determination as it made me blush even more "s-sure" was all i could say before we left the bar. 

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