Hotel lockdown

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No ones POV

Today something unexpected happend wich leaded to the lockdown of the hotel. Angels were reecking havoc opon all citizens of hell as everyone was ordered to stay inside their homes and for those who can, to take others inside as well, baricade their place until this entire ordeal was over. This is why Vaggie was in charge, but she had no idea what to do if there was an attack and so she put Alastor in charge of defending the hotel if needed. Angel was in his room as he was searching for his super great grandfather's box "where ta fuck did i leave it at" he cursed out loudly while his pet piglet sat on his bed staring at his owner in confusion. Angel pulls out a big old dusty box "found you!!" he exclaims before placing the box onto his bed and opening it up. "oh momma~" Angel purred out in delight to what was inside the box. Meanwhile back downstairs an angel fell through the hotel's defence as Alastor was fighting the wretched thing, but he gotten super annoyed because it didnt sit still enough for him to grab it with his magic. Alastor was more distracted by his own annoyance then actually focused on the fight as this was the angel's tactic all along before they went in for the kill until *BLAM* the angel's head had a big hole in it. It dropped to the floor as their screen like face turned blank "what the fuck?" everyone exclaimed. Angel dust walks down the stairs with a smoking shotgun in his two right hands while he held a small book in his upper left hand. He kept mumbeling to himself while walking over to the dead angel and picking on their leg with their lower left hands before dragging them to the frontdoor. One of his right hands opens the door while he yeets the dead angel as far as he could before closing the door again. He turns around and looks over his book to look at everyone staring at him "what?" "WHAT? what do you mean WHAT? what was that all about?" "just following my grandpapa's instructions is all" he replied as he walks over to the coutch and sits down to study the book further. 

Alastor POV

I looked at the gun as i did not like the thing at all "angel dear, do you have to keep the gun with you?" "ofcours! how else am i gonna defend myself...wich reminds me" he motions for me to come closer as i oblige, he then motions me to lower myself as i raised an eyebrow before doing so. *smack* he hits the back of my head as i started to growl but then he points his finger at me "and you! what ta actuall fuck were ya doing?" "...batteling dear..." i did not like the way he suddenly started lecturing me as my ears drooped down "ya were playin' right into their hands" "i was?" "yeah, ya fuckin' idiot! never let yer emotions get ta better of ya or they will get'cha when yer guard is down" he smacks my head again with the book as i groaned in annoyance. "did your grandfather perhaps write that down as well?" i asked as he nods while i rub the places on my head he smacked me on. Vaggie runs up to us with such hopefull eyes, not towards me but towards angel "so they're killable?" "well yeah...but ya gotta aim for their heads and for al it would be best to just break their necks or back's that works to". I was not liking the current popularity of Angel, it felt as if i became unimportant. This ridiculous thing went on for days, he and i batteling those wretched angels only for him to get more praise then i did. Husker would tell me i did not need their praises but it was getting quite annoying, until 5 days later. Angel is shooting at them again with that idiotic weapon while i am using my powers. I became more agitated as i turned to look at Angel for a split second and say "will you just stop using that idiotic weapong of yours" Angel was very close by me ofcours as he sais seperation is not a good tactic. But nonetheless i gotten his attention, only to be shoved aside in a brutish way. I quickly sat up only to wittness one of the angel's spear's piercing right through his stumach. Angel shot that one down while holding the spear with one of his lower arms. "ANGEL!!!" i stood back up wanting to help him, but those wretched beeings would get in my way. I summoned more magic to catch them as i broke them in half like little twigs before i ran over to Angel who had collapsed onto the floor. "angel! ANGEL!!" i gently lift up his upper body from the floor as he was trembeling "heh...yer emotions gotten ta better of ya..." he laughs weakly. "i am sorry angel, please hold on!" i pleaded as he coughs up a bit of blood. Vaggie ran up to us seeing that the coast was clear before she said "we need to remove this spear" she sais "but what about his bleeding?" "dont worry, he'll be fine" she reassured me before she lets Husker take him away from me. i just sat there on my knee's blaming myself for Angel's injury 'you idiot, how could you let this happen! he warned you and yet you did not listen' i thought to myself until i noticed Angel's book. I grab it gently and open it up to the first page.

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