Little drama cuties

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This story has been inspired by an rp on Twitter between @Valspleasure and @BabyAl66. Also going to try something out right from the start.

No ones POV

"give angel back valentino!" Alastor demands as Valentino starts to smirk "nevew!! get him vox!!" Vox runs over to Alastor "it is between you and me now old fwiend" Angel sat on a little chair behind Valentino "noooo watch out alastow!!" "you awe mine angel and only mine!!!" Valentino sais with a glare as Angel pouts while crossing his arms. Vox and Alastor where doing rock paper scissors. "AHA!! i win now move aside vox" Alastor sais as Vox stomps his foot onto the ground "no faiw, you cheated!" he sais as Alastor replies "did not!" "did too" "did not!!" "DID TOO!!" "DID NOT!!!".  Valentino tries to get between them but it ended up beeing a throwing stuff fight until something flies over their heads, hitting Angels head who now was tearing up. The three guys start to sweat and try to comfort him or distract him but he started to cry loudly. The serious fantasy bubble bursted as in reality these big guys were actually little boys "oh no..." Alastor sais as Vox then sais "she is coming..." Valentino gulps "hide..." Vaggie storms into the playroom only to see little Angel having a bruise on his head "what did you little brats do?!" she sais in an angered tone. The three boys start blaming eachother only to get gently hit on their little heads "dont lie!...wait tears...NO!!" the three little boys start to cry as Vaggie groans in annoyance. Charlie then runs in "vaggie, what did you do now?!" the three little boys point at Vaggie "she hit us!!" Charlie stares at Vaggie and honestly they both looked overworked and tired. "well it's not my fault they are kids now and cant behave like they should!" Vaggie sais as Charlie looks hurt at her "i told you i was many times am i supposed to say sorry?" Vaggie had to litterally hold herself back and say "it's not about how many times you say it, it's your actions that show how sorry you are and if you learned from them! alastor and angel told you not to get involved and yet you did by doing a spell from a wrong page!! they told you numerous times not to get involved unless you were ready to use spells properly and knew them like the back of your hand!" Vaggie was panting and then ran out of the room "where are you going?" Charlie calls out "to get some rest!!!". Charlie sighs and then looks at the little boys "i am so sorry about Vaggie. but i also know she does not do this without a reason. what did you three do?" the boys look down "thwew something to angel's head, b-but it was not on puwpose" they said in unison. Charlie had a soft smile on her face "well how about you three apologize to angel?" they look at Angel who still sat there with tears in his eyes "we awe sowwy angel" they run up to him and give him a big group hug. Angel smiles as he felt the pain go away, eventually Velvet came to pick up Valentino and Vox to bring them back to the office. Alastor and Angel wabed at hem before Charlie put them to bed togheter before she left to talk to Vaggie. "hey angel?" Alastor whispers "yeah?" Angel whisper replies, "when i'm big and stwong, will you mawwy me?" he looks at Angel "yeah suwe" he replies with a big blushy smile. They both giggle and snuggle up closer togheter before eventually falling asleep.

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