when objects taste freedom (other version 3)

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You bett yer asses that i am making another one of these XD. I dont know i felt like making other versions of sertain one shots i already had or part two's? Also i believe all artifacts possess magic in hell so dont be confused if a sertain object trnasforms to oke? Hopefully you enyoi this story.

Lucy= Lucifer's cane

Aly = Alastor's cane

Pensir = Sir Pentious hat

No ones POV 

Charlie had recentely build in a hot springs as it really hit off with alot of geusts. Ofcours she had made different ones as she had many geusts, there were 3 female only, 3 male only and ofcours 3 mixed. Angel ofcours beeing the feminine guy he was could choose both as Charlie, Vaggie and yess even Nifty as they didnt seem to mind, as for whenever he took the male side...they would mind. Hence why he wanted to stay with the girls so they could chat about all sorts of things. Eventually Lucifer and Sir Pentious heard about these hot springs as they came to visit for a while, wich made Charlie very happy ofcours. So today Husk, Alastor, Lucifer and Sir Pentious were taking a dip in the hot springs while their objects stayed behind by the lockers. Coincidentally Angel Dust was already in one of the pools the other 4 chose to enter to and it annoyed Angel, because he for once wanted to have some alone time, but he took advantage of the mist and went to the other side of the pool. Meanwhile inside the lockers 'thisss isss boring' Pensir sais 'tell me about it' Aly replied 'then why wont we make it more lively today huh?' Lucy suggests 'what are you proposing?' 'this' *poof* and he turned himself to look like Lucifer himself, the other two followed suit "thisss isss a good idea, but one thing isss flawed" "what?" Lucy asks "we look to much like our masters" Aly replied. Lucy and Aly were thinking while Pensir rolls his eyes and magically changes up the colors. He only switched his black and yellow, nothing to big as he had this big grin on his face revealing his teeth were a pink color. Aly and Lucy stare at him "genius!" they say in chorus as they follow suit. Lucy only change the skin color to a pastel red and his cheeks were white as Aly he just switched up his hair color as black was no the dominant color. "but our clothing matches them to much still" Aly sais as he switches the colors again of his clothing, once again black beeing the dominant color. Lucy followed suit with the color changing except that his clothing would be black and red with his bowtie beeing white. Pensir did the same as he swapped the colors, yellow with black stripes and grey for his bowtie. They hear someone coming as they panicked only for it to be Angel Dust and they couldnt help but stare at his soaked features, it was as if time slowed down for them as Angel moves his head in diagonal upwards motion so his hair wips up and falls backwards. Aly swore he felt his heart beating for Angel as he watched him move so elegantly over to his locker while also wearing a long towel around his body to cover hismelf. Angel suddenly notices them as he puts on a smirk to hide his suprise "hello there~, havent seen yer faces before. ya new here?" he asks as Lucy clears his throat and walks up to him "yess we are and we were just about to go out to town. but seeing you here right now made me wonder if you would to join us?" oh Lucy was smooth, very smooth, but he learned from the best ofcours...wich was his master. Angel's smile went really wide, but in a positive way "yeah, i'd love that!" he exclaims "j-just give me a few alright?". 

~Small time skip~ 

Angel POV

'i dont know if this is my lucky day or not, but who gives a shit! i'm walking with 3 hot guys!' i cheered inside my mind as we went sight seeing and taking pictures everywhere we went.  We had tons of fun with pranks and fights as well. But one of them kept eyeing me and i kinda have to say, he's the most attractive one of the three. "as fun as this was we need to go now" the red one sais as the yellow one nods and i look at the black one as he shakes his head "i will stay a bit longer" he sais, causing the other two to look at him wide eyed. "would you excussse usss" the yellow one said as i shrug and wait for them while they seperated themselves from me. After a while he comes back to me with the biggest and happiest smile i've ever seen "let us go!" he exclaims while grabbing my lower right hand "where are we going?" "does it matter?" he sounded  misschievious and i just chuckled at this as i ran along with him. "HEY! COME BACK HERE!!!!" i heard one of them yell as i started to laugh now "yer a misschievious one arent ya" he looks back at me with a lovingly smile "maybey or maybey you made me more misschievious" he sais as i started to blush softly. The other two gain up to us as he turns around, pulls me close to him as i stare into his beautiful red eyes. I didnt even reallize he had used magic to teleport us to another place until i heard a fountain next to me. I blink and look around to see we are in the park "holy shit!!! how the fuck did we end up here?" "i used my magic ofcours" he states as i look at him "ya really wanted some alone time with me didnt ya" he smiles and closes the gap between us as he kisses me lovingly. 

~Meanwhile *with a french accent* ~

No ones POV

"damn! we lossst him" Pensir said with a sigh "good thing that we havent been caught yet" Lucy replies "yeah, good thing right?" a familiar voice sais as they slowly turn around to see all 3 of their masters standing there. "where have you been? we've been looking everywhere for you 3!" Lucifer exclaims as Alastor raises a questionable look "where is my cane?" he asks as the 2 of them laugh nervousely "about that..." Lucy sais as Alastor grew impatient. "spill it out already!" he sais as he raises his voice "he ran of with angel dust" they both squeacked out and Lucifer just started to laugh his ass off along with Sir Pentious. Alastor on the other hand, had trouble processing the information that was given to him. 

~Meanwhile back with the other two~


I used my magic to manipulate the speakers around the park to play a love song as i extended my hand "care for a dance my beauty?" he blushes more and places his hand in mine "i-i dont really know how to dance" he sais as i pull him close to me again "do not worry, i always lead~" i purred out as we started off. Eventually we got lost in our own little world as we started to dance more freely. He looked so beautiful in this lighting and the way he smiles melts my heart. Eventually we spin to hard and fall over in a grass patch as we were laughing. He lays besides me and even holds my hand while staring up the sky as i stare at him "ya know" "hhmm?" "this is the best date i ever had" he states as i started to blush "you really mean that?" he diverts his gaze and looks into my eyes "i really mean it. since i've been here in hell, this has been the best one i ever had" he sais as his hold on my hand becomes tighter. "angel" "yeah aly?" "i love you" "i love ya to aly" he replied as we kiss eachother again. I suddenly felt a tinge of my master's magic, indicating he was getting closer. But i did not care as i sat up "want to dance again before we leave for the night?" he sits up and holds me tightly "i'd love that". We both danced as it became darker and we even started to dance on the edge of the fountain as i dipped him down, making him chuckle. I smile and stare at him until "ALY!!!" my master's voices startled me as i accidentally dropped Angel into the fountain. My master strides up to me as i smile innocently "hello master" "do not 'hello master' me! i have been looking all over the place for you!!!" he exclaims in anger as my ears droop down "sorry master" i poofed back to my original form before Angel resurfaces from the water. 

No ones POV

Angel gotten out of the water as he looks around wondering where Aly went. He spots Alastor who was aparantly not in a great mood "if you are done wasting my time, let us go back home now" he sais as Angel follows suit. They came back to the hotel as Angel quickly went up the stairs to his room to take a much needed warm bath. Alastor walks over to Lucifer and Sir Pentious as they started to ask Alastor some questions while their objects started to talk telephaticly 'so?' Lucy asks 'so what?' 'how did it go with angel?' Pensir asks as there was silence 'did you two fuck?' 'what! no! we did not do that' 'then tell usss the juicy detailsss' 'none of your bussiness!!!'. As the two of them kept annoying Aly for details. Until their masters went of to their rooms as it was getting late for them. Aly ofcours poofs back the instant his master was asleep and silently went to Angel's room. He teleports inside and crawls ontop of Angel who wakes up slowly and looks up at him "aly?" he whispered as Aly just smiles and kisses him. Angel was still tired and thought this was a dream and to Aly this was the start of something he would never want to let go.

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