Some fantasy jogs XD

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I dont know what it is but everytime i get inspired to write, i open wattpad and instantly forget what i wanted to type out XDDD.
I know alot of people commented they wanted another part of my radiodust oneshot stories. Now i thought why not ask my followers to choose a story from my radiodust oneshot book and i will make another part of that story or a different version of that story.So what do you need to do?

- choose a one shot story 

- comment the title down below on this post along with the follow: 

* AP (for another part) 

 * DV (for different version of that story) You can put it in the comments down below here.But knowing how some things will go i will put a warning up here:

- i will only accept titles of already existing oneshot stories i made.

- i do not take requests, what i mean by this is people asking to make a story with details they want in it. 

and well that's basicly all XD.

I hope you all have a nice day and see you soon.

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