Who loves who

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No ones POV

Alastor had made a deal with Angel and no this is not a magic contract but more of a deal involving money. You see Alastor had been invited to various of important parties and he had heard Angel attended those parties with Valentino everytime he got invited. So Alastor actually payed Angel to accompany him at the party's he was invited to, but also told him to behave appropiately wich Angel agreed to. Party after party after party, Angel behaved and even impressed Alastor as it made him happy he didnt regret doing this deal. Angel could swear that something was blooming between them as Alastor opend up more towards him. But lately the other geusts Alastor would talk to, asked him questions about him and Angel as the answer definately shattered his hopes of ever beeing with him. What was the answer? Weeeeell "me and angel? HA! absolutely not, he is a slut and i turned him into a behaving demon *laughter* honestly such filth is beneath me, but i always accept a challenge if it means changing someone like that. but no matter how well he behaves, he will always be an unloved slut". Angel felt like he wanted to cry but he went to the balcony so that nobody would see him letting out a few tears. "what did you expect?" a TV voice sounds out wich startled Angel as he didnt expect HIM to be there.

Angel POV

"v-vox?" i say startled while dipping my tears away with a tissue as he stops my hand "dont wipe away how you really feel" he sais in a gentle tone wich suprised me even more. "i dont really feel comfortable crying infront of others..." i explain as he gently wipes away my tears with his thumbs "you can with me" a soft blush dusted onto my cheeks as he smiles kindly at me. I cleared my throat and look down at him "is this some sort of plan to get me to work for val again?" "what? oh *chuckles* no, but" he puts his hands behind his back as he stares out at the scenery infront of him "i have heard Alastor bad mouth you at every single party you two went to" "so...yer stalking me?" he chuckles more "no, we have the same invitations since they like it whenever we bump heads and make a scene". I stood next to him and sighed in relief that he didnt have alternative motives with this sudden calm behaviour "so...he has been doing this ever since the first party?" "yep" "i should've known he would do something like this". Suddenly slow music was playing as Angel sighs "well...i geuss that's my que to dance with him i geuss" "who sais you need to dance with him?" Vox sais as he gently takes my hand and leads me back into the room and onto the dancefloor "w-wont this anger him?" he shrugs "who knows" he replies as lord and behold when he spun me around, i saw Alastor in his place "hello dear" i was suprised and looked at him "hi al" "why were you dancing with vox?" "well he found me first and asked politely asked me" i felt Alastors grip around my waist tighten "you are not allowed to dance with him". I stare at him "al...we never set rules on who i can talk to or dance with, yer rules were for me to behave appropiately. so dont even pull this shit with me" i said in a soft but stern voice. He didnt seem to appreciate my reply but he couldnt argue with his own set of rules, suddenly Alastor gets shoved aside by Vox who was clearly annoyed that Alastor had pushed him away "i was already dancing with him asshole!" "he is my date to this party!" "oh really! then why are you constantly shit talking behind his back!!" Alastor growled and lunged at him "v-vox! al! c'mon! let go of eachother! al no bittin, vox stop kicking him!!" i tried to pull those two apart as i finally gotten Alastor away from Vox. I placed Alastor down on his feet as i grabbed his hand, just to be sure he wouldnt lunge himself back at Vox. Vox stood up chuckeling "you know i'm right and even he knows it" he points towards me as Alastor looks suprised at me while i averted my gaze to the side. I wrap my lower pair of arms around my waist "i'm sorry but i'm going back to the hotel" i said clearly sad and uncomfortable with all the unwanted attention towards me. I let go off his hand as i made my way to the exit "angel wait!" i keep going until i feel the hot wind hitting my face and tried to calm myself down. Alastor stands behind me while i look up at the pentagram covering the sky "angel...i...i did not mean any of those things you heard" "you did al...because i heard it straight out of your mouth..." he fell silent as i took a deep breath before slowly releasing it "i want to go back to the hotel al..." "ofcours..".

No ones POV

The ride back was silent as Angel stared out of the window while Alastor stared at Angel as he felt like guilty about all the things he said about him. Vaggie and Charlie were surpised to see them return so early as Angel kept quiet and went up the stairs while Alastor sighes and looks to the side wich worried Vaggie and Charlie. "this is a first" Vaggie whispers as Charlie whispers back "maybey something happend at the party" "should we ask him?" "no, they just gotten back...that would be to soon". They kept whispering towards eachother while Alastor makes his way to the bar as he would drink away these new feelings he didnt understand. These routines would happen a few times until parties were no longer beeing thrown around in hell. Though this didnt stop Vox from trying to claim Angel and Alastor would always come in between since he became more and more jealouse whenever Angel payed more attention to Vox then himself. Though one drunken night Alastor sneaks into Angel's bedroom and crawls ontop of Angel as he slowly stired awake by sudden movements. Angel opens his eyes as they focus in on the red blurr before his eyesight became sharper only to see Alastor ontop of him "a-al?!" he sais with a blush forming on his cheeks. Alastor, even though smilling still, looks sadly at Angel who was shocked to see him like this "al? is everything alright? what happend?" "a-angel?" "yeah al?" Angel by now was cupping his cheeks in worry. "why...why do you...do you like vox more?" "...what?" Angel replied in confusion as he stares at Alastor "am i not good enough for you?" only now would Angel smell the stench of alcohol coming off of him. "are ya drunk?" "angel please...i need to know...i...i do now know why i feel this way...why i need to know all of this...i feel like i need to know" Alastor sais as legitamite tears start to form in the corner of his eyes "oh al..." Angel holds him close against his fluff. Angel then starts to pett his ears gently "al...ya may not believe me or remember tomorrow but i uh...i-i..." Angel was stumbeling shylly over his words as Alastor purrs softly from the pets his ears received "i love ya al and i have to admit...he made my heart flutter...but ya make my heart beat so fast al...i feel so happy when yer around me and well i just...i-i just love yer pressence near me" Angel was blushing profusely now as he confessed most of his feeling towards Alastor. Alastor looks lovingly up at Angel "oh angel, my sweet and sexy angel. i knew you would choose me over that tv trash". Alastor clumsely sits up before he plants his lips onto Angel's lips as it shocked him, but he didnt pull away as he melts into the kiss. Alastor pulls away before he lowers down to Angel's neck and leaving kisses down his neck. Angel shivers in delight, but before anything more exciting could happen, Alastor fell asleep. Angel sighs and lays down while holding Alastor close against him. "goodnight al~" Angel purrs out before he falls asleep himself.

~The next morning~

Alastor woke up not remembering what happend last night, but he panicks when he sees Angel infront of him. Alastor quickly squirms out of Angel's arms wich resulted in waking him up. "mmm...al? why are ya awake this early?" "w-why am i here? what did we do last night? what even happend last night?" Alastor asks with a panicky voice as Angel sits up and smile warmly at him "we didnt do anything last night so dont worry yer pretty head about it" Angel wanted to cup Alastor's cheek in a reasuring way, but Alastor jerks back as his eyes show clear disgust. It really hurt Angel as he retracts his hand "c-can you please leave now al..." Alastor straightens himself as he looks confused at Angel "are you su-" "leave now!" Angel sais in a stern voice as it startled Alastor a little bit before he eventually left Angel's room. Alastor didnt get why Angel's mood suddenly shifted so negatively as he walks back to his own room still pondering what he did wrong while Angel started to sob silently.

~Small time skip~

Vox had decided to drop in as Angel gave him all of his attention and love now that he knew that last night was just drunken talk from Alastor wich didnt mean a thing. Little did he know that those were Alastor's true feelings towards him, Vox was treating him with more love then Alastor ever did and it honestly made him happy. Alastor was jealous but he couldnt do anything that would possibly ruin his reputation, but at the same time he didnt feel like caring much about that. Vox's tounge comes out of his screen face and lick Angel's neck wich made him shiver softy, Alastor snapped and shoved Vox aside "he is mine!" "what? no he's not! he's mine!!" they start a tug oh war, but Angel was confused as to what was happening here. Who loves who here truly? wich was on Angel's mind while the other two fought over him. Hopefully he will find out soon. 

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