christmas (version 3)

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XD i geuss it's lucky i had time before the familly evening party.

No ones POV

Angel was all alone inside the hotel as he had no one to spend christmas with, but he was already used to beeing alone on christmas day. Even Husk and Nifty were somewhere else enyoing christmas as for Alastor? Well Charlie dragged him along to meet her parents and spend christmas there. Their geusts went to spend time with their familly so Angel did what he did every year. He organised a one man christmas party as he would cook all the traditional christmas food, along with spaghetti and for once he would make jambalaya. He knew Alastor wasnt around to judge him if it didnt taste right so he went for it. 

~Meanwhile at the devils house~

Alastor was trying to escape the house full of weirdly overjoyed demons. Dont get him wrong, he love's it when others smile but this weirded him out to the bone. He stared out the window wanting to go back to the hotel for some peace and quiet. "so enyoing the party?" Lucifer suddenly appears as Alastor looks at him with his ussual smile "ofcours" Lucifer strangely looks out the window with a sad smile "is it not sad?" he asks as Alastor became confused "what ever do you mean?" "somewhere out there, is that same person doing a one man christmas party again" "...that is preposterous, everyone is with their familly or friends" he states as Lucifer chuckles "that is what you believe, but this one always is on his own. each and every year he would organize his own one man party" Lucifer glances over to Alastor "dont believe me?" he opens the door "go back to your hotel and see for yourself". He sais as Alastor took his invitation to leave gladly "i will" he sais before he practicly teleports infront of the hotel. Alastor saw the lights were on, music was playing and someone was inside humming along the music. He cocks his head to the side in curiousity as he opens the doors only to see Angel dancing along with the music.  

Alastor POV

'well i be, lucifer was right after all' i thought to myself as i entered the building without a sound, i took of my coat and walked up to Angel before taking his lower hands and dance along with him. Ofcours he was very suprised to see me "a-al?" he sais confused "suprise darling!" i exclaimed as he blushes softly "did'ja escape from charlie's place?" he asks as we were still dancing togheter "you might say that" he chuckled wich made me weirdly enough happy inside. The music ends as i let go of his hands so he could turn the volume down "so ya came straight back here?" "why yess darling, where else would i be?" "i just thought ya would go on a killing spree" he sais while flailling his arms dramaticly. I chuckle "as great as that sounds, i would not do it on a happy holiday as this one" i replied as his smile became smaller. A sertain smell caught my attention as i follow it to the kitchen while Angel followed me "is that jambalaya?" Angel steps right infront of me to try and block my view"n-no?" he sais questionably. But i could tell this was jambalaya and he made it...knowingly i would not be there to eat it... I look up at him "it is not very fair that you made this without me beeing here" i state as he just blushes up a storm "y-ya werent supposed to know either" he said flustered. I noticed the rest of the dishes he made as i look up at him "you made this all on your own?" "yeah" i sit down as he sits across from me. "lets dig in shall we?" i was honestly very famished and let him take some of the food first, knowing him he would only take small portions while i...overfloaded my plate. We started eating as i was suprised at how delicious this was, it took me back to my childhood days as my mother would make these recipies on christmas days only. I looked at the untouched jambalaya as i glanced over to Angel as he sais "i-i want ya to taste it first" he sais in a shy tone. I smiled and took a spoon full of it before it entered my mouth. It was exactly how my mother used to make it 'why does he feel so insecure about this? he is an excellent cook' i thought to myself as he was waiting for my reply "my dear, there is nothing to be nervous about. you did an overly excellent job with everything, even the jambalaya" he smiled more as it warmed my up my dead heart. 

~Time skip~

No ones POV

They had some deep conversations all of them beeing of Angel's past and why he celebrates Christmas alone. But after some drinks they were lively again and dancing togheter again, the music Angel chose was from their time era and it made Alastor very happy. Alastor couldnt help but stare at Angel as he became very infatuated with him over the coarse of today. Angel chuckled and blushed every time Alastor flirted with him or said some loving things towards him. They became even more drunk as they suddenly fell down and laughing about it. Alastor was ontop of Angel as he stares down at Angel before kissing him. "al?" "yess angel" "i love you" Angel confessed as a blush formed onto Alastor's face "i love you to dear angel". They then decide to sit infront of the fireplace with a blanket around themselves, telling stories and having a loving and relaxed time togheter. Alastor was the first one to fall asleep as he leaned against Angel. Angel held Alastor in a warm embrace as he ran his fingers through Alastor's hair, earning alot of purrs from him "merry christmas al~".

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