Traveling through time

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I have like two versions of this one and well i'm still plotting one of them because my brain doesnt want to work on that one yet. I will be doing this one instead, so i hope you enyoi! 

No ones POV

Angel and Alastor were on peaceful terms with eachother but didnt like eachother one bit. Mainly because Alastor kept on bullying Angel even when he stopped flirting with Alastor as he had promised. But Alastor didnt keep his end of the deal and just kept at it, hence why Angel doesnt like Alastor at all. So that's why they were confused when Lucifer had called them both for a retreaval mission. "why did you call the both of us?" Alastor asks as Lucifer clears his throat "you see this cave right here?" they nod "this is the cave of time and someon, definatly not me, was an idiot to toss my cane into the cave" Alastor and Angel looked at Lucifer with knowing looks. "so ya want us to go in there and get it back?" Angel sais as Lucifer nods "well...i geuss we dont have much of a choice here do we now?" Angel added "that is also true" Lucifer replied "let us get this over with" Alastor sighed out as Angel wasnt to happy about this either. They enter the cave as it was pretty dark at first before they found the exit pretty quickly as they looked around not seeing the city they know as it seemed like pure disorganized chaos. "how are we going to find his can in this mess" Alastor sais as Angel spots a small market "maybey they got it over there" Angel points towards the direction as Alastor hated to admit it, but for once he agreed with him. They both made their way to the market as they kinda seemed out of place but nobody actually bothered to be weirded out by this. They look around as Angel nudges Alastor softly as he earned a soft growl from the other "i think i found it" Angel whispers out as he points to a stall with a cloaked figure standing in it. "i do not see it" Alastor sais as Angel fixes Alastors head to the right direction as it was behind the cloaked figure on one of the shelves "oh, now i see it" Alastor sais as he slaps Angel's hands away. "...yer welcome" Angel mumbles softly as he follows Alastor "hello there fine man! i am very much interested in the apple like cane behind you" Alastor sais politely as the cloaked figure asks "what are you willing to trade for this item" Alastor hadnt thought about this as he looks at Angel and smirks mischieviously. "i am willing to trade my finest slave for this" Alastor sais as Angel looked shocked as he didnt even ask Angel if he wanted to do this or not "sold!" the man sais as he gives Alastor the cane while grabbing Angel and pulling him behind the stall. Alastor left as Angel had hoped he was retreating himself to hatch a plan to get him back, but he saw Alastor quickly making his way to the cave. Before Alastor entered the cave he shot a look back to see Angel just going behind a curtain and out of his view as this gave Alastor a guilty feeling, but shook it off rather quickly. 

Alastor POV

There was no time to feel guilty now, i am finally rid of him and i can have peace at last. I returned with Lucifer's cane who was suprised to see me come back alone "where is angel?" "oh i traded him for your cane" Lucifer chuckles as he takes his cane back before we both felt a sudden change "that is odd" "tell me about it". We make our way back to the city as we see this mansion outside of the city that was surrounded by all sorts of flowers "what in the world?" "...maybey angel changed one thing and it resulted in this?" we both chuckle as we left it be and made our way to the hotel. My ears droop down as i see the name has changed as well. Now it said 'Hell's hotel' "this cannot be good" i say as we open the door. Charlie had her hair up and her horns out as she looks at me "alastor! where have you been? it's a mad house around here and i need you pronto!!" i was startled by her tone but complied anyway. I was instantly piled up with lots of paperwork and other work around the hotel as it was causing stress instantly.

~Big time skip~

It has been 2 months now and i did a little research with lucifer as we discovered that Angel never became a pornstar, not only that but his entire human life was erased along with all other records of him living here in the city, not even his familly memembers remember him. But Lucifer said he found where he lived at now and that is where we are today. " this house that we decided to ignore is where he lives?" "correct and well he doesnt live there alone..." i raise an eyebrow before i knock onto the frontdoor. The door opens to see a young demon looking at us "can i help you gentlemen?" "yess we are looking for angel dust" "oh then you are at the right adress" he sais as he stands aside, letting pass through the doorway. I look around seeing how big and clean it was on the inside "angel you have company" "comin'!" his voice sounds out from the kitchen area. We wait in the main hall as Angel arrives and stares at us in suprise before pulls up a smile "what can i help you two with" "is there a way we can talk privately?" Lucifer asks "sure follow me" Angel sais as he guides us to an office as he closes the door behind us. We sit down on the chairs infront of the desk as he sits on one of the big desk chairs "sorry if ta chairs are to big, this is my lover's office but also the only place ya can talk privately" he sais as i noticed some scars on his neck and hands. "let us cut to the chase, we want to know how exactly you survived for so long" Lucifer sais as Angel's expression changes to a serious one "so ta both of ya werent affect by the change of time?" "no sorry" "nah it's fine i geuss". Angel stands back up and closes the curtains as he turns on the light "after al sold me, i was tasked to keep that stand clean and help with selling stuff. i got sold to many different demons...let's just say i didnt have a great time with them" Angel explains as he sits back down again "then ta biggest and strongest demon there kept me as a pet...kept me in a birdcage as i was forced to wear a fuckin' white dress, i had to sing songs or lullaby's whenever he was awake...suddenly there was a war between demons and angels. he got killed as i got sold off again and again and again and again...until shika had bought me and kept me. now we're here" "but you call him lover" Alastor sais confused "i have to call him that because he thinks he's the only one who can truly love me for me" Angel replied. "angel! master shika has arrived!!" "shit!" Angel stands up and quickly opens the curtains, unlocks the door and hurries to the main hall as we follow him. "my love!!" Angel sais with a forced smile as he opens his arms. To my suprise Shika was also a deer demon, only he had midnight blue hair and his eyes were emerald green. He was wearing a suit just like us but everything about him screamed out alpha as he walks over to Angel and pulled him into a loving kiss. There was this new feeling i suddenly had when i saw him do that as he lets go of Angel and diverts his gaze towards us "my my i didnt know we had geusts!" he exclaims. "oh yeah, eum it's lucifer and alastor the radio demon" Angel sais as he stayed by Shika at all times "it is a pleasure meeting you both" he sais as he extends his hand for us to shake. We shook his hand and talked as i saw how rough he was treating Angel, forcefully planting kisses on him as Angel just allowed it. "can i use the restroom?" "sure, angel love. will you show him the restroom" "ofcours" he answered timidly as i follow Angel to the restroom. I pulled him inside and locked the door "a-al what are ya doing?" "how can you let him walk over you like that! i thought you were more then tha-" i got cut of by a slap to the face "ya got no right to talk like that! ya have no fuckin' idea what i went through!!" he sais as he backs away from me. I rub my cheek and stare at him '...what he went through?' i thought to myself as i took a few steps closer to him "angel can i see?" "n-no i should get back to shika" he sais as i stop him and start to undress him. He strangely enough complies as i widend my eyes, his entire body was covered in old scars and hand prints. his furr wasnt as white as it used to be at some places, i wanted to touch his scars but he just jolts a little bit and backs away from me "s-sorry i dont like to be touched directly unless i'm wearing my clothing" he sais gently. "angel...i am so sorry" " yer dont lie to me" he sais as i grab him by his shoulders and pull him into a warm embrace "i will fix this, i promise you that" he holds onto me and lays his head onto my shoulder as this strangely warms up my entire chest. "angel! angel are you in here?!" Shika raises his voice as Angel starts to tremble "alastor...whatever ya goin' to do to fix this...please do it fast" Angel sais softly as he was scared out of his mind. I cup his cheek and look up at him "do not be scared angel, it will be alright" i reasured him as he seems to smile again. I let him go and open the door as Shika stares inside the restroom and sees Angel without his clothing and gets very agressive instantly. I smirk as he seems to get aggitated even more before i knock him out of the building. "what are you doing?" Lucifer asks "i am going to fix this" i replied and ran out of the house with Lucifer behind me "how?" "i am going back in time to retrieve angel!" "but didnt you leave him there in the first place?" "yess and that's my mistake. but i will fix this mistake". Lucifer stops and waits outside the cave as i run back inside 'just you wait angel i am coming for you' i thought to myself.

No ones POV

Alastor had searched the market, but there was no trace of Angel until he felt the ground shaking and looked to the right to see a very huge demon walking with satisfaction to a sertain place. "he did mention the biggest and strongest demon..." Alastor sais obviously feeling worried for Angel's mental wellbeeing by now. He runs to that demon's direction as he was just in time to see that demon place Angel inside a birdcage. Angel sat down on the floor as he was wearing a whit dress, just like Angel had explained to him. But Alastor had to wait until that demon had fallen asleep for him to sneak up to Angel's cage. "angel...psst angel" Alasto whispers as Angel diverts his gaze towards Alastor "what are ya doin' here?" Angel whisper asks as Alastor was suprised by his question "i came to get you out of here" "as if i believe that...ya left me here for 2 years". Alastor's ears droop down in shock as he heard that '2 that how long he has been here?' i thought to myself "...somethin' tells me it hasnt been two years back at home" "it only has been two months dear" Alastor replied as Angel stands up and walks over to him "are ya shittin' me?" "no dear i am not" "" "i do not now dear but i will get you back home oke? just wait a little bit more" Alastor sais as he tries to forcefully open the cage but the cage was laced with magic. That magic sends Alastor flying against a boulder as Angel looks at Alastor worriedly and with good reason, because that ruckuss woke up the demon he didnt want to wake up.  "who dares to disturb my slumber" the demon spoke out loudly and menacingly as Alastor tried to hide, but he was to colorful not to be spot by the demon. "YOU!!! how dare you!" the demon stood up as Alastor had to run for it while trying to think of a plan to get Angel out of the cage. The demon was getting tired of running after Alastor who was faster then him, so the demon decided to throw boulders at Alastor who dodged with ease until one off the boulders flies over Alastor and hits the cage Angel was in. "ANGEL!!!" Alastor shouts as Angel stood up wobbelly, but atleest he was free now as Alastor runs over to him "are you oke angel love?" Angel looks at Alastor with a suprised expression "c-could be better" he sais as Alastor picks him bridal style "you will be soon". The ground shook more as this meant that the demon had caught up to them, so Alastor starts to run for it again while Angel held onto him. Alastor runs towards the cave as the demon roars out in frustration "w-we lost him" Angel sais as Alastor skids to a stop as he pants and places Angel back on his feet. Angel wipes a few hairstrands away from Alastor's face before he lovingly kisses Alastor as this took him by suprise, Angel pulls away and smile "thanks for comin' back to save me" he sais as Alastor was blushing profusely "n-no problem darling" Angel grabs his hand and walks into the cave while pulling Alastor along with him. Lucifer chuckles when he saw Alastor all flustered and confused as things went back to the way they were before "welcome back angel!" he sais as Angel looks at Lucifer "next time ya toss yer cane in there, i'm tellin' lilith!" "o-oh come now it was all fun and ga-" he got cut off by Angel pointing a stern finger towards his direction "fine..." Lucifer sighs before everyone went back home. Everything was back how it should be, well almost, Alastor and Angel were a thing now as Alastor tends to fuss over things that he deemed to dangerous for Angel. Angel however didnt mind as he loved to see Alastor all riled up like that.

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