When objects taste freedom (other version2)

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Aly = Alastor's cane

No ones POV

Alastor had allowed his cane to take his place for one day so that Alastor could do some important paper work, not in a million years would he think that his own cane would lose control. Not only that but his cane took Angel hostage, claiming him for himself. How did this happen? Well lets rewind and look shall we?

~earlier today~

Aly was doing Alastor's job in the hotel while Angel helped him, not knowing ofcours that Aly wasnt Alastor. Angel and alastor were a couple so ofcours they did little things to eachother, to show eachother that they cared. Ofcours Alastor was the one who wanted it to stay a secret, but Aly however didnt understand these emotions and was not informed by Alastor about it. Angel gave him a small kiss on the cheek, ocassionally would hold his hand, say lovely things to him and yess even pet his head from time to time. Aly just stuck close to Angel al the while he was slowly forgetting the job he was tasked with. Aly just loved how Angel spoiled him not knowing ofcours that these little things were meant for Alastor. "al?" "hm?" "are ya oke? ya seem out of it" "ofcours i am...i just feel very happy to be with you" Angel blushes and chuckles softly "yer such a dork ya know that?" "but i am your dork~" Aly cooed towards Angel as it made Angel's blush become bigger and brighter. Aly decided to go out with angel in the city as they had fun but that soon turned bad as there were some punks hurting Angel, his angel. Aly attacked them and killed them as he became confused by these sudden emotions. Angel saw the inner struggle he was having so he decided to hold him close and pet his head while wipshering loving words towards him, wich seemed to calm him down at first. They decided to go back to the hotel only for a bomb to roll close to them and explode. Everything was fuzzy and Aly would only hear a beeping sound. When the sound dissapeared he would look for Angel who was unconcious and bleeding from the head. Aly healed the wound but Angel stayed unconcious as other Thugs ran up to them laughing hard as Aly's eye twitched and used his powers again. This time he went fully out as other demons screamed in fear, he used his magic to make Angel float up towards him "do not worry love...i will protect you" his magic went haywire attacking others randomly. The reall Alastor heard the  comotion outside his room as he went to check only to see that his cane had gone haywire. "ALY!!" he shouts as Aly diverts his gaze from Angel to Alastor "he is mine!!!!" Aly shouts trying to attack Alastor but Alastor stopped his attack from ever reaching him. "aly!! let go of angel" Alastor shouts "NEVER!!!!" Aly clung to Angel for dear life. Alastor groaned and floated up to Aly who only backed away more. "aly, let go of angel" "no" "let him go" "i said NO!!!" Aly shouts as radiowaves send Alastor flying. Angel opens his eyes as he groans softly "what happend?" he sais as Aly hugs Angel tighter. Angel saw the mess and magic everywhere and deduce that Aly was behind this. "alastor? why are you sad?" he pets Aly's head trying to calm him down as it was working until the reall Alastor showed up again. Alastor had enough and used his own magic to harm aly but he harmed Angel in the process. Angel shivered from the pain as Aly retaliated. 

Angel POV

I dont know why there are two Al's but i need to calme both of them down. Suddenly another magical hit shoves me out of this Al's hands as i was falling down. The other Al flies towards me and catches me "angel! i am so sorry, are you oke" "just a little hurt but i'm oke" i say with a smile "as for you aly!!!" Alastor growls 'aly huh? must be something from his magic' i thought as the two of them duke it out. "i-if he can not be mine then he wont be anyone's" Aly proclaimed as i get hit by an inviseble magic blow.

Alastor POV

Aly had send Angel flying as he hit a wall pretty badly. I growled and finally could poof him back to his cane form. I rush over to Angel who's breathing was ragid and he was bleeding everywhere. "dont worry love, i will heal you" i tried to heal him but his breathing was still ragid. Charlie had already called a doctor who just arrived to acess that Angel had broken ribs. The doctor did his best to help Angel and i myself felt so guilty for letting this happen in the first place. I stayed with Angel until he woke up, but hours went by, those hours turned to days, those days into weeks as i stayed by his side all this time "angel dear please...you can not leave me like this" tears stained my face as Angel suddenly woke up from his sleep. "alastor?" was the first thing he said. My smile grew wide as i placed soft kisses onto his face "welcome back my angel~".

sorry that this one is short. i ran out of imagenation...plus i am super sleepy XD. 

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