Alastor's make over (other version)

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This one will have two endings since i suddenly have two endings in mind.

No ones POV

Charlie had made a very big oopsy and what was that oopsy? Weeeeellll she has used a spell from a book that Alastor lended to her on him by accident. How so by Accident? the spell Charlie used is a 12 hour long forgetting spell and she meant to aim it at Angel, but her aim was off and instead she accidentally put the spell on Alastor. This spell makes you forget everything but once the spell is over you will remember everything again, including what happend during those 12 hours. Charlie was in a state of panick as she told Vaggie about it, but she forgot to take Alastor with her, instead he was left alone with Angel. Angel who saw the it happening in that split second he turned around took responcibillity over Alastor, thinking this is what Charlie wanted. Ofcours not knowing that the spell only lasts for 12 hours.

~12 hours left before the spell is lifted~

Angel POV

Great! I'm stuck baby sitting him. I sigh and sit next to a confused Alastor who weirdly enough never lost his smile, he got startled by me when i sat down next to him "w-who are you?" he asks as i kinda felt bad for the guy, here he was sipping his tea and reading his newspaper, then BAM memory loss by a spell. "the name's angel dust" i replied as smiled kindly at him "w-where am i?" "yer at the hazbin hotel and yer here because ya are helping charlie run this place" i explained as he seems to warm up to me a bit more "i do?" "yeah and yer name is alastor" i gently booped his nose as he suddenly started to blush softly "yer also known as the very powerful and most feared radio demon". "...i am?" "yeah and to be fair, yer also very handsome" i wiggle my eyebrows at him in a comical way as he chuckles softly. 'well shit, this will be fun' i thought to myself asa very mischievious idea came to mind. "we are also very good friend" i said as i link arms with him. "really?" "yess and i know for a fact that ya love to cross dress and wear make up, but only with me" "i do?" "yup". I get up and pick him up brydal style "ya know, ya can also walk around and nobody would notice it was you" i said as we walked to my room "we could?" "ofcours we could". I knew he was going to chase me through the entire pentagram, but this was going to be worth it. 

~8 hours left before the spell is lifted~

"and done" i said as i made sure his wig sat perfectly on his head. Alastor was now wearing one of my victorian dresses, my make up and ofcours a red wig. I deliberatly chose everything in red because it fits him better and while i was at it i dressed myself as well but in mostly pink then. "now lets get going!" i exclaimed "i-i dont know" Alastor said shylly as i held his hand "if anyone even dares to touch ya, i will beat them up!" i said and with that we left. 

Ending 1

No oned POV

Angel and Alastor had fun walking around the streets acting as woman just to get free stuff. Angel was suprised that nobody even reconized the both of them, not even their friends. They had a ton of free stuff as they went back inside the hotel to stash it all in Angel's room since he knew Alastor wouldnt want that stuff. They returned to the lobby still looking like that as they ate some food and drank some tea. Husk and Nifty were trying to figure out who they were as they followed them back to the lobby. Charlie and Vaggie were basicly doing the same thing as them until 

~0 hours left before the spell is lifted~

Alastor's memories returned as he blinks and looks around seeing Angel in drag as this seemed weird until he saw his reflection in one of the mirrors nearby "...what in BLAZES!!!!" Alastor shouts out as everyone else sais "alastor?" he turns around seeing them staring at him. Angel in the meantime snuck out of the hotel as Alastor's anger was bubbeling up. "AAAAAANGEEEEEEEEL!!!!!" Alastor threw the wig onto the ground, wiped of the make up and used his magic to replace the dress he was wearing with his own clothing before he head out hunting down Angel Dust who was Laughing the entire time.  

Ending 2

No oned POV

Angel and Alastor had fun walking around the streets acting as woman just to get free stuff. Angel was suprised that nobody even reconized the both of them, not even their friends. Alastor suddenly notices some guys following them "eum angel" he whispered worriedly as Angel looks behind him seeing the men "dont'cha worry alright?" Alastor nods and kept following Angel. Angel knew they were close to the hotel, but he couldnt risk those guys following them inside atleest not with Alastor in this state. Angel stops and turns around as he places his lower hands onto Alastor's shoulders "listen al, ya need to book it to the hotel and go straight to yer room" "how do i know where that is?" "ya need to use yer nose and follow yer own scent alright?" "but what about you?" "i'll be fine, trust me" Angel smiled kindly even though he was lying. Alastor nods as Angel places a soft kiss onto Alastor's lips "now go" he whispered as Alastor ran towards the hotel while Angel distracted the other guys to follow him instead. Angel's plan worked as they followed Angel into an alleyway.

~0 hours left before the spell is lifted~

Alastor POV

I stood there inside my room looking at myself as i could tell that this had Angel written all over it. I quickly took of the wig, the make up and the clothing as i changed to my own clothing. I grabbed my staff as i was fuming over the fact that Angel did this to me and so i began to search for him. I searched for an hour and there was no sign of Angel anywhere "where could he be?" I held my head as images flooded into my mind. My ears dropped down as i remember leaving Angel all alone to fend for himself, i quickly left the hotel in search of Angel. I sniffed him out as i ended up in an alleyway not far from the hotel "angel?" i called out as i slowly entered the alleyway. I see one of his hands sticking out from behind the dumpster as i ran quickly over to him, ignoring the bodies and blood scattered on the ground. There he was all beaten up and wounded as he was losing alot of blood. He was unconcious but it seemed that whoever did this to him had his fun with Angel first. I gently cupped his cheek as his eyes slowly open "ala...stor..." he sais weakly as i tried my best to fight back the tears the threatend to form "sshh it is alright now, i am here now" i said soothingly as i pick him up brydal style. I ran back to the hotel as i called Charlie and Vaggie for help. They followed me to my bedroom as we quickly stopped Angel's bleeding and took care of his wounds. I thanked them and told them that i would clean Angel up as they nodded and left. I could tell they were sad because of what happend to him and i was just angry at myself for leaving him out there all alone. After i was done washing him, i went outside to track down those filthy demons that basicly had their way with Angel. My antlers growing in size, my eyes turn to radio dials, black ooze dripping out of my mouth as static covers the world around me. I will find those bastards and rip them into pieces if it is the last thing i do!

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