It was you... (part 2)

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"matin?" "who else ya silly idiot" he sighs dramaticly "i see that i still have to save yer cute ass". Alastor blushes "w-well soooorry, i did not expect you to look...look like that..." "have you even looked at yerself?". Alastor raises an eyebrow and finds reflective surface to look in "i look like a punk!" Angel chuckles and hugs him from behind "i so missed ya..." Alastor smiles "well now we can be togheter forever". The two of them stayed togheter, pulling of all sorts of mischief until they found a café and that's where everything went wrong. Angel didnt like how close Mimzy had gotten to Alastor everytime they went to see her performance. But what really ticked him off was the fact that he saw her slipping something into Alastor's tea. "look al, i'm telling ya she slipped something in yer drink" "and i am telling you that you are making this up! mimzy is a kind and sweet woman" "but al" "no angel! i know you are saying because you are jealous!" "no i'm fuckin' not! i'm tellin' ya ta truth here!!" "ever since we came here, it has been mimzy this and mimzy done that. you know what...i am getting sick and tired of this...i am tired of YOU!!!" Alastor shouts as he immediatly regrets it seeing how utterly heartbroken angel looked. "...angel" he reaches out to him only for Angel to slap his hand away "i...i dont want to see ya anymore...i hope yer happy with mimzy" Angel runs away crying.

~Meanwhile back in the hotel~

Vaggie finally got Alastor's door open only to see the room completely covered in torn branches. Charlie gasps "the memory stone..." "the what?" "the memory stone! my dad lost it a long time ago but even then he told me that it is very dangerouse" Charlie scans the room for something as she sees flower buds starting to grow "if those flowers bloom then we can lose both of them". Vaggie was still trying to process the information that was given to her "what do you mean lose?" "it means that their memories and who they are will be lost forever!!" "well shit..."

~back with Angel and Alastor~

It had been weeks since the argument and Angel had not yet returned. "mimzy what should i do? i love him so much...i do not wich to lose him..." "dont worry dearie...everything will be over soon" she sais as Alastor suddenly feels a sharp pain in his chest. He gasps for air "m-mimzy...what did" "oh nothing much i just slipped some poisen into your tea every now and then" "so angel..." "was right? ofcours he was and you didnt believe him. but it doesnt matter, your all mine now" she sais as she presses the stone against Alastor's chest "and you wont even remember all of this when you lose conciousness". The doors slam open as Mimzy gets up and looks at Angel with a fake sad face "angel come quick!" "what happend to him?" "someone tried to kill alastor, but no worries my boys already took care of that goon". Angel holds Alastor close to his chest 'soft...' he tought to himself before staring up to Angel "but sadly he has been struck with the memory stone" she knew all to well that Angel didnt know how it really works "w-what does that mean?" "it means that he needs to forget you if he wants to survive" "w-why me?" "because it attacks the heart by using the memory of the one they care about" tears stream down Angel's face "...alright...p-please give us a moment" 'angel no...angel!' Angel smiles at him and kisses him passionatly "i wont forget ya...a-and ya better stay out of trouble a-and eum i love ya alastor...i love ya so fuckin' much..." he lets go of Alastor before leaving the café while Mimzy had this smug smile on her face "y-your...not getting...away with this..." Alastor loses conciousness as Mimzy sais "oh but i already did dearie~".  

angel: 'ya remember now al?' 

Alastor: 'yess i do love'

Angel: 'al?' 

Alastor: 'yess love?'

Angel:  'promise me ya wont be fooled again' 

Alastor: '...ofcours i promise' 

Angel: 'i love ya al'

Alastor: 'angel?...angel!...ANGEL!!!' 

Everything went bright as Alastor was the first to wake up as he was no longer covered in torn branches. 

Alastor POV

I looked around seeing my entire room covered in branches, Vaggie and Charlie were looking horrified above my bed. I suddenly felt something wett on my cheek as i wipe it of with my index finger only to see it is blood. I slowly looked up, following the branches that intertwined with one another to see Angel stuck between the branches. The torns cutting into his flesh making cut wounds while Angel was still inside his mind. "angel!!! angel just you wait, i will get you out" i stood up trying to climb up the branches only for them to knock me off. I growl "give him back" i see more branches covering up Angel until i could not see him anymore "NO, ANGEL!!!" i yelled as my antlers grew in size as my eyes become radio dials as i hop from torn to torn, using brute strenght to rip apart the branches to reach Angel. I held him close to me "who is saving who now?" i say sadly. The stone shone brightly purple, indicating that the stone would never let Angel go. The branches started moving but i used my magic to set it aflame, burning all of it until nothing was left of it. The stone slides out of Angel's still hand "angel?...angel love it is me alastor" his eyes were still glowing purple and there was no reaction "you need to destroy it!!!" Charlie shouts as i look at the doorway "what?" "destroy the stone before it regenerates it's branches, that way you will save angel from it's grip!!!!". My smile widens as i grab my cane and push the tip ontor the stone, it breaks under pressure releasing angel from it's grasp. Angel opens his eyes as i was holding him by the waist with one arm "alastor? the fuck?" he was confused but i just could not help myself and hold him in a tight embrace. "angel you are back!" "yeah...though...never do this shit's way to brain messin' for my taste" he jokes as we both chuckle "i promise love, but first we will need to talk to mimzy first" "i would love ta see that" he kisses me with such passion that it startles me. "aaww al, ya dont have ta be so red about it~" he teases as i hid my face into his bood fluff "one more word a-and no more kisses" he fakes a dramatic gasp "i missed ya to my handsome savior~" he cooes. From today onwards was going to be the happiest days of my dead life all over again.

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