Let's talk (to much punishment part 2.2)

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This is the second version i mentioned and i hope you all enyoi. 

No ones POV

It has been a very difficult few weeks for the hotel as Charlie and Vaggie had to step up their game to keep it running along with Husk and Nifty. Charlie and Vaggie knew what had happend and decided to keep themselves out off it, no matter how much they wanted to help them out. But they never saw Angel as he kept himself cooped up inside his bedroom, crying his eyes out, not eating, hardly sleeping and whenever he would try to come out of his room, he would break down again. As for Alastor, he never slept, he hardly took care of himself and lately he has been going on a daily killing spree as he broadcasted it while everyone would only only hear the screams and cries of his victems along with radio static, but Angel was the only one who could her the soft cries of Alastor  hidden in the static. Alastor finally stayed inside the hotel to recuperate his magic while beeing alone with his thoughts again. Charlie and Vaggie sat in the lobby looking up the stairs "do you think, they will ever get back togheter again?" Charlie asks with a worried tone "well it has been weeks since they broke up and none of them have actually had a decent conversation with eachother" Vaggie replied as she diverts her gaze towards Charlie as she saw her eyes sparkeling. "...you're going to meddle arent you..." "yup" vaggie sighs and gets up "alright what's the plan?" "well...".

~Time skip~

Charlie and Vaggie went to Alastor's room first as they opend up the door, seeing it was a mess. Claw marks everywhere, things that were broken or flipped over "alastor?" Charlie calls out "...yess charlie..." Alastor replied from the floor as he layed there sprawled out and staring at the ceiling. "why are you on the floor?" Vaggie asks "please leave me be...let me sink into the depths of my despair" he replied as Vaggie rolls her eyes at this and walked inside his room to practicly drag him to the kingsized room. Alastor crawled into a cornern far away from them as he hugs his knees to his chest. Both girls were suprised at how depressed Alastor looked and acted but still proceeded to continiue with their plan. They went up to Angel's room as they opend the door only to see Angel staring at a wall while he layed on his bed. "heya angel" Charlie sais softly as Angel sits up slowly and looks at them "heya toots...what brings ya here?" he asks as he tries to be cheerful but fails at it. "we came here to show you something" "o-oh really?" "yeah" Angel slowly stood up as he follows the girls even though he was tired, he yawns along the way wondering what could possibly be so interesting they just had to show him. Charlie opens the door as Angel walks into the room only to see it's a kingsized room "ey...what's the big idea" he asks before he turns around only to see the door is closed behind him. He tried to open it , but they locked it. "girls this isnt funny, unlock the fuckin' door" "not until you two talked it out" "two?" Angel turns around to see Alastor standing in a corner and very much suprised to see him.  Charlie and Vaggie stood outside the door hearing them shout at eachother as if all their bottled up anger suddenly exploded towards eachother. "you really think they will work this out?" Vaggie asks "w-well they have to...they are the grown ups after all" charlie replied feeling very uneasy about this. 

~Meanwhile inside~ 

"I PUNISHED YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE CURSING!!" "WELL I DIDNT FUCKIN' CURSE WHEN I WAS ON SHIFT OR WHEN I WAS AROUND YA. YA MADE UP SOME SHITTY ASS EXCUSE TO PUNISH ME!!" "LIKE WHAT?!!". Angel gasps "like what? he asks, LIKE WHAT?! WHEN I ACCIDENTALLY SPILLED YER COFFEE OR WHEN I WAS TALKING TO HUSK ABOUT SEXUAL STUFF AND YA WERENT EVEN THERE YA ASSHOLE!!" Alastor wanted to say something but then stops and thinks a little "i did?" "yer a weird motherfuckin' airhead i swear to lucifer" Angel sais as he stares at Alastor who was still thinking "yess ya did" "...so...this means that i did this to many times over the coarse of time...that might explain why you did not become excited anymore" Angel blushes and huffs while crossing his upper arms. "y-ya shouldnt pay attention to that ya dunce! what i wanna know is why! why did ya keep doin' that?!".  "well simply my dear, it is because i...because i...huh..." "ya dont know do ya" "no no i do know, let me just remember" "sure ya do" "i...do not know why i did that" "i'm geussing ya felt a sertain thing and acted on it" "it might be that" "sheesh al, ya really should learn to control yerself" "i know..." Alastor's mood suddenly changed as he looks down to the ground "and i am sorry for what i have done, just please make it stop" "make what stop?" "this pain inside my chest!" Alastor looks up again with black tears running down his face. 

Angel POV

'holy shit! i never ever seen al cry before and it honest makes my heart ache' i thought to myself as he suddenly falls to his knees "why wont it go away..." "it's called a broken heart al and it's not supposed to go away unless ya move on from it" i kneel down as i wipe away his tears "but what if i do not wish to move on from you" i looks up at me with big red teary eyes while his ears are drooped down "well then yer gonna feel this was longer" "why does this not affect you?" "oh it does al...i just...dont want anybody to see me when i cry" he grabs my lower pair of hands and strokes the back of them with his thumbs "i wish we could be togheter again..." he keeps on crying as i started to cry with him "me to" "...but i treated you horribly and i do not deserve you back". He go of my hands and wraps his arms around himself as he looks down at the floor, i lift his head back up as i make him look at me "then why do ya want me back so badly?" "because you are the only one i truly love, who makes me feel sertain ways i have never felt before. you are precious to me angel dust" i started to blush softly as i stare into his eyes "ya really mean it?" "i do and i want to make you smile more, make you blush more and to hold you in times of need" he keeps on rambeling sweet things to me as my heart started beating. "i am sorry to al" "why would you ever be sorry angel? you did nothing wrong" "i did, i should have told you how i felt. instead i bottled it up and made you suffer for it" "i geuss we both are to blame for this". I place a kiss onto his forehead as he then picks him up "but before we do anything else. ya need a bath mister" "w-wait angel no, i do not need one" "to bad, yer gonna get one" he was struggeling but i held onto him firmly. 

~Small time skip~

No ones POV 

Alastor and Angel sat in the bathtub as Angel sat behind him. Alastor gave up on resisting Angel at this point as Angel was washing him "angel?" "yess al" "will you forgive me?" "well i will forgive ya if yer going to forgive me" Alastor chuckles and leans against Angel "i suppose i can forgive you, for a kiss" "why ya sly little deer" Alastor turns around a little as they both kiss eachother. Though their hands slipped and they fell into the water, when they emerged they looked at eachother and started to laugh seeing how their wett hair made them look. 

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