Silenced by voodoo

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This story is inspired by @Raine-Sama . x3 sorry my brain got jumpstarted with that :3

No ones POV

Angel was getting very annoyed as he had to play charades with everyone while Alastor was very amused at the sight. Angel tried to tell them that he got a voodoo curse placed on him, but they just didnt get it. Alastor already knew what he said but he just didnt tell anyone out of amusement. Eventually he remembers he has a phone on him and takes it out, types something on it and shows Charlie. She reads it out loud "i got cursed by a voodoo demon" they look up at him as he types something down and Charlie was reading out loud again "i was gettin' food for fat nuggets and accidentally bumped into him on my way out. i apologized for it, like you guys keep tellin' me to do and he still got angry. he placed this fuckin' curse on my and now i cant speak or any type of sound" everyone looks at eachother and then at him. "we will find him and ask him to lift it, eventually" she whispered out the last part. Angel didnt know ofcours, but everyone wanted to have some peace and quiet for once instead of the ussual loudness Angel always brought with him. So Angel believed them and waited for them to break it as for him it was emotionally and mentally torment for him not to speak at all. He just felt like he did before when he worked for Valentino, who told Angel what to do or say as Angel himself hardly had any freedom of speach. For the others it was peaceful, but sertain moments annoyed them because he couldnt answer them back and he would just smirk and leave them. Lately though, Angel had come home with bruises or cuts on him as he had to fend for his life again since he cant scream out for help or call anyone. Charlie and Vaggie were the ones to notice this as they told Angel to stay inside, since it would be safer for him. 

Alastor POV

I noticed that lately Angel is a good listener as i have vented out my own problems to him more then once. Ofcours his situation is still hilarious in my eyes, i was searching for my monocle as i swore i was wearing it just a minute ago. I see Angel walking past me as i perk up "angel! would you be a dear and come over here?" i asked as he looks suprised at me before he changed his walking direction towards me. He stops right infront of me as he stares at me "ah yess...uh *clears throat* i have lost my monocle, did you perhaps see it?" i asked as he nods "really? well where is it?" his lower hands move to take something out of my breast pocket and place it onto my face. "oh there it was!" i chuckle 'silly me' i thought to myself as i suddenly felt him place his hand onto my head. I growl but he just gently pets my head affectionatly, wich made me stop growling and be more suprised. The feeling did not last long as he removes his hand and waves with the other before he leaves "o-oh...right! see you later angel" i said as he just smiles. It has been an entire month now since he had this cursed placed on him and it seems to bring out the sides we would never notice. My ears twitch as i cocked my head to the side curiously "interesting" i whispered as i watch him leave. I continiued doing my work now that i had my monocle back.

~time skips~

It has been a week now and i have been around Angel more. He was really helpfull and we never noticed that side either. It was as if we only focused on his flirtatious behaviour and also how loud he was. Beeing around Angel was fun as i learned that he could cook and clean very well. He is an efficient worker and we never noticed this. Although he would only pett my head with affection and i have to say that i liked his gentle touches. Though lately he has stopped doing so as he looked more sad and tired then ussual. Eventually he just stopped coming out of his room, so i brought him food every time and he would eat from it or just leave it outside. I was bringing food  to his room again as i knocked onto his door "angel food is here" his door slightly opend with my knocking. It was afwully silent in his room as i push the door fully open to reveal he was not there, his drawers and closet doors were open as nothing was left inside of it. "a-angel?" my dead heart started to beat in worry as i a step inside his bedroom "angel this is not funny" i say as i looked everywhere in his room. I see a piece of paper and pick it up

~start letter~

To whoever might read this, hello!

If you are reading this then i'm lon' gone now. I found some cabin on the hellnet that is right outside of the city and i have visited it before i bought it. I'm sure none of ya care anyway, i cannot live in a place that gives me the same feeling i did at pornstudios. So that's why i left, for years Valentino had told me what to do or what to say and i felt like a bird in a cage without any freedom. When i started to live here, i felt so free and safe here. But now i can tell that it's just an illusion all of ya created. If i have to stay silent forever then i might as well do it on my own, where i can still be free and who knows...maybey i'll fade away in silence as well. Oh and tell Alastor to glue his damn monocle onto his cute ass face.

yours truly Angel.

~end of letter~

By now i was standing in the lobby as i just stopped reading Angel's letter out loud again. I felt pain inside my chest as i did not understand why i was feeling this pain in the first place. i did come to understand that i felt affectionate towards Angel lately but this pain was new a i did not like it. "what does he mean by fade away? he does know he cant die in hell right?" Charlie replied as it made me recall his last few days "we should find him" Vaggie sais as everyone including me went to search for him. Ofcours i went to work with my nose as i started to sniff around for him, i picked up his scent but i had to go fast as it was clearly starting to mingle with the rest of the scents out there. His scent led me out of the city and into the forest as i stood infront of an old cabin. I blink "this can not be right? he would never choose such a shabby o-" i cut myself off hearing the melody of his device playing as i sigh and walk up closer to look through the window. I only saw another demon who seemed to be a mix between an alligator and a snake as he seems to be saying some words while infront of him was a bed. I silently go to the window nearest to the bed as i peek inside and saw Angel layed on it, but he seemed to be glutching his chest and trembeling. But i took a second glance at Angel and he seemed to be in pain. I looked around for something to distract the other demon, but found nothing. So i send my shadow inside to make some noise and it worked,i opend the door with my magic and snuck up to Angel. He looked suprised to see me, but also looked like he was going to pass out. I cupped his cheek, but my hand slipped through him as my eyes widend in shock. I retreat my hand as Angel seems to struggle to maintain his physicle form, i duck as i see the guy turn around. "angel, just give it up and open up your heart to me. the more you struggle, the more you will fade. but this al can end if you just open your heart to me. I growl softly and use my magic to temporarely blind him before i leap up onto my feet and behead him with my sharp claws. I heard something shattering and then "al...ast...or" Angel's voice came through, but it sounded a little raspy from not beeing used for so long. I turn around and pick him up bridal style "hello there angel". Angel blushes softly as he stares up at me "h-hello alastor". We chuckle and i walk out with him in my arms as i will never let him go ever again.

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