Was it really a game?

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No ones POV

Angel and Alastor had started a game as they would tease eachother in one way or another. But Angel it was a way to convey his secret feelings towards the deer demon and boi has he tried his best to convey them. Angel would always say sweet things towards Alastor while doing little things like touching Alastor's cheek gently, or running his hands through his hair. Alastor just didnt get the hints Angel was practicly dropping right infront of him. Angel then tried one more thing before Alastor headed to sleep for the night. 

Angel POV

I found Alastor on the coutch as he just closed his book and right before he even began to move upwards, i quickly sat down on his lap. "hey al~" i said teasingly as he looks at me still with his smile but his eyes told me he was suprised. "angel, dear~ to what do i owe this pleasure of having your company this late in the evening~" he purred the last part out as shivers ran through my spine. But i kept my mind out of the gutter as i was on a one mans last mission to let him know how i feel with my hints. "lets just say that i needed a cup of ya al~" i said sweetly as he raises an eyebrow but still replied "are you sertain you can handle a 'cup' of me~" he said seductively. 'holy shit!' i thought to myself while i cupped both his cheeks with my upper arms "but then again yer smile sais yess but yer eyes say no, what a lovely combo ya are my dear~" i could tell he was still in game mode and it kinda annoyed me that he still didnt get what i meant. "wouldnt it be lovely to just stay like this, because i do love staring at those blood red eyes of yours~" as i wrap my lower arms around his waist "but if we stay here, then how can we play~" he purred again as it indicated that he still didnt get it. "woudnt it be alot more fun to love what already is 'ere~" i said lovingly as i saw him thinking for a bit as i hoped he started to get what i was saying. "but there is nothing here, if we move around more something might form~" he said seductively again as i felt his arms move around to hold me by the waist. 'he isnt getting it...he never will get it...' i kept smilling as i let his waist go to stop his arms from reaching their destination while i pat his shoulders softly "ya win al, i give up" i said dramaticly as Alastor was taken back by my sudden responce. I get up from his lap "goodnight al" i said as i walk away from him. 

Alastor POV

"ya win al, i give up" Angel suddenly sais as i was taken of guard by this sudden change of heart. "goodnight al" he sais and walks away "goodnight my dear!" i say as he just waves and just up the stairs. 'never knew he would quit this fast' i thought to myself as i shrug it off and gotten up myself. 

~The next morning brought to you by the sun that never existed in hell the first place~

I just left my room fully dressed and a victorious mood as i made my way down the stairs as i greeted everyone in the lobby. "good morning al, you seem rather cheerful today?" Charlie sais as my smile widend "why goodmorning charlie dear. nothing special to note, i just won a game against angel, that is al" i said as she smiled more "oh so that's why angel wasnt flirting these few days" "yess indeedy!" "well i am glad you won" Charlie respond. "speaking of said demon, have you seen him?" "oh yeah, he is waitressing today and flirting at the same time" i look at her confused "how does he do that exactly?" "well...it is better to see then to tell" she responds while leading us back to the dinning area. I fall silent as i spot Angel wearing a pastel pink waitress outfit with an open cut for his fluff, black apron, black frills and buttons,  pastel pink gloves, black stockings but pastel pink high heels. To anyone the outfit would seem harmless as the skirt stops right at his knee's, but i saw him wear this the first time and it suprised me in more ways then one. I saw him flirting with some handsy geusts as a way to stop them from getting out of hand. "i see..." was the only thing i could say "angel!" Charlie calls out to him as he walks over to us "yeah toots?" "it's not like i dont like that you are helping out" "but?" "but do you have to flirt?" Angel chuckles and messes up Charlie's hair "ofcours doll, if ya hadnt notice. some customers are very handsy and my flirting is a diversion to stop them from getting out of hand, ya hear?" "oh...i'm sorry angel" "it's alright toOOOOFF" Angel was pulled backwards by one of the geusts and in result he landed onto their laps. "hello sweetheart~" the demon purred as Angel just smiled "hello, did ya wanna order something?" "only if it's you~" Angel had a soft blush on his cheeks but then smirked "ya cant handle to EAT all of me" he sais in a flirtatious manner. The entire scene just started to anger me as i gripped my staff tighter then before. Eventually Angel handled the situation and was able to get up again before he left to get the next order. 'what was that? why was i so angry...why does he look apatising in that uniform' i thought to myself before Charlie snapped me out of it "al? al! dont forget about our entertaining for this evening. "oh dont worry about that dear, mimzy and angel will be performing this evening" i say but then i realized that i actually forgotten about the whole arangement. Angel did not want to perform that evening unless he could touch my ears afterwards and i have to tell him that i do not feel comfortable about  that. So i waited until his shift was over as he ran to the elevator but i grabbed his hand and i swear it was like a scene from one of my books where the antagonist stops his lover from leaving by doing the same act. I blink as Angel looks at me confused, i had a small wine red blush on my cheeks as i cleared my throat "a-angel you have not forgotten about the performance have you?" "ofcours not al, i wouldnt want to let my fans down" "a-about our agreement" "oh dont worry about that al, i'm not interested in that anymore. i'm just doing it to see those people's reactions" he sais while pulling his hand back. The elevator door opens up as he goes in, but i was to focused on his words that i did not notice him leaving. 'not interested? but...last time he wanted to touch them so badly...' i heard the ding of the elevator as it snapped me out of my thoughts and yet i felt as if something suddenly became out of reach for me, what it was i did not know. I bit on my nail while making my way up to my room as i was wrapping my head around Angel's strange behaviour towards me. He did not flirt, he did not touch me, he hardly snuck glances at me...what in the world happend?

~time skip to Angel's performance~

No ones POV

Alastor sat at a private table close to the stage as he was clapping for Mimzy's performance. The lights on stage went out again "and now ladies and gentlemen it is time for our main performer ANGEL DUST" Everyone clapped as the lights went back on revealing Angel On the stage with a white long wig as it slowly transcended to pink towards the end of the wig, there were also wine red highlights in it. He had dark wine red eyeshadow on along with dark wine red lipstick. He was wearing a anjelica off the shoulder, long sleeved, wine red velvet dress, with a thigh high slight in the dress as his shoe's were dark wine red open heels. His fluff was sticking out a little bit, but not to much as he otherwise would give others the wrong idea's. The music start playing as Angel's hips softly and slowly swayed along with the tunes as he started to sing. 

"The night~" 

"is like a lovely tune~"

"Beware, my foolish heart~"

"How white, the ever constant moon"

"Take care~"

"my foolish heart~"

"There's a line between love and fascination"
"That's so hard to see on an evening such as this"
"For they both give the very same sensation"
"When you're lost in the magic of a kiss"

Alastor was drinking from his wine as he kept staring at Angel, noticing how the lad was dressed to impress. Little did he know that Angel dressed like this to get Alastor's attention for once so he would listen to his song. 

"Your lips, are much too close to mine~"
"Beware, my foolish heart~"
"But should~"

"our eager lips combine~"

"Then let~" 

"let the fire start~"

"For this time it isn't fascination~"
"Or a dream that will fade and fall apart"
"It's love, this time it's love my foolish heart~"

The music keeps playing now as Alastor twirled his glass in his hand iamlessly lost in his thoughts as he felt that same feeling again. The feeling of something important getting farther and farther out of reach and he felt that he needed it so desperatly. Angel started to sing again as Alastor snapped out of his thoughts but he still kept feeling it the more Angel sang.

"There's a line between love and fascination"
"That's so hard to see in an evening such as this"
"For they both give the very same sensation"
"When you're lost in the magic of a kiss"
"Your lips, are much too close to mine~"

"Beware, my foolish heart~"
"But should~"

"our eager lips combine~"

"Then let~" 

"let the fire start~"

"For this time it isn't fascination~"
"Or a dream that will fade and fall apart~"
"It's love, this time it's love my foolish heart~"
"My foolish heart~"

"My foolish heart~" 

"My foolish heart~"

The music started to slowly end as Alastor sat there watching Angel bow when everyone started clapping. Angel had a smile on his face, but to the untrained eyes it would seem like a happy one, but infact it was a sad one and Alastor took notice.

Alastor POV

Angel left the stage as the lights turned off again and the entire place started buzzing with chatter. But those sounds were toned out by my own thoughts as Angel's words from last evening echoed through my mind '"ya win al, i give up"...did i really win? or did you play a new game...a game i dont understand yet?...angel?...why wont you answer me angel?...am i losing said game?...i dont understand...' my thoughts ran wild while i dug my nails into the table as i tried to calm down these thoughts by drinking more wine 'was this ever a game to you...angel?'.

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