Cybernetic love

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I honestly dont know what to call this one, so i picked the first thing that came into my head XD. Also this idea was again inspired by @spiderprovider on twitter, but also by the movie Bicentennial Man, wich was played by Robin Williams. This is just one of a few idea's i have in mind with the same theme. Also in this story Angel is human and it also plays off in a world where those who can afford one, has an android. Angel is very smart in this story and builds androids for a living as he will be building one for himself. Also WARNING!!! there might be sensitive topics in there  along with some NSFW and i will show you when they start and end with these * so enyoi.

Martin = Angel

No ones POV

Martin was in his basement wich is located in his basement, tinkering on a project he has been working on for months. His project was to create an android that could emotionally feel, wich they called him crazy for. But he will show them that his idea was not crazy at all! Ofcours he had to save up large amounts of money to buy the necessary materials, his project looked like a mix of a deer and a human. He did not know why but he just wanted this one to look special...although he knew there were tons of fantasy looking androids out there. But those were factory made ofcours and very popular. He called this Android Ala570R or how he calls it Alastor. He was done brining in the finishing touches as he took a few steps back to take in the wonder he has created. "now for the data" he sais as he connects a wire to the back of the androids head and started the downloading process. The downloading bar had a green color as Martin stretches out tiredly and glances over to the time "this late already? man time flies by when yer busy" he sais before he walks to the stairs leading to the livingroom. He turns off the lights of the basement before he walks up the stairs, he notices the thunderstorms outside "i hope that it wont interfere with my tests tomorrow" he yawns tiredly.

~The next morning~

Martin POV

I felt something poking my cheek as i groan softly and open my eyes, only to be mett with red eyes. I got startled and fell backwards off my bed "goodmorning!" a radio like voice sais. I slowly get back onto my feet as i see my own android standing the with a big smile on his face "...Ala570R?" he cock's his head to the side curiously "goodmorning?" i replied as he perks up by my answer ' is this possible? i didnt even turn him on yet' i thought to myself. "so uh Ala57-" he cut me off by saying "is that my name?" "'s yer prototype name" his facial expressions change to uncomfortable all the while keeping his smile "what's ta matter? ya dont like it?" he seems to be thinking before he replies "well, i do not want to be rude to my own creator but...i do not agree with the name" 'interesting, he took a polite and cautious way of answering me'. I chuckle wich seems to confuse him "dont worry, i was just testin' ya. does alastor fancy ya?" he perks up with a wider smile "yess indeedy!". 'aaawww he's so adorable' i thought to myself before i walk up to him "ya do seem to function properly, although why is yer mouth stuck in a smile" "because your never fully dressed without one!" he exclaims as i blink and stare at him "oke..." i grab his hand and walk to the livingroom only to see a hole where the door to the basement used to be "...alastor..." "i might have been...a tad to rough with the door" he sais as i sigh "atleest tell me ya didnt do anything else in there" "...maybey" "oh for the love of". I let him go and hastely go down the stairs seeing what a mess he made in my lab "...great" i sigh in annoyance. 

~Time skip brought to you by a misschievious Alastor~

No ones POV

Martin had cleaned up his lab with some help from Alastor as he now was assesssing what was wrong with him and why he was talking such a way, but on his laptop since that's what Alastor was connected to before he went to sleep. "what are you doing?" "tryin' to figure out why ya talk so funny" "damn" "what is it?" "ta lightning from last night messed up the downloading...but what did ya download then?" Martin tries to figure it out but suddenly his screen went red and started to malfunction "nonononono" small sparks started to form as Alastor pulls his chair away from the desk when the laptop had a small explosion. Martin sighs "welp...that means i need to get out and buy a new one...along with some grocery shopping" he sais as Alastor grabs his hand "can i come along?" he asks as Martin looks at him in suprise "sure, but i need to warn ya. there are other androids out there that arent like dont take it personally if they dont react the way you do". Alastor was confused as he follows Martin to the frontdoor "ya sure ya wanna come with?" "absolutely!" he exclaims. Martin opens the door as Alastor curiously looks around while sticking close to Martin, Martin however was taking a bunch of mental notes to Alastor's behaviour and mannerisms. Martin had a pleasant day of shopping while Answering Alastor's many questions about absolutely everything he saw or heard. From that day on Martin took Alastor everywhere he went as he slowly began to notice how Alastor gotten alot more attached to him. Until one day he came across Valentino, the richest guy of the street and he owned one of the most expensive androids ever wich was called V0X or how he calls it Vox. "why hello there angelcakes~" he purrs as Martin ignores him and keeps on walking "why does he call you angelcakes?" Alastor asks "i'll explain when we get back home alright?" Valentino grabs Martin by his wrist and towers over him "ignoring those who talk to you is rude angelcakes" he sais as Martin slaps him in the face "stop callin' me that!" "but i love y-" "dont'cha fuckin' dare finish that sentence! ya two timing hack!!". Valentino rolls his eyes "it happend once, sheesh" "YOU DID THAT THREE TIMES...ugh i dont understand why i'm still talkin' to ya! c'mon alastor" Martin sais as he was about to walk away "vox, capture and sedate" Valentino comands as Vox immediatly moves and captures Martin. Vox's bowtie sprays sleeping gas into Martin's face while he was struggeling to get free, Alastor was watching the whole scene unfold as he was not sure off what to do. "w-what's the big...idea..." Martin faints as his entire body became motionless and that's when Alastor suddenly started to move. He forces Vox's arms to open up so Martin would be free, he quickly captures Martin before he hits the ground and back's away as he notices Vox moving. "dispose of the android" Valentino orders as Vox was about to Attack but Alastor immediatly smashes in his screen and immediatly immobilizes Vox. Alastor did not understand why he felt the need to save Martin or why he was so quick to protect him, but one thing was for sure, Martin was safe in his arms. 

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