Is it wrong to love you? (love potion part 2)

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No ones POV

It has only been one month after the 'potion incident' but it did greatly affect Angel and Alastor's day to day life. For the very first time in Alastor's entire hellish life, he started to think about his actions towards Angel and how it affected Angel or how Angel would always say he's fine, act so confident. But recalling everything made Alastor notice even the smallest of hints Angel gave without even realising it or thinking that nobody saw. Then ofcours he recalled the incident and what had transpired back then, he has to admit that even he had painted a wrong picture of Angel. Alastor saw Angel as a basic whore that was doing everything in his power to annoy the bejeebus out of him, but he realises now that he was wrong about Angel. Angel was and still is a kind and romantic soul. But like everyone else in hell, Angel has his own baggage, a baggage that keeps tormenting his mind along with various of little triggers that could possibly lead to break downs. Even so Alastor admits that Angel is strong and is a very good actor when it comes to hiding his true emotions. But ofcours Alastor would never admit towards Charlie that her potion made him see Angel in a different light, the reason for this was for Charlie to understand that she cant just mess around with others lives because she  wants to see everyone getting along and be happy. Meanwhile Angel had locked himself up in his room as he was questioning everything, but at the same time remembering all the different sides of Alastor before the potion turned him into a obsessive demon. Angel and Charlie had a long conversation about what she did and how potentially dangerous it could have been if Angel hadnt figured out that Alastor was under the influence of a love potion. But unlike Alastor Angel was way more harsher then him to make Charlie understand what she did was wrong and how she had no right at all to poke her nose into their bussiness. He knows he was way to harsh towards her but he also knows how Charlie can be if you do it halfassed, he knows she would do it again if she even detects any positive gestures, expressions or wording during a lecture. During the month he stayed inside his room he realized that Alasto was actually a very shy, unexperienced and romantic guy once you peel away the bloody radio demon act of his. Angel realized that he actually loves Alastor and once he realized that, he couldnt stop gushing about him towards his cute pet pig. After that month was over, he left his room as he finally felt ready to get back to work in the hotel. Unbeknown to him that Charlie was at her Father's place as he found out about the missing love potion and was receiving a lecture from him as well, wich meant that Alastor was in charge of the hotel now.

Angel POV

Everything seemed so quiet and yet there was also this sense of peace, wich seemed odd to me. I took the elevator down to the main hallway before making my way towards the dinning area, one i opend the door i was mett with everyone who worked here staring at me as if i had been gone for years. 'heh...i guess i left an everlastin' impact on everyone' i thought to myself before my eyes were locked onto one individual giving around orders in the middle of the room. "why has everyone stopped working? these jobs wont do themselves, now chop chop back to work" Alastor sais in a stern tone while also clapping his hands twice before turning around as our eyes meet. "oh...angel i did not see you there." he sais as i felt my cheeks heating up "y-yeah well i coulndt stay locked up in my bedroom can i now, b-besides i have duties to do inside the hotel as well" i replied. Alastor shook his head as if he was shaking off a bad thought "t-that is great my love, I-I MEAN DEAR" he clears his throat "angel can we talk privately?" he asks as i chuckle and nod. He and i go back to the main hall as nobody was there "so watcha wanna talk about al?" i ask curiously even though i feel a little akward but at the same time like i just want to be in his arms all day long, he clears his throat and looks up at me "how are you feeling?" he asks wich honestly took me by suprise. "i-i'm fine, but why do ya ask?" i couldnt help but question his motives here while he sighed sadly "angel...i want to apologize for my behaviour before the potion incident. i was behaving not behaving like a gentlemen should behave and i do understand if you do not accept my apology" he explains as i then butt in "i forgive ya" he stops talking and looks at me with such a suprised expression "y-you do?".

Alastor POV

I was suprised when Angel said he forgave me that i could not help but ask "y-you do?" he chuckles and takes a few steps closer towards me "ofcours i do. it was yer fault" he replies while he suddenly holds my hands and stares down at me. "um angel?...w-why are you looking at me like that" he chuckles cutely while moving his face closer to mine "yer cute ya know that" he suddenly states as i pull my hands away and back up "well what do you know...time for me to do my chores" i chuckle akwardly  while i felt a blush appearing onto my face "g-goodbey angel" i turn around and practicly run up the stairs. I finally end up at the roof and start pacing around while biting onto my thumbs nail 'what just happend? why is my dead heart beating like there is no tomorrow?' my thoughts kept running wild with many questions but no answers. After some time i had calmed down enough to make my rounds and make sure everything was perfectly fine for when Charlie came back. "hey there smiles" a familiar voice speaks out behind me, i turns around to see it was Angel "ah a-angel, are you already done working?" i asked while he nods with the biggest smile on his face "hey al?" he asks as my ears perk up "yess angel?" i reply. "c-can i be honest with ya?" he sais while his lower pair hands start to pull onto his jacket and his upper hand were fidgeting "ofcours you can my dear" i replied not really knowing why he seemed so nervous now. Angel took a deep breath as he grabs my hands once again with his lower hands while his upper hands were cupping my cheeks now "is this really necessary angel?" i asks clearly beeing confused and annoyed by how many times he had touched me today "yess it's very necessary" he replies. I stare up at him in annoyance while he stares down at me with this soft and loving expression "i love ya al" he sais almost in a whisper, my eyes flew wide open in suprise ofcours "y-you love me?" i stuttered out while he chuckles once again. 

No ones POV

Angel closes the gap between him and Alastor as he kisses him, it seemed like time had stopped for them but the moved on when Angel slowly pulled away. Angel smiled at first until he saw Alastor's radio dial eyes, a massive dark wine red blush covering his face, a unnatural wide smile and ofcours static noises. "uh al?" Angel sais as Alastor didnt reply "al c'mon this isnt funny" once again no reply, Angel shook him but still no change in his facial expression nor would he reply "oh my god i broke him!!!!". Angel Throws Alastor over his shoulder and ran to the bar so he could ask Husk for help "HUSK! HUUUUSK!!!!" Husk groans as he wakes up from his cat nap "what?!" he replies "i broke him!!" Angel sais while place Alastor back on his feet. Husk gets onto his feet and rubs his eyes as he stares at Alastor before he laughs his tail off "what the fuck did ya do to him?" Angel blushes and replies in a flustered tone "i-i just kissed him is all!!"  Husk laughed so hard that he fell backwards onto the ground "c-can ya help me or what?" Angel then asks in annoyance. Husk sighs happily while wiping away his tears from laughing so hard "ye ye i can help" Husk take a small bottle out of a secret compartment in his bar, he opens it and lets Alastor smell the very strong alcohol scent. It was so strong that even Angel had to back away because of it, Alastor snaps out off his state and covers his nose "get that vile scent away from me" he quickly sais. Husk puts the lid back on it and places the bottle back where it belongs, Alastor was rubbing his temples as he looks at me "what happend?" he asks as i blush "well what do ya remember?" i ask in return "i...well you confessed your love for me and then everything went black..." Angel sighs and grabs his hands "i guess i should take babysteps with ya" Alastor looked at Angel in confusion "babysteps?" he was even more confused then before "well yeah, ya kinda froze when i kissed ya". Al's face became red again "y-you kissed me?" he asks "yeah but i promise i'll take babysteps with ya if i want our relationship to work out" he became even redder "r-relationship???" i start to chuckle and hold him close "i want ya to be my boyfriend al". Alastor was confused and suprised at first before he calms down and nuzzles his face halfway into Angel's chest fluff while his tail was wagging like crazy "babysteps sounds fair" he sais softly. Husk rolls his eyes and lays back onto the floor to continiue his nap, meanwhile nobody knew that Charlie and Vaggie saw the entire scene at the bar unfold as they just arrived home. "isnt this cute vaggie, they are finally togheter happily" Charlie sais while Vaggie crosses her arms "but that still doesnt wash away what you did charlie, now up to your room" she replies, "but vaggie...i wanna see this..." Charlie sais while Vaggie drags her up the stairs "they need their privacy" Vaggie then said while Angel and Alastor now sat down at the bar and had a nice conversation getting to know eachother better and holding hands the entire time they talked.

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