Human (version 3)

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In this story Angel a.k.a Anthony gets kidnapped during the last year of his highschool days and Alastor who was his best friend informed his familly, but his dad didnt care about Anthony, then he tried the police but they gave some vague excuse. So no matter how hard he searched, he could never find him. So this story takes of years later when Alastor is a young adult.

Anthony = Angel

No ones POV

Alastor is a famous radio presenter and has set his station at the edges of the woods as he secretly was also the woman serial killer. He also had a few friends that worked at the bar side of the radio station and their names were Husk, Nifty and Mimzy. Husk recently visited a porn club that was run by a certain guy called Valentino as nothing seemed to be off about him or the joint he is running. That is until Husk brought Alastor with him to see if he could get Alastor to relax and come out off his shell more. Even though he knew it was asking for a miracle, but hey! What else was he supposed to do, Alastor stopped drinking at his bar and became very twitchy and almost messed up his last kill. "husk my friend, are you absolutely certain about this?" Alastor asks as he began to sweat nervously "ofcours i'm al, otherwise i wouldnt have fucking bothered to bring you here with me" Husk replies "now go on and mingle" he adds before dissapearing between the crowd of woman. Alastor gulps and just acts his charming way but eventually escapes the pressure of to many female touches and all around the sexual vibes. He had escaped inside a random dimly lit bedroom as he locked the door of it and sighs in relief before he suddenly heard a groan. "mmm...who's there?" someone croaked out as Alastor stiffens up and slowly turns aroundas the person on the bed shifts before slowly sitting up. Alastor suddenly became shocked seeing who the person sitting up at the bed was.

Alastor POV

'can it be? no it can not be...right? he looks so much like anthony...well only one way to find out' i thought to myself "a-anthony?" i croaked out as the person on the bed stopped rubbing their tired eyes only to turn on some extra lights and stare at me "a-al? is that really you?" my smile widens as i run over to him and hold him in a tight embrace "i finally found you!" i exclaimed. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his face into my chest "i missed ya so much al...i never thought i would get to see ya again" his body suddenly began to tremble as he started to cry "hey, ssh, it is oke. i am here now" i reasured him as he looks up at me in such a cute way it would make my heart almost explode. "but i still need to ask dear anthony, how did you end up in this establishment?" "valentino kidnapped me years ago because i refused to be his boyfriend, so he kidnapped me to make me his. then he suddenly had other plans with me...wich is beeing a pornstar for him...". I felt my blood boil 'ofcours he wonder the police never took action, valentino practicly serves them free girls just to keep them out of his hair...well he will not have anthony' i thought to myself as i helped Anthony stand up "e-eum al? w-what are ya doing?" Anthony sais shylly as i only now noticed that he was naked, but also revealed that he had bruises and bite wounds everywhere wich made me even more angrier. I grab the blanket from his bed and wrap it around him "i am taking you away from here" "w-what?! b-but what if he finds me again? w-what if he hurts you?" Anthony starts to panick and hyperventilate "hey, hey! ssshhh, ssshh, focus on my voice dear. i will not let him touch you anymore, nor will you be all alone again. i will protect you and i will take care of you, but you need to calm down first and trust me when i say that you are safe" i held his hands gently as he nods and tries to calm himself down. He seemed to finally manage until Husk i hear Husk calling out for me, i sigh and look out of the window to see the back alley wich gave me an idea "anthony dear, do you trust me?" i ask while cupping his right cheek gently "y-yess i do" "splendid! now grab as much clothes you can and wait at this window here, you think you can do that for me?" he nods with such hope in his eyes before i unlocked his door and left to find Husk. "husk!" "yeah al?!" i see him and drag his his ass out of the establishment "woah there! what happend" "i found him husk! i found anthony" " mean the one you have been searching for years for, that anthony?" "yess" "well holy shit!" "and we are going to bring him back to the radio station" Husk chokes on his drink "us?! you know who he belongs to now right?" "yess" "you do know he will hunt us down if we take him out like that, right?" "this is why nobody will notice he is gone until it is to late" "huh?" "just get the car and follow my directions". Husk sighs and complies as we both get into the car andi tell him how to drive until he stops in the alleyway "wait a did you know this alleyway stopped right at the back entrance of this club?" "i just bothered to look out of the window, now stay here" i get out and make my way up to his room as he was patiently waiting for me. He smiles when he sees me and opens the window "y-ya sure about this al? i dont w-want ya to get in trouble" he sais in a timid way as i smile kindly at him "i am absolutely sure anthony, now come along before someone notices what we are up to" i replied as he nods and leaves his room through the window and follows me to the car. 

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