Love potion

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I blame all of the radiodust fanfic's i read for this one XD 

No  ones POV

Everyone was done with Alastor treating Angel so badly and even if they confronted Angel about this, he just told him that he's used to it from his years of experience or he would say that Alastor is a busy man and needs to vent that anger out towards someone. This did not sit well with them as Angel did try his best to let go of drugs and alcohol and yess it was a slow progress, but atleest he stopped giving his services to others and that was a big accomplishment. So Charlie had this wonderfull idea that she kinda stole from her father's secret potion compartment at their house or as she calls it 'borrowing' it. She shows a small vial with pink liquid in it to everyone there "what the fuck is that?" Husk asks "this is a love potion!" she exclaims happily while everyone else raises their eyebrows "there is no way al will drink this" Vaggie said. Charlie had this mischievious look on her face, that  one look her father would give if he was up to something "well he wont know that he's drinking  it" she sais. Everyone was still confused until she grabs a glas and a bottle of Alastor's favorate brand "we mix these two togheter" she sais with a sinister tone. "i aint fuckin' with his drink" "then i will" she sais while opening the bottle, pouring in the entire bottle and closing it back up before she shook with it. A pink flash happend for a short moment before she sets it down satisfied "and yer sure ta entire bottle was supposed to go in there?" Husk asks as Charlie's smile drops before reading the back of the small bottle. She starts sweating but smiles again "it cant be that bad?" "what can not be that bad, dear?" Alastor asks as everyone got startled by his sudden appearance "t-to raise the price a little bit?" Alastor smiles and nods in agreement "it would not be this bad to do such a thing. it is for the hotel ofcours" everyone nervously laughs before leaving except for Husk who just had to pour in Alastor's drink. Husk wanted to tell Alastor so badly, but he was afraid to be ripped apart by him at the same time so he did what he always did. He chugged down some of his own alcohol to ease his nerves while he watched Alastor drink the entire fucking bottle in a matter of minutes. "Husker my friend i do not know why this tastes so deliciously sweet, but you have outdone yourself" Alastor sais in a happy tone before he got up and left to go back to his room "y-yeah sure..." Husk replies. 

~The next morning~

Alastor POV

This morning was not a good one for me as i had a massive headache. I had already done my morning routine hoping that this headache would go away, but it did not and now i had to leave my room even though i did not want to. I stepped out of my room and closed my door as i slowly made my way down the hall before i came to a halt. Angel stepped out of his room as i stared up at him, seemingly forgetting my headache "good morning angel" i said with my ussual smile as he looks at me with a kind smile "mornin' al" the moment our eyes mett was when i felt it, my heart was set aflame and my smile widend. "al are ya oke?" he asks worry lacing his tone as i shook my head to snap myself out of it "yess yess, sorry dear i geuss i am still half asleep" i chuckled as he smiled in relief "good ta know honey" he started to walk as i follow behind him 'what is wrong with me? why am i feeling this way? and for angel nonetheless...' i thought to myself as i just watched how he walks so gracefully. We stop at the elevator as i kept staring at him until he looked at me, i diverted my gaze elsewhere as he suddenly asks "ya taking ta elevator today al?" i clear my throat "why yess dear...i do not want to look like a half sleeping zombie now would we?" he chuckles more "i geuss not". His chuckle was so adorable as it made my heart flutter every single time, we gotten inside and i just felt like holding his hands and never let go of them. Right when my hand moved towards his hand was when the elevator doors opend, indicating that we arrived at the lobby. I retract my hand and walk out the same time Angel does "goodmorning everyone" i greeted as Angel did the same "mornin'" as he waves at them. 

Angel POV

Everyone dispersed as i walk up to the reception desk as i was stopped midway by Alastor as we had our shift togheter "what's ta matter al?" "how about you greet our geusts today?" he sais as my smile widens "ya mean it?" "ofcours i do" he replied. 'i never get to do this because of him and now he's allowing me to do it? omg lucky day today' i thought to myself as i took Al's place today as greeter and Alastor and receptionist. I kept smilling as i felt all giddy insideand greeted all customers with a happy attitude. Though i cannot shake the feeling someone is watching me the entire time, i shrug it off and kept going until Charlie and Vaggie took over our shift. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat as i noticed Alastor was walking right beside me "ya hungry to?" "very much so!" he exclaims "want me to cook somethin' for ya?" i asked as he looks up at me suprised "you can cook" "ofcours i can. lemme show ya~" i purred out as a soft blush appeared onto his cheeks ' i dreaming this? is he blushing for realls? huh' i thought to myself while making something simple, an omelette wich some vegtables and cheese. He watches me while i am cooking for him. It feels rather nice having him beeing so friendly towards me, i place his plate infront of him along with a cup of tea for him "there ya go". I sit down next to him as i see him poking the omelette "so no meat?" he asks as i chuckle "c'mon al, ya never know what ya like unless ya taste it first" i say as i put some on my fork and point it towards his mouth, he utterly refuses as i shrug and put it inside my mouth. I see him relax until i suprise him with a kiss, shoving the piece inside my mouth into his with my tounge. He struggles but i held him tightly until he swallows it, that's when i pull away "there ya go big boi~" he was all flustered and it looked very cute on him "i-i would have eaten it"he sais in a shy tone "sure ya would" i wink at him as his ears perk up. We eat our food in piece as he actually ate the entire omelette "ya know, next time i will make one with only meat for ya" "you would?" "sure".

~Time skip to 4 days later~

No ones POV

Alastor had been spoiling Angel with his affection along with overprotectiveness. He basicly would treat Angel like a princess and it scared him a little, he hardly had any private moments as Alastor was always there with him. Alastor took Angel by suprise twice in his bed as at the end of it, Angel needed to stay in bed until his body stopped feeling so sore. Angel somehow reconized this pattern all to well and he knew who to ask...just how to get rid of Alastor. Today Angel send Alastor on a shopping spree as he said he needed the things on the list and Alastor happily obliged. Angel ran to the bar and grabbed Husk by his ear "alright husker" his voice low and menacing "ya gonna tell me who's bright idea this was to give al a love potion" Angel growled out in anger by now as suddenly "i-it was me" Angel drops Husk and turns around to see Charlie waving at him with an innocent smile "yer telling me, that it is yer fault that al is obsessive over me now!!!!" he practicly shouted out by now. Charlie nods "how much?" Angel asks "what?" "how much did ya give him?" she shows the empty tiny bottle as Angel looks at her horrified "ya shitting me?! how stupid can ya be to do that?!!" Angel tried to calm down before he took out a bottle with purple liquid in it "what is that?" Charlie asks "the antidote" "w-wait what? but then he will treat you badly again" "i rather have that then having no fuckin' privacy!". The sound of doors opening and closing could be heard as Angel runs up to Alastor "welcome back honey~" Angel said in a lovingly tone as he hugs Alastor "thank you very much my love" he replies. Angel grabs the bags and pushes them into Charlie and Vaggie's hands as they wanted to stop Angel "be good little girls and bring them up to my room" he grins as they sigh and oblige. Angel guides Alastor to the coutch as they sit down on it "al, i gotta tell ya somethin'" Angel sais as Alastor looks up at Angel in confusion "what is it my love?" "...fuck it aint easy when ya look at me all cutely like that...y-ya drank some love potion". Alastor's eyes widen as he looks up at him with a heartbroken look in his eyes "s-so you are saying that these feelings are not my own" "no sweetie" "and i am geussing you had something to do with this?" Anger began bubbeling up "what?! no charlie and the others did, i just found out today" "ofcours they did and now you probably want to ke-" Alastor got cut off by a slap to his face before Angel shoves the antidote into his hands. "that's the antidote ya prick!" Angel's voice sounded hurt as he got up and ran away crying. Alastor rubs the side of his face where Angel had slapped him while looking at the bottle in his other hand. He opens up the bottle before he drinks the entire content inside of it. It emmediatly took affect as he stood up still feeling a little guilty for putting the blame onto Angel who was very much affected by this as he was. Alastor had gathered Charlie and the rest to give them a big old lecture on why they should NEVER attempt to do this anymore while Angel just stayed inside his room avoiding everyone. Though Alastor would never admit it now, but he actually loved the time he spend with Angel before it ended on such a terrible note. 

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