Chapter 51: Seal His Fate

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As (Y/n) woke up, her nose was greeted by the pleasant smell of pancakes, syrup, eggs, and hashbrowns. She rose from her bed, throwing the comforting sheets off of her and yawning. took a nice hot shower to clean herself. It did wonders to relax her tensed state and as she stepped out, she was greeted with a dress laying on her bed, pink in color and quite childish for her tastes. She assumed it was either Takuya or Haru's contribution to her wardrobe this time. Slipping it on, she brushed her hair out and dried it until she was called to join everyone.

She hurriedly slipped on some slippers that were already prepared for her and as she stepped out of the door, she was met with a maid. The woman curtsied to her and showed her to the dining room where there was a lively commotion between the boys, most of it pertaining to Yamato's hogging of the syrup. Upon seeing the girl entering the room, Shota stood up and gave a small bow to her.

"Good morning, (Y/n)!" Takuya said, blushing at her dress, "Do you like it? I bought it just for you!"

"Oh, sure," the girl nodded, taking a seat next to him and Haru, "It's nice, I suppose."

Takuya beamed upon hearing that she enjoyed the outfit, feeling great pride surge and course throughout his body. Haru gave a side-eye to the dress, feeling it was too much work and would've preferred to see her in something more casual. That being said, he didn't say anything about it, he just continued to munch on bacon and sausage.

"It's wonderful to see you, (Y/n)," Shota said, grinning wide, "I didn't get to see you much last night and I'm afraid I won't be very talkative on the plane..."

Upon hearing the boy's fear at the mention of being in the sky, Rei and Yamato gave laughs. While the brunette attempted to at least stifle his chuckles, the blonde let his laughter fill the room without a filter. Shota blushed from his embarrassing fear and looked to the side, in an attempt to hide his face from the others. He felt the need to make comments on their fears, but decided against it, not wanting to make a bad impression on (Y/n).

After breakfast finished, they were escorted to the car where a woman with gleaming golden hair waited, waving at Rei. She had a large smile that seemed to be the opposite of the expression that his brothers wore. They looked at the ground, hoping to avoid any sort of contact with the boy. Yet they weren't so lucky as to avoid the proximity of their younger brother.

"Rei," the woman said, her voice laced with love and affection, "I do hope you'll come home soon. I quite miss having you around. It's so dull."

(Y/n) noticeably saw Ichiro flinch and rub the back of his neck in a somber attitude, feeling some sort of guilt while Kazuki held a straight face. Rei proceeded to give his goodbyes to his mother, hugging her tightly and waving to his brothers, although it seemed more teasing than genuine. As the blonde pulled her into the car, (Y/n) felt Kazuki's deadly gaze on her, one that didn't stop until they were out of sight.

"Don't mind them," Rei chuckled, "They're just jealous."

As they were traveling on the airplane, Shota sat in the back of the seats, trying not to freak out and Takuya sat with him, rubbing his back in an attempt to comfort him. The redhead looked to the girl with a stressed smile in hopes she would come to his assistance and make him forget about his fears, but she only ignored him and walked into the room in the back of the plane. Rei sat on the bed, his hand resting on his forehead.

"Can I help you?" he asked, trying to suppress his joy.

(Y/n) stepped forward, closing the door behind her, and sat on the edge of the bed, looking determinedly at the boy. He gave a chuckle at her serious expression and made room for her next to him, taking her wrist to pull her to himself. Running his hands along her waist and hips, he carefully listened to her words as she spoke.

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