Chapter 52: Strange Behaviors

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(Y/n) began to munch on the apple Haru had given her, feeling it fill her stomach as she walked down the stairs. No one was doing anything in particular, which made her wonder what to do to pass the time. She looked longingly outside, wanting to go back out there and partake in some more fresh air, but the others refused to let her. While they didn't give her an explicit reason, she knew it was because if someone were to see her, they wouldn't be able to keep her to themselves. Or maybe they would. It had been a few days at that point. Perhaps there were people out looking for her. Her parents had to at the very least notice her absence, right?

No, that wasn't likely. They rarely made contact, the two parties constantly working on projects from either school or their jobs. Considering that Haru's family owned the school, it wouldn't be surprising if he kept it quiet that she wasn't attending classes. So the only people left were Yui, who she hadn't seen since Shota had people take her away for whatever reason and Narahashi. The girl paused in her tracks, looking at the ground and hugging herself, trying to contain her unease about him.

He had collapsed on the ground, bleeding out when she was taken away from him. It couldn't have been that he died. Surely, someone would have found him. His brothers would have been the most likely to find him, but she wasn't sure they could have saved him in time. The girl hesitantly walked over to Takuya, figuring if anyone would go easy on her, it would be him. He didn't seem to mind her approaching him, either, sitting up straight and patting the seat next to him on the couch.

"Can I do anything for you?" he beamed.

"Oh...I wanted to know," she paused, seeing the curious look on his face, "What happened to Narahashi?"

The room went silent. Even the dogs became quiet as their master stopped playing with them, making an unsettling feelings bubble up in the (h/c) haired girl's chest. She held at where her heart was a took a deep breath, hoping to be able to continue her explanation. They didn't seem to be fond of her talking to anyone else besides them, and even talking to one of them could turn into a stewpot of jealousy and envy.

"I...he was hurt," she said, focusing her gaze on the table leg of the chair, "I want to know if he...if he'll be alright."

A smirk formed across Yamato's face and he took the newspaper Shota was currently reading and flipped to the front page, placing it right in front of the female's eyes. She flinched, hearing his hand slam on the glass coffee table and slowly looked up at him. His smirk only widened as she did, leaning back in the sofa chair and petting Kiana's belly, making her leg shake in joy.

As (Y/n) took a look at the paper, she saw a picture of Narahashi, asleep in a hospital bed. His expression was far from peaceful and looked as though he was in tremendous amounts of pain. She could see the blood seeping into his clothes, making her pick up the paper and begin to read it. It didn't talk much about him as much as it did about the strange set of circumstances surrounding the mysterious attacker that had gotten him and his father as well as the disappearances around the town. Though, she let out a sigh of relief when it said that he would make a full recovery soon, considering the blow missed his vital organs. Though, she was surprised to see that despite him knowing who the culprit was, he didn't say anything about it. At least, not to the public.

"Yep, he's fine," the brunette chuckled, leaning forward in his chair and snatching away the paper, flinging it back to Shota, "but if you even think about running away from me, I'll make sure he comes out of the hospital in a body bag."

"Liar," Shota scoffed, turning the newspaper back to the page he had been on before it was grabbed from him, "You wouldn't do that. I wouldn't let you anyway."

(Y/n)'s spirits were lifted as the redhead said that, hoping he would protect the blue-haired boy, but they were only crushed again as he gave his explanation for that. Shota didn't seem to notice the despair he'd thrown the girl into, ignoring her reaction. It was like he was dense over considering what to say in a situation such as that.

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