Chapter 85: Panic Attack A request by phantomhive02028

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Tony couldn't find Peter and the idea of that made the father worried, angry, and scared. He and his kid were with the team on a mission but here's the thing, Peter was not exactly supposed to be there. He was supposed to be at home after Tony said to stay put, but Peter being Peter of course had to help.

As he was flying and keeping people out of harm's way, Tony saw that a building was on fire from an explosion and he flew towards it meeting up with Steve and Clint. They knew Peter was on the mission but he turned off his comms, despite personally Tony's better judgement. "Peter ran in there, he heard civilians were trapped" Steve told Tony.

Just as Tony was about to rush into the building and get Peter the hell out of there, the teenager emerged with a woman and child in his arms. Steve and Clint took both the woman and child while Tony stepped forward towards the teen, making him feel so small.

"We'll discuss this later." He said sternly.

Once the mission was over with and everyone was settled at the tower out of their suits and stitched up. Tony walked to Peter's room, opening the door seeing his son reading a book, he closed the door behind him and Peter looked at him.

Tony yelled, "I told you to stay here and you deliberately disobeyed what I said!"

Peter mimicked a tired scoff as he set set his book aside, "So what, I was supposed to sit back and watch as people could be dying?!"

"I'm trying to keep you safe Peter!" Tony sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, "I can't do that when you throw yourself into danger!"

"If I hadn't shown up that mother and her child would be dead!" Peter sighed, "I'm sorry I was only trying to help!"

Tony pinched the crease of his nose. "You can't save everyone Peter! People are going to die, there's nothing you can change about it!"

"Don't you think I know that! I'm not a child dad, I don't always need your protection! You can't even trust me by myself without assuming I'm gonna blow something up!" Peter shouted, he was fuming. How could his own father be mad at him for saving peoples lives?

"Yeah, but you could've gotten yourself killed Peter, this is exactly why you're not ready, this is why I don't trust you, because you don't listen to me when I say something!"

"You don't listen to me either! You just lecture me every time something goes wrong! Some father you are! God I hate you!" In that moment Peter knew he screwed up, his face softened but his expression still held anger.

Tony shook his head, "I'm very disappointed in you Peter, you're grounded for two weeks. No lab time, no hanging out with your friends and no Spider-manning."

Peter exclaimed, "Y- you can't do that I'm nothing without my suit!"

"If you're nothing without your suit, then you shouldn't have it." Tony walked over to Peter's closet opening it and taking the suit and web shooters. He walked back to the door opening it and leaving Peter alone. (Ah the references.)

Tony walked through the kitchen and down to his lab putting Peter's suit and web shooters away and sat down to work on a project.


Meanwhile, Peter sulked to the floor crying, he didn't mean the harsh words he said to his father. It was in the heat of the moment and he desperately wanted to take it back, the more he thought about it the quicker his breathing got.

I'm such an idiot! I should've listened to dad, but I had to be defiant and put on my suit to fight. God, what is wrong with me? I'm such a disappointment, I'm a terrible son, my dad probably hates me, I wanna take it back.

What's the point he's not going to forgive me, I'm a horrible superhero. Maybe the world is better off without Spider-Man. He thought.

As the hurtful words were objected to in Peter's way he began to have a panic attack. He was struggling to breathe hyperventilating so hard he was starting to lose his sight. His tears felt super warm but what was worse was he couldn't stop panicking.


While Tony was drawing up plans to improve his suit F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke, "Sir, Peter is having a panic attack you need to get up to him right away."

Tony bolted up and ran up the stairs and ran all the way to Peter's room, flinging the door open, seeing his son on the floor curled up struggling to breathe. He rushed to Peter grabbing him and pulling him out of his curled position.

"Peter, kiddo I need you to listen to me, hey slow your breathing." Tony whispered.

"I- can't d- dad." Peter stuttered, he could barely speak.

"Yes you can Pete, just find one sound it's okay I'm right here. I'm so sorry about yelling at you like that, I promise you're okay."

Tony went quiet for a second and heard Peter following his breathing, that meant Peter found Tony's heartbeat and was breathing exactly like Tony was. "There ya go bambino it's alright I'm here."

"I'm sorry dad I- I didn't mean it." Peter started to cry again, Tony picked him up and placed him on his bed, he laid Peter down and tucked him under the covers.

"It's okay, I'm not mad anymore." Tony reassured.

He kissed his son's forehead and was about to walk away when he felt Peter grip his hand. "Please st- stay." He said, with his wide brown eyes.

Tony went to the left side of Peter's bed, got under the covers and cuddled with him as they both fell asleep.

The End of Chapter 85

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