Chapter 57

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As soon as we got to the party we reunited with our original group.

"Hey squirt," I heard from behind me.

"Tara!" I squealed and hugged her tight. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Me either!" She replied. "You wanna go play a prank on Daryl?"


"Well, I found these on my run yesterday." She pulled two bottles of shaving cream and two bags of colored craft feathers. "Let's go!" She handed me a bottle of shaving cream and a bag of feathers.

We hid then behind our backs and went up to daryl who was polishing his crossbow near the fire.

"Hey Dare!" I said. I gave him the nickname Dare a while back.

"What's up little one?" He asked.

I smiled at Tara and she nodded. We whipped out the shaving cream and sprayed him all over with it. I giggled and started to throw the feathers.

"You'll both pay for that!" He laughed and grabbed me in a hug. He wiped the shaving cream on me and Tara continued to spray us. When she ran out I was covered in it. When I got loose from Daryl's grasp, I jumped onto Tara, getting her dirty too.

By the end of our shaving cream war, the three of us were covered.

I got on Tara's back and we walked back to where daddy was talking to Michonne, Rick, and the others.

When they saw us, they stifled laughs.

"Ya.....sorry about this Glenn, but here you go!" Tara laughed and handed me to daddy. He hesitated before taking me, not wanting to get dirty.

"Don't worry daddy, you can have some to!" I said and wiped my arm on his shirt.

"Ya thanks Em," he said and people laughed. "Let's go change," he said.

We went home and changed into new clothes. A few minutes later we were back at the party.

"Hey Emmie!" Emily ran up to me.

"Hi Emily!" I said. "This is my daddy, and that's my mom." I pointed to mom who was with Rosita. "Can I go play with Emily daddy?" I asked.

"Sure." We then ran of and sat down by the bonfire.

"Who's that guy? He scares me." Emily pointed to Abraham who was sitting alone.

"That's Abraham. He helped my daddy find me and my mommy after we were separated," I told her.

"Emily!" A woman called.

"Coming! Well, I gotta go," she said and got up.

"Bye," I said.

I got up and sat down by Abraham.

"Hey!" I said.

"You should get back to your dad."

"No, you need to relax, have some fun," I told him. He didn't even look at me. "Look, we are all mad that Eugene lied, but he did it for a reason, to survive. Your a fighter. He's a thinker. Everyone has different skills that help them get by in this world, and that's his. So you can't be mad at him for using the one skill he has. Nobody can make it okay for you, you gotta make it okay somehow," I said and left him.

What character would you like to see more of? Comment and I'll try to make it happen.

The Hope For Survival (Glenn Rhee) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now