Stranger Danger

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Fuyuhikos pov


"oww what was that for?"

"you know what! I told you now to talk to strangers!"

I sighed. I loved my boyfriend to hell and back but he can be really fucking nieve sometimes. Whenever a stranger talked to him he just talks back like it's nothing! Behaviour like that would get you killed in my world!

"what's the problem?" my other partner peko asked.

"pekoooo! Fuyus being mean!" kazuichi said hugging her waist. Peko petted his head and looked at me sternly.

"young master you were not hitting the boy again were you?"

Back when it was just peko and me she would always take my side but since we added kazuichi to the mix she's been saying that I'm being overprotective which is stupid! I'm just looking out for him that's all!

"I had to! Words clearly ain't getting into his thick skull!"

"young master you should never raise a hand to a loved one" peko scolded.

"okay maybe hitting him was a bit much but come on! The kids so god damn naive! Didn't your parents ever teach you not to trust strangers?"

"no" ok wasn't expecting that answer!

"what do you mean no!"

"my parents never taught me that stuff. They never taught me anything actually. They just kinda ignored me" he looked down sadly. I'm starting to feel really fucking guilty.

"kazuichi Im-" I was cut off by sobbing. I looked up to see kazuiki bawling his eyes out.

"kazuichi ! Hey calm down baby" we slowly sat him down and slowly rocked him back and forth in a soothing manner. I thought that the whole childlike thing was part of his personality but its not. His parents neglect has left him with the mentality of a child.

Once he stopped crying I kissed him on the head and smiled. "do you want to get some ice-cream baby?" I asked.

A happy smile immediately spread across his face "yes! Ice-cream! Ice-cream!" he got up and started running.

"kazuichi look both ways before crossing the road!" peko called.

"okay!" kazuichi waited by the road waving at us. Its kinda scary how childlike he is.

"dear god" I muttered.

Peko sighed "it's not going to be easy but we have to take care of him"

"your damn right we do!" I let out a sigh "great now I feel even more protective than before!"

"so you admit that you were overprotective" peko said smugly.

"wha- no! I said I was protective! That is completely different from being overprotective!"

Peko giggled and kissed my cheek. "I love you fuyuhiko" she smiled before walking over to kazuichi.

Wait a minute. Peko called me by my name! She didn't call me young master! I managed to get both of my partners to open up to me. Not a bad job if I do say so myself!

kuzusoudapeko Oneshots Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя