But We Let Go, Take A Deep Breath

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"Catlynn! Do you want cereal?" Elle called from the kitchen. I stumbled out of bed and ran to the kitchen, where Elle was cooking breakfast.

"So, you're making sausage and didn't offer me any. Rude." I said, laughing. Elle grabbed a plate and put a sausage link on it and handed it to me. "Jess! Do you wanna share?" I asked, and I saw Jessica excitedly nod.

She was getting stronger. Which I was so grateful for.

After I wolfed down my cereal and sausage, I ran to my room to get ready for school. Elle grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously. Elle sighed and said, "We need to talk to you."

"Elle, I have school." I said. Anything to get out of this conversation.

"So, um...I've known about this for a while now...you need to go to the hospital today. I'm so sorry, Sunshine." Elle said, hugging me.

I was numb, I was in shock. What was going on? Why did I need to go?

"No..." I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, baby." Elle said. "I didn't want to worry you."

"What is going on?" I cried, running to my room and slamming the door. I shakily grabbed my phone, I needed to talk to someone.

Alice or Evan. They're the only people who understand.

"Call Alice Lee..." I said into Siri. The phone rang for a bit, then I heard Alice say "Hello?"

"Alice...it's me. Cat. Elle...Elle just told me I'm going to the hospital...I don't know why but I'm scared and freaking out." I said. Alice sighed, and said, "It's going to be okay, Sunshine. I know it. Call me if you need to. I love you."

"I love you too." I said, about to cry. Elle opened the door and said, "Hey, Sunshine, I need to talk to you."

"If it's about the hospital, I don't want to hear it." I said.

"Your doctor told me this the last time you were in the hospital. Apparently, you have some sort of blood deficiency that makes your body create too little iron." Elle said.

I had a chronic illness. I went numb, realizing that no one had ever bothered to tell me until 13 years after the fact.

"Then why didn't I know?" I snapped.

"It must've been one of your dad's sick jokes. I thought you did know, otherwise I would've told you sooner." Elle said, stroking my hair.

"What's going on? Why do I have to go in the hospital? I'm scared and I'm freaking out." I said, about to panic. Elle hugged me tight and said, "We need iron to survive so all that needs to happen is a transfusion. They'll sit you in a chair and hook you up to a bag of blood and we'll just hang out until your body has taken in all the blood. I'll be there the whole time and it'll only be a few hours. It'll be just like a dentist appointment."

"I'm scared." I said.

"I know, me too." Elle said, which didn't help at all. I started crying and Elle hugged me.

"I can't do this..." I said, then Elle said, "You can, kiddo. You are the strongest person I know."

"I'm scared it's going to hurt." I sighed.

"Have you ever gotten a shot?" Elle asked, and I shook my head.

"Oh, I know, do you remember when the nurse put in that IV last time you were in the hospital?" Elle asked. I nodded, and said, "Yeah, I hated that. The only reason I didn't freak out was because Jessica was there."

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