Give Me Some Hope Here

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"What?" I yelled, crying. Elle and Jessica stared at each other and Elle hugged me. "I'm so sorry, Sunshine..." she said. I swatted her hand away and ran to my room, crying.

"Cat..." I heard Jessica say, then I heard Elle say, "Give her some space, Jess. She probably has a lot running through her head right now."

I heard Jessica sigh, then say, "But Elle...I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

That did it. I started bawling even harder. I was scared and sad. I took out my phone and made a new group chat with everyone in the Heathers cast besides Elle and Jess. Hopefully someone would give me some answers.

Cat: Did you know about this?
Evan: Know about what? And why aren't Elle and Jess on this chat?
Cat: Elle told me I'm supposed to have surgery tomorrow. I don't know what for and I'm freaking out. Elle refuses to give me any information.
Katie: Sunshine, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.
Cat: Oh yeah, it's totally normal to tell your SEVERELY ANXIOUS daughter that she's supposed to have surgery without giving her any background information or context. You guys are no help.
Katie: I didn't mean it like that. I meant that it might not be as major as you think. Elle knows how anxious you get sometimes. She would've given you time to mentally prepare if it was a major surgery.
Barrett: That probably doesn't help her, Katie.
Evan: Listen, Sunshine, let one of us call you.
Cat: All I'm asking for is some context. What is happening? Do any of you know?
Alice: I do.
Cat: I saw you two days ago, Alice. Why didn't you tell me?
Alice: Let me call you and I'll explain.

I sighed and threw my phone across my room, sobbing. A minute later, it vibrated. Alice was calling me, but I didn't feel like answering the phone.

I heard a knock on the door. I snapped, "What?"

"It's Elle. I want to talk to you. I owe you an explanation." I heard. I sighed and said, "Whatever." and Elle came in and hugged me.

"A hug won't cut it." I said. I usually never get angry at anyone in my family. Elle reluctantly let go of me, and I inched away from her. 

"Something's off with you. You're never this closed off." Elle said.

"I'll tell you what's wrong. You, knowing how anxious I get, decided to tell me I needed surgery the day before it's supposed to happen and you won't even tell me why!" I said. 

" you know how you sometimes get those stomachaches? Those really bad ones?" Elle asked. I nodded, and Elle said, "Well, that's why. The surgery will fix them."

I started to cry, I was getting super nervous. Elle hugged me and said, "It'll be okay, Sunshine. I have an idea. Why don't we pack up your hospital bag?" I lit up and nodded, and Elle grabbed my old tie dye backpack that was on the floor. 

"We need to pack your blankie, that's obvious. What else do you want? There's already a book in here...what else?" Elle said, throwing stuff everywhere.

"Elle?" I asked.

"Yes, baby Sunshine?" Elle asked, concerned.

"I heard Jessica say she had a doctor's appointment tomorrow...will you not be able to come?" I asked. Elle sighed and said, "Jessica's on the phone right now, she's trying to get it canceled. I want you to look at me right now, right in the eye. We will all try to be there with you. I know this is scary for you."

"Promise me?"

"I promise. Now, it's late. Get some sleep. You have a big day tomorrow."


"Sunshine...time to get up." I heard. I rolled over away from Elle, who kneeled on my bed and started rubbing my back. 

"Sunshine, please. I know this is so hard, but you can do it. I believe in you." Elle said. I worked up the courage to get out of bed and put on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. 

"Good girl, Sunshine. And I have good news." I turned towards her, cracking a slight smile.

"Jess got her appointment canceled. She can come with us." Elle said. I squealed a little and grabbed my backpack.


I was in the hospital with Jess and Elle. Elle was filling out a form of some sort while Jess and I were sitting in the waiting room chairs. I was fiddling with my hospital bracelet, holding my backpack between my feet.

"You nervous?" Jessica asked.

"Jess, come on. You know the answer." I said, anxiously fidgeting with my hair. Jessica kissed my cheek and said, "Come on. Elle's waving us over." I looked at Jessica with tears in my eyes and said, "I can't do this."

"Yes, you can. Come on." Jessica said, getting up. I squeezed her hand and walked over to Elle.

It was only then I realized, Jess was walking without her crutches. I smiled at her when it finally hit me.

"Wait a minute...oh my God. Oh my God. Jess!" I cried, jumping into her arms. Jess laughed and said, "It only took you two hours to finally realize it?" Jessica carried me back to the Pre-Operative Hold area, kissing my hair every so often. 

Jessica put me down on a bed, and I got my blood pressure and heart rate checked. After that, I got on Elle's lap, and the nurse talked about the anesthesia. I started getting nervous, and Elle seemed to notice. She nudged me and handed me her hairtie. I started to fidget with it, and it distracted me a little. 

After a few minutes, the nurse handed me a hospital gown and I got changed. When I came back, Elle lifted me into the hospital bed and kissed my forehead. "I'm scared..." I said.

Elle opened my backpack and handed me my blankie. "Here you go, baby." she said. I sighed, and Elle whispered to the doctor, "Can she fall asleep in my arms?" The doctor nodded, and the nurse wheeled my bed down to the OR.

When we got there, the nurse was putting the IV in. I reached over for Jessica's hand and she squeezed it tightly. 

"Okay, Sunshine, I need you to take a deep breath for me." Jessica said soothingly. "Just close your eyes...focus on my voice...there we go. Good girl." Jessica planted a kiss on my forehead then I felt the pinch. When that was over, Jess lifted me into Elle's lap.

Elle squeezed me tightly and said, "You got this, my brave girl." I shook my head and yelled, "I can't do this...I'm sorry..." Elle kissed my nose and said, "I know. I know this is scary, but you're so strong. You're the strongest girl I've ever met." 

I sighed, and Elle said, "I got an idea." She reached over and grabbed my blanket from the OR bed and put it over me. 

Then, she kissed my forehead and started singing.

My eyes started to get heavy, but I wouldn't let them close. 

"Solla Sollew...

AN: As you can probably tell, Solla Sollew is my favorite Seussical song. And Cat's in the hospital again. Whoop de doo. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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