Year Three - Part Five

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It was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the year and personally I couldn't have been more excited. As much as I loved Hogwarts it was going to be nice to get a change of pace and step outside of the castle boundaries. It was a time where I could escape the Slytherins, Professor Snape, my sister, and anything else that was troubling me.

"You're going to ask McGonagall to sign for you?" I asked Harry as we walked to the courtyard. "Good luck with that. She may be nicer to us because we are Gryffindors, but at the end of the day she is a stickler for the rules." I shoved my hands in my pockets to warm them up. The air was getting colder outside already.

"If I had any other options I probably would have tried that instead." Harry frowned at me as he clutched his unsigned form. "But alas, here we are."

"It won't be the same without you Harry. McGonagall needs to let you go." Ron said glumly, "It's never good when I'm stuck with only these two." His frown turned into a smirk when he saw he had offended me. "Only joking, Liv."

"Remember! These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again." McGonagall announced to students as they passed by on their way out of the castle. I handed my permission slip to Filch who was collecting them and checking their validity. Hermione and Ron did the same. We stood off to the side and watched as Harry tried to reason with her.

"A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am either, it would be inappropriate." McGonagall raised her voice. "I'm sorry, Potter. But that's my final word."

Harry turned to us and shook his head sadly, "Forget about it, guys. I'll see you later." We didn't leave until Harry had gone back inside the castle.

"I feel bad." I said as I stared at Harry's back as he walked off.

"Really bad." Hermione agreed solemnly.

"He'll be alright." Ron shrugged, "Let's go. I want to go to Zonko's before the fanged frisbees bite someone."

"The joke shop!" Hermione groaned. "But I wanted to go to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop. I read about it in the Hogsmeade Digest."

"You actually read that thing?" Ron said with disgust. "What's the point?"

"Of course I did, Ron." Hermione said, "I wanted to be prepared for when we got there. Zonko's is very lowly rated and isn't even worth our time. It's better off spent-"

"I don't care what its rated. Some old geezer probably wrote that review. That copy of the digest was ancient."

"Relax you'll have time to do both!" I assured them, "Honestly you two."

The two bickered about which shops to go to the entire way there, and were beginning to drive me mad. I felt relief when I saw the twins and Lee Jordan once we made it to town.

"I've had enough of this." I told them, "Ronald, until you and Hermione stop all this fighting, I am going to hang out with your brothers and Lee."

"Do we get a say in this?" George asked. He said it jokingly, but there was some seriousness underlying in his tone.

"Alright! We got Fern!" Fred said at the exact same time as his brother.

The two boys looked at each other with surprise. It wasn't very often that they were out of sync like that. I walked over to them and Ron and Hermione hardly even noticed. They were still in the heated throes of an argument about where they were going to spend their day.

"I'm starting to feel like a third wheel with those two." I joked. Lee laughed in agreement.

"I know the feeling." George said. Fred glared at him and then he put his arm around my shoulders.

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