Summer - Part Two

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Molly spent the next few days around the burrow in a frenzy. Not only was she worried about the wedding, but someone, probably Ginny, had let her know that the four of us were dropping out of Hogwarts. She went mad trying to get it out of us what we would be doing and begged to know why our education wasn't a priority anymore.

I spent most of my free time putting together party favors. It all felt like a waste of time, but it wasn't a terrible distraction from my own thoughts. Draco Malfoy consumed most of them. I wondered what he was doing at all hours of the day. I desperately wanted to think about anything else, but it felt impossible.

Hermione had managed to slip away from wedding preparation unnoticed the past couple of days. She said she was busy packing all of our stuff to take with us for when we left to hunt the horcruxes. Harry was still protesting over our insistence to come with him, but we were non-relenting.

It was the morning of the wedding and I stood outside watching all of the men put up the tent for the ceremony and reception. They were using magic of course, but it still looked like an impressive feat. Just then a man apparated into the field.

"Bloody hell, what's the Minister of Magic doing here?" George asked.

"Dunno. But something tells me he didn't come to give away the bride." Ron muttered. Scrimgeour walked up to Ron and I hastily and with purpose.

"I'd like to speak with the two of you. And Mr Potter and Miss Granger." He said formally without any introduction.

"Yeah, uh, sure." Ron said. We exchanged a confused glance, "This way." He led us into the house. I sat on the couch awkwardly while Ron went to find our two friends.

"Tea?" I asked hoping to be able to escape for a moment. He declined and continued to study me. It made me very uncomfortable. I was supposed to be getting ready. I hadn't even changed yet and guests would be arriving soon.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?" Harry asked as he entered the room. He wasn't hiding the animosity in his tone.

"I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter." He said as the three of them joined me on the couch. Scrimgeour placed a bag onto the table.

"And this would be...?" Harry asked.

"Don't be coy, Mr. Potter." He turned his attention to Ron, "Mr.Weasley. Would you say you were close to your former Headmaster?" He asked.

"Dumbledore? And me? I dunno. I reckon I was just another Weasley to him. He was always polite." Ron shrugged.

"And you, Miss Granger? How would you characterize your relationship?" He continued to pry.

"We were friendly, not close like Harry, but..." she trailed off because Scrimgeour had moved on.

"You, Miss Fern?" He eyed me carefully again.

"We were on a first name basis, I can say that much to be true." I admitted, "Not much more than that."

"What's this all about?" Harry demanded to know.

"Despite the fact that none of your friends appear to have been particularly close to their recently deceased Headmaster, he saw fit to remember them in his will. Now why do you suppose that would be?" The man looked at us expectantly. We all exchanged curious glances. I was unaware I had been included at all, and Ron and Hermione were feeling the same. Nobody was surprised about Harry's inclusion, except maybe Harry himself.

"Herein is set forth the Last Will and Testament of Albus Percival Wilfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, a device of my own making, in the hope that -- when things seem most dark -- it will show him the light." Scrimgeour pulled out the device from the bag and Ron accepted it.

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