Year Six - Part Three

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Lavender Brown was the last person I expected to be having breakfast with on a Saturday morning, but here she was talking away at me from across the table. I was miserable. I desperately needed my friends to come and save me from this torture.

After a bit of nonstop yammering, Lavender stopped and leaned in close to me. "So..." She paused thoughtfully, "What can you tell me about your friend Ronald Weasley?"

"Why do you want to know anything about Ron?" I snorted. She gave me a pointed look, "Oh... you're serious."

"Dead Serious." She said rather intensely, "You two used to date right?"

I shrugged, "I mean we were twelve. Do you really want to count that as dating? He's like a brother to me. An annoying, whiney brother that eats everything in sight. He doesn't listen... he's arrogant..."

"How about you tell me some positive things instead, Olivia." Lavender frowned, "What are some of his interests?"

"Uhh... he really likes quidditch. He's trying out to be keeper again today."

"Oh! Yes! Quidditch!" Lavender squealed. "What else?"

"He likes... food?" I winced. I wasn't very good at this, "I mean if you baked him something he would certainly eat it?"

"Not good enough." She frowned, "You're one of his best friends. Don't you know anything about him?"

"I know plenty." I frowned, "You know I don't have to be helping you right now."

"Merlin! He's here!" Lavender gasped as she got up from the table right as Ron, Harry and Hermione showed up, "Hi Ron." she said dreamily.

"Uhh... hi." He said back as he sat down in the seat Lavender had just gotten out of. Hermione was frowning intensely as she filled her plate with breakfast. She looked like she might murder her toast with the intensity that she was buttering it.

"Bye, Ron." Lavender giggled as she took off out of the great hall.

"She's mental." Ron said as he grabbed his own piece of toast to start buttering it.

"I think she likes you, Ron." I said. "She kept asking me things about you."

"Like what?" Ron perked up at the idea of someone liking him, though it only made Hermione's mood worsen.

"Like what your interests are."

"And what did you tell her?"

"Quidditch and eating. That's all I could think of." I admitted.

"Well, you're not wrong." Ron shrugged. He was staring at the back of Lavender's head now as she disappeared from his view.

"Enough about Lavender." Hermione snapped causing us to refocus. "Harry, how do you think your first day as quidditch captain is going to go?"

"The number of people who signed up for trials is daunting." Harry admitted nervously. "I dunno why the team's this popular all of a sudden."

"You're joking right?" I asked, "You really don't know?"

Harry shook his head.

"Oh, come on, Harry," said Hermione "It's not Quidditch that's popular, it's you! You've never been more interesting, and frankly, you've never been more fanciable." It was now Ron's turn to look jealous, except this time it was directed at Harry. Hermione ignored him though and continued talking, "Everyone knows you've been telling the truth now, don't they?"

"Yeah." I agreed, "Now everyone knows about You-Know-Who's return being legitimate. Plus you've got that whole Chosen One thing going for you now." I winked as I ate an orange slice.

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