Summer - Part One

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Summer at the Weasleys was slow, which was what we needed after last school year quite frankly. Hermione and I had officially moved in and were sharing a room with Ginny. It was not the ideal living situation, but I don't think I would have traded it for anything else.

Hermione had been having a hard time adjusting to life without her parents. She obliviated them before she came and cried for a week straight. It was as if they had died, and I could imagine why it felt that way. We'd all become a lot closer with the Weasleys, and to each other after that. We were forming our own kind of family bond after putting our own families into hiding. There wasn't much time to wallow in our own self pity. We had a wedding to prepare for, after all.

I wandered the house aimlessly hoping that any Weasley would catch my attention and relieve me of my boredom when I stumbled upon Ron who was looking out the kitchen window and watching his father work in the shed.

"What's he working on?" I asked as I leaned forward. I had to stand on my tiptoes to be able to see. Ron was much taller than me these days and he could easily see without doing too much.

"He's fixing up old radios for The Order." Ron told me. His gaze didn't leave his father. I could hear the faint sound of radio static coming through the open window. "Since so many are on the run these days it helps everyone stay connected. So they know they're not alone."

"Is that going to be us soon?" I asked. "On the run, that is."

"Yeah." Ron laughed, but it was in vain. He looked down at me with a serious look in his eyes, "But we won't be alone. We'll have each other."

"Promise?" I asked as I held out my pinky. He furrowed his brown and looked at me funny.

"What's that about?" he motioned toward my hand. He had clearly never made a pinky promise before and likely had never even heard of one.

"It's a pinky swear." I told him as I grabbed his hand and I made him interlock our pinky fingers, "It's a muggle thing, I guess. It's just a way of keeping promises. Kind of like an unbreakable vow except you get to live."

"Muggles are much more reasonable than wizards." Ron grinned at me.

"Ron, go get your father. We're about to eat dinner." Molly said as she rushed past him.

"But it's so early." Ron frowned.

"I never thought I would see the day you would complain about eating early." I laughed.

"Tonight is the night you go to fetch Harry, so we need to eat early while everyone is still around." Molly told him. There was a loud CRACK and the twins appeared behind her causing her to scream and toss bread everywhere. "Fred! George! Enough!"

"That never gets old." George laughed.

"Hey, Liv." Fred grinned at me. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Well seeing as I live here now." I scowled playfully, "It would be expected you would see me."

"As if this house wasn't full enough already." George said. "And now with Bill and Fleur back home until the wedding... I'm glad we have our own flat to go home to."

"You call that shoebox you live in a flat?" I snorted. "It's a storage room above your shop that you put some furniture in."

"It may be small, but It's our own." Fred said proudly, "We've had to share with five other siblings our whole lives. I'm not going to complain one bit."

"You still have to share with each other." I pointed out.

"Yeah," Fred shrugged and pointed at George, "But he's my twin. He'll never get rid of me."

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